Now I've seen everything...


Well-known Member
Turned on the TV while I was letting the skid steer warm up and just caught the end of an ad... for electronic cigarettes! Look just like the regular cancer sticks but you exhale water vapour instead of smoke. Somebody must have way too much time on their hands. They claimed you can use them in bars and clubs. What's next electronic liquor bottles for alcoholics? Dave
my L.E. friends tell me that somehow the crack heads use them best way to quit is cold turkey,why prolong the agony? and its not that bad,im smoke free for twelve years now !
I stopped at a convenience store the other day, and noticed the price of cigarettes- 8 bucks a pack! I quit when they were about a buck fifty, so I guess I'm dating myself. And yet you go to Mickey D's, and the employees are taking turns having smoke breaks- a pack of cigs costs an hour's work- how can they afford it?
A large gas station near me sells groceries, 12 gas pumps there, the works. The cashier told me that the station sells $2000 a day in smokes, yep $2000 a day! I was shocked. At $6 per pack I would go bankrupt. Not only does it kill you but it makes you go broke.
There over $10 a pack in Canada. The stores selling them have to keep out of view though. I don't think anyone under 18 can even buy a lighter here. Lighters are used for lots of things other than smokes, starting camp fires, bbq's, etc. Dave
Yep, the easy smoker, now you can "smoke easy" and it comes in menthonal., or what ever that other kind is, menthol maybe.. you know what I mean. And a life like glowing tip,.
The good thing about them is, you can get the nicotine free cartridges, and just use them to piths off antismoking zealots, at bars and restaurants! Imagine the fun you can witness, as you puff on your pretend cigarette, and watch the aholes whine and protest to their waiter, or Maitre 'd. The only thing better would be a Christmas tree that lights up, on your hat, in a room full of athiests!
Saw it demonstarted at the North American Livestock Expo in Loiuisville, ky-Just a nicotine delivery device with out all the other harmful aspects. May catch on. To each their own
Guru, I think I heard somewhere that the most valuable load a truck can haul is cigarettes. How much would 48 or 50,000 pounds of smokes be worth?Jim
The young Canadians that used to be on our combine crew were buying cagarettes by the armload here in the states because they were so 'cheap'. Jim
Small brands that nobody hears about were not included in the court settlement, so they aren't charging extra to make payments. Also, Indian tribes are selling tax free cigarettes.

Of course, I'm sure that those McDonalds workers are smart enough to find the cheap cigarettes.
I worked at a grocery store in high school and went behind the store after hours to get boxes for a friend that was moving. I was loading them when one seemed heavy and solid. Figured it was full of tightly packed smaller boxes and loaded it up. It turns out that the manager was stealing cigarettes a case at a time by throwing the case out the back door with the other boxes. When I figured out what I had on my hands I dumpsterized it and kept quiet about it. I wonder if anyone ever found it? Same manager was suspected of robbing his own store a few years later...

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