spltting wood

Wife wanted to help. Dropped a block on her foot. Trip to hospital. X ray. Chipped bone. Total time-one and half hours. Cost-$4.00 for parking. Medical system that works.
Com-on Charlie; I posted pics. last weekend of my wife bundled up in her snowmobile suit and a blanket, helping me split wood. We spent 5 Hrs making the two loads of wood in the pics. She froze while up there in the woods, but she will be nice and toasty for the next 5-6 weeks, or until we go back up and do it again, maybe this weekend.
Saw my doctor today. Tendonitus in my left arm. Got a cortozone shot and a perscription for pain. Free parking, $15.00 co-pay for the Dr. appointment,and $5.00 co-pay for the perscription.Not too bad for today"s health care. We have Priority Health for our Health Insurance carrier through work.
I broke my ankle last year, have pretty good insurance, still cost me about $500. And got passed around, had to go 20 miles to a medical center that accepted my insurance, then 20 more miles to the orthopedic surgeon. My physical theraphy consisted of somebody giving me a large rubber band. Our system sucks.
Junior broke his leg in Sept at football practice. My ins paid all but about $1,300. But, the schools ins will pick up all my out of pocket. I think the total was around $8,000.
Got a large splinter in my middle finger knuckle while splitting wood last week. I figured it would heal itself but had to go the hospital when my whole hand swelled up.

I will be billed for:

4 Intravenous antibiotics
Tetanus shot
Hand x-ray
Chest x-ray
Blood tests
Hand ultrasound
Electro cardiogram
The full operating room experience with a knockout dose.
One overnight in hospital.
Two anti-biotic prescriptions

There will be alot of doctor's fees. And the hospital will come up with charges that I am unaware of at this point.

The system stinks. The lawyers, doctors, and insurance companies have ruined health care. I see the doctors as vultures, the hospitals as way over staffed but still make you wait when they feel like it, and the lawyers in the middle stirring the pot.

I had a worse hand injury mowing the lawn when I was ten years old (1955). The doctor made one house call and that was it. Now they want me to go to the hospital everyday to get the dressing changed. I'm not going tomorrow.

The whole system makes me sick. Don't think anybody can cure that. I am typing this with 10 fingers so what do I need them for now.
If it wasn't for my wife (and neighbors), I couldn't get much done at all.
Probably have to move to a smaller place without them, to be honest.
Wife helps split, stack, brings it up to the house...
Got a good one...yet still manage to lightly argue 'bout stuff every now and then.

As far as the medical, I've been like a Tim Allen here, insurance is alright, care is alright, but the politics of it all is drivin me nuts.
Never had so much paperwork in my whole life.
And they still ain't gonna be able to fix me, sounds like.

Oh, I mention occasionally to the wife she should let me have a young girlfriend move in to help with the chores, lol. That goes over well.
I best count my blessings, and keep my mouth shut.

My wife gets out there and helps stack and load the truck. Only problem I kept telling her to not throw over edge of bed. Well pretty soon I heard BANG! Dent in side of bed, #%&*!@#$. She was very upset, so I gave her big hug and kiss told her to not to worry about it and went back to loading. Appreciate all she does, (but I hate the dent) Mike
Spent some time in the Emergency at St. Joe in Ypsilanti, MI and believe me those emergency staff workers deserve every penny they earn. Why bring screeming, out of their mind, rude, vulgar drunks, and drug addicts to emergency?
Actually, Chas no disrespect intended, but your cost for that is considerably higher than you reported. What kind of taxes are extracted from you every year for coverage? In the end you will find that you are paying about as much as we are but have fewer choices as the buerocrats decide what you get for the money they took from you.

While I HATE insurance companies, they are better than gov. control. You can fire an insurance company. You can fight them. Ever try to fire your government?
> In the end you will find that you are paying about as much

Actually, this is not true at all. In the US, we spend almost as much on just our government health care programs (Medicare/Medicaid/VA) per citizen than Canada pays per person for their whole health system.

In 2006, figures in USD:

Total Health Care Costs per person in Canada: $3912 ($2754 from tax money)

Total Health Care Costs per person in the US: $6714 ($3074 from tax money)
Canada's health care covers all their people. I argued your point on this board forever, that other countries higher taxes (if they are) and higher fuel prices pays for health care for all their citizens.
Also foghorn said You can fire an insurance company. You can fight them.. But can you, if you fire your insurance you might be able to get it back if you don't have a preexisting condition or have to wait till open season. You can fight them till your last breath and dollar and may never win.
Doctors and nurses in the Canadian health system don't have the same costs and pay as US doctors, etc. I've talked with Canadian doctors that work here for the higher pay, but only because the hospital picks up a lot of the extra costs they'd have here. They also tell me, along with many canuck citizens, that it's typical to have long waits for needed testing and treatment. The local saying is you can get an MRI for your dog in an hour, but for a human you'll wait 3 months!

I have little doubt there are wonderful things about the Canadian system and equally wonderful things here in the US. The problem seems to me that we keep expecting to be able to buy health "insurance" when what we are buying is a health care plan. Insurance implies coverage for an unexpected event, whereas what we want coverage for is certain care for routine medical needs on up though major illness and accident care. Whats worse, many people expect their "insurance" to cover elective surgery, cosmetic surgery, hair implants, etc.

I don't have a problem with the idea of some sort of catastrophic health INSURANCE underwritten by the Gov't being available for PURCHASE at low cost by citizens AT THEIR CHOICE. I do have a problem with the idea that the taxpayers of the USA should be forced to subsidize or provide a health care plan to those who can't or won't pursue their own plan. I'm already paying for a health care plan for 5 people, why is it right to force me to pay more taxes to cover someone else? That's not a matter of national security or even for the general good of the population. It's a way to cater to a small percentage of our population, and not all of them are taxpayers or contributing otherwise. The current plan, external_linkcare, will add unimaginable and unknown costs to our already unsustainable debt and pathetic economy, perhaps killing off what is left of it. Why? To further a political agenda.


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