Big surprise

First of all thanks and Merry Christmas to all of you. I have gleaned good ideas and advice from your messages.

Checked into the hospital (had some fatigue). Ended up with sugar count of 30 (ideal is 4-7) That was Tuesday. Today sugar is 6.5. This diabetes thing is new to me. Could use some advice.

God bless you all. Chas.
Charles, TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF. I'm 75 with type 2. Had it since 1985, Now have issues with bi -lateral neuropathy (sp) .Pain gets umbearable at times. Pain killers help however they do a number on the nervous system.Sight comes and goes .Blood vesels in the eyes rupture. finger and arm joints ache .Sugar count goes erratic from time to time( especially when I veere away from the right food intake and little or NO EXERCISE. Legs with to much pain for any excersize. I did quiit smoking after 60 years. Going on 4 months now.INSULIN DEPENDANT .NEEDLES EVERY DAY. No fun at all. Have a lot of encouragement from this great feeling posters. What ever you do , Do it well. You only get to go through this life one time, or so I've been told. Reguards LOU.
this is not a thing you can say I will do tomorow. sence you are new check you're blood often. ONCE you have it under control. this is not a hit and miss thing. 20yrs for me. Now 70 and doing fine. shots twice a day no big thing
join the club was told the same thing last Monday. been doing real good per the blood test. do as they say and change what you eat mine has been coming down with just diet. LOTS of FRESH VEG.GOOD LUCK
that is a hba1c number,ive been up to 23,walked in er with some help on a monday and fell asleep,woke up sometime on will fight this the rest of your life,trust 41,beat cancer twice,and diabetis never ever lets up.i currently have a insulin pump,and do get lazy sometimes,like most people..there is lots of technology to help you,like the pump,and even a cgm,which monitors the blood glucose every 5 min and works in conjunction with the pump.
Sorry to hear that,30 is pretty high.
my wife is type 2 for the last 10 yrs, Is on meds,doing very well,no needles.
I(60) diagnosed myself with D 2 yrs ago(wife has a blood tester)[I suggest you get one too]
I can keep it under control by watching what i eat and how much, to let it not go over 9

Google "DR Bernstein" lots of usefull info and tips by a guy that is living proof one can get old with severe diabetics
Lou I have a friend who is 64 and he has the same things wrong with him. Hang In there, and have a Merry Christmas, and keep on posting. Praying for you Vic.
I know where you are comming from, I was in the same place 30 years ago, I am now 65 yrs. old (almost 66) First thing you want to know "IS WHY ME" Forget that bull and take care of yourself!! You can take care of yourself and live with it or don"t take care and it will kill you a little at the time, stay on your diet, take you meds.{pills/injections) whatever it takes to keep your A1c 7 0r below, go for reg eye exams, if you smoke stop, you can do it, I did. I take 4 to 6 injections a day, humalog everytime I eat and lantus @ bed time, get a good glucose meter and check yourself 2 or 3 times a day, more if you are having erratic control, get a bottle of glucose tablets and carry in your pocket in case you have insulin reaction.This works for me, was @ Dr. last week for check up A1C was 5.2
As a 25 year Diabetic I can only stress ,follow your Doctor or in my case because I have very good medical insurance I see an Physician who is an Endocrinologist,medical orders! Information is available as near as Google. Many instructional books available at the Library or any Book store.>Remember< If it tastes good ,spit it out.I am on Glimepride,a 1/2 pill 2x a day,10 units mc of Byetta Injectable 2x a day and 1x before bed Injection of 22 units mc of Lantus Solstar Insulin and I can have high Glucose or Low glucose any time,,its a battle but is controlable.Nerve Nuropathy in feet ,Heart Desease,PAD and other illnesses are a result of uncontrolled Diabetes.Take care of yourself.JH
Vic. Bless your heart. I really feel so bad when I hear of others getting hit with Diabetes. Hope your friend stays healthy as can be. My bass player had the desease and DEATH took him away.Mental conditions some times go arye(sp) and he wouldn't talk to me. Now that time has passed, and I can undewrstand , and it affects me the same ,the insulin does strange things. Taking painkillers work ,but there comes a terrible outbreak of itching nerves that will drive ya mad if on em to long. Lots of problems associated with diabetes . Wilford Brimley has it also. I just keep on pluggin along with one foot placed in front of the other. Hoping never to trip and fall. I carry a card that stated "I"m not Drunk, I'm diabetic and need assistance",Good Idea if this fellow gets a neckless that states the same thing ,Never know when trouble strikes. Also A small package of sugar/honey even have instant access to a candy part. Carefull not to choke. Dam. Lots to look out for. I'll pray for him as well. Thank you for your prayers. Warmest reguards LOU/
It has some things in comon with drinking. You can fool yourself, but not your liver.

In your situation, it is tough to live by the doctors advise, but it is very important to not try to fool yourself. You will not win that way.

I can talk big, and I can give good advise, but I have never wore those shoes, so I have no idea if I could eat right.

From what I have seen over the years of EMS, is that it is real hard to find your perfect spot. It seems that once you find it, you will do pretty good. And in relation to my first statment, it doesn't ever get better with drinking involved.

Getting on top of it will payback ten fold, and I wish you the best. This will help you find out what you are realy made of. I'm hopeful you have a good support team on your side to help you.
Follow the docs advice. Big thing for type 2 folks, is lose weight and exercise. I find if I watch my weight and exercise every day, I can have a beer now and then, and have some "good" food.
A lot of this comes from the corn sweeteners they stick in everything. We were using non dairy creamers and they all had corn sw.. in them. So we decided to change to half and half and even the lite half and half had corn sw.. in it.

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