OT Watch what ya say!

So last saturday we got a bunch of snow here in NW Wisconsin, I didn't get around to getting the whole sidewalk shoveled. Went to a buddies and had a few beers. When I got home momma was displeased at the job I had done. Cussed me out and shoveled the patio herself, well as I was walking up to her I said "Give me the shovel and I will finish up" , too little too late, she wouldn't stop till she had shoveled everything! As I walked away I muttered to myself, "get me a crystal ball so I know how you want it done and you won't have to tell me" OOOOOOPS She apparently has bionic hearing and heard me, got no supper for two days! She forgave me but it was real cold in the house for a while!!! Watch it boys!!! LOL
I told My wife that hell, now I know she can do that kind of work, she can do it all the time.
It was cold for more than a few days.
My <s>failed</s> first marriage was to the wicked witch of the East.

When she would get mad at me, she would "withhold her affection" from me.

She got mad at me one time and I didn't realize it for over 6 months!
First time my wife did not fix supper because of some feud would be the last. I told her I would only marry once. Did not say I would not divorce.<br. Listened to my mother harp at my Dad for thiry-five years. Something must work. We have been together twenty-three years. We work good together. She never has had to worry about money in the bank or a car/house. I never have to worry about the kids or the home. It takes a team to make things work. I think too many couple are short changing themselves by trying to be too independent of each other. I think it takes one to make a home. My youngest brother has raised the kids and was a house husband. It has worked for them.
I have pulled a bone head move like that more than once. However there is a part I don't get. My first wife was one who fit that bill. She just had fits when I didn't do something they way she wanted. Being a nice guy, I folded and offered to submit.

Well I know what that got me. So this go around I pretty much laid it out "you will be treated the way I am treated" I got cussed out once and not again. I got the cold treatment and, well lets just say I wasn't the one begging.

Getting to old to play those games. Any more if it means that much to her I just ask "why did you ask if you knew I wouldn't meet your expectations?".

The best one was, she commenting on my displeasure with one of her aminals,

"When we dated you loved my aminals. Did you just do that to get a ring on my finger?"

My response was,

When we dated we made love every night and some times twice a day. Did you just do that to get a ring on my finger?"

I didn't hear a word out of her for three days.
Towards the end of my drinking days, SWMBO told me I had a choice: I could give up drinking or I could give up "entertainment behind closed doors."

About a year later, I started gettin' kinda edgy...
Every once in a while mine gets going on something about me, My reponse usually is "Can"t be that bad your still here aren"t you?"
We got 31 years behind us, can"t be that bad.
My wife got mad at me once and was going to leave me, I reached in my pocket and handed her $50. She asked what that was for, I told her gas money. That was over 25 years ago, we'll be married 30 years next June
Must be the eastern blood my ex was the same way.
I told her one time I was going to shut her off.
She said go ahead. I said I would soon as I figured out where she was getting it .

Still runnin a bumper sticker that says.

I still Miss My EX , But my aims Improving.
One winter my wife said she was a leaving.I went and got a couple suitcases and told her I was gonna go warm the truck up so I could take anywhere she wanted to go.Been married 24 yrs now. Hoss
sometimes the silent treatment is kinda nice, i"ve even been known to start an argument just to get my punishment.
Usually it's something she said to me that gets ME gandered up. Then SHE gets the silent treatment. I learned to keep my mouth shut a long time ago. I don't yell or raise my voice. She just doesn't get anything out of me for a couple of days. Was it Winston Churchill that said "Speak softly and carry a big stick"? We've been married for 37 years and are shooting for 50 or 60 as long as I continue to keep my mouth shut. Jim
Whenever I'm packing to leave on the harvest she gets busy digging my bags out of the closet. Then she keeps asking me if I remembered to pack this and this and that item. When I joke about her wanting to get rid of me she'll tell me she's just trying to be helpful. I feel like asking "for what reason", but like I said in the other post, I keep my mouth shut. Jim
once when i was at a man's farm his wife came to the barn as mad as a nest of hornets she ripped into him and all he could say was bbbbuutt
come to find out something had got messed up and she blamed him for it.
turned out the wife was the one who messed things up to start with.
some time later the wife was caught doing her boss on his desk by the bosses wife opps
Oh you can live without them but it works better if first you have learned the lesson the hard way and lived with them for a short period of time.
My wife got made and cut me back to twice a month. I felt bad until I found out she cut two other guys off all together!
Mine moved into her own bed, what I later found out she was also in another one.Is that need or greed or the index finger?.

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