O/T Big Buck Sighting


Well-known Member
I have a 1/3 acre food plot of wheat, crimson and red clover and Austrian winter peas. Last night I went to watch for activity--our season opens Monday. Watched for about a half-hour, when a monster buck stepped out into the plot. There was nothing and then all of a sudden he was there. It was getting toward dusk and he walked into another plot of grain sorghum. I could only see him with binoculars, but watched him for a while. With a rifle, he would have been dead meat, but we can only use a shotgun and that was too far. I'll have to figure out how to get closer. He was at least an eight, maybe a ten. Wide rack and heavy. I saw six does and a smaller buck in the same plot yesterday morning. I smell nenison in my furure. Can't wait till Monday.

Here's a question for you: how is the herd in your area going to get bigger and stronger if you keep taking out all the prime specimens...leaving the lesser quality deer to breed the next generation?

Just something to think about.
Good luck! Don"t start warming up the frying pan. Have seen many a keeper disapear from the face of the earth between now and season opener.
One of them had a distorted set of antlers - easy to identify. Told the guys to be sure to get him. Never seen again. Have his antlers - found them chopping a hayfield the next summer.
Sounds like the same buck I keep seeing on my place. He stay"s out too far to send an arrow to him, but if he"s there on Monday morning, there will be a white cloud of smoke from my loader hanging in the woods.

I saw a HUGE buck last night myself. He was at least an 8 pointer, maybe even 10. I didn't really have time to do an actual count because I was suddenly quite busy pushing the brake pedal through the floor and getting ready to do a hard left. That buck looked more the size of a moose when viewed through the windshield of an Equinox.

A hunter and his friend were sitting in a tall tower stand near the highway early one cold December morning.

Suddenly, a huge buck walked out over the corn they had spread in the low shrubs. The buck was magnificent, a once in a lifetime animal. His rack was huge.

The hunter's hand shook as his mind was already counting the Boone and Crockett points.

Moving quickly, the hunter carefully aimed the Leopold scope on his .300 Win Mag at the unsuspecting buck.

As he was about to squeeze the trigger on this deer of a lifetime, his friend alerted him to a funeral procession passing slowly down the highway. The hunter pulled away from the gunstock, set the rifle down, took off his hat, bowed his head and then closed his eyes in prayer.

His friend was stunned, "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen
you do. You actually let that trophy deer go to pay respects to a passing funeral procession. You are indeed the kindest man I have ever known, and I feel lucky to call you a friend."

The hunter shrugging said "Yeah, well, we were married for 37 years."

I got this one Tuesday. Spotted him in the woods while I was picking corn. A hunter shot him with a bow last year on November 11th and couldn't find him. I found him November 10th this year.
(quoted from post at 03:38:49 11/11/10) Here's a question for you: how is the herd in your area going to get bigger and stronger if you keep taking out all the prime specimens...leaving the lesser quality deer to breed the next generation?

Just something to think about.

Bet you're the life of the party at hunting camp :shock:

It is true though.

True with people and some communities too. Smart, productive ones move out to find a job and contribute to society and the idgits stay back and reproduce and vo.....CHOOSE accordingly.

Most states have there rifle seasons during the rut so the big bucks have a chance to breed then get shot. Cant say the same for bow hunting.
Buzzmann 72...............you obviously are no hunter. The "prime specimens" don't get that way by being dumb. They've already left their "genetics" in the woods for probably 2-4 years.
This was last Saturday, muzzleloader season. Don't know about the big one, but the smaller buck was right tasty. Now where's that bear?

Disclaimer; this is not me, local fellow hunting adjacent to our hunt clubs land here in Beaverdam.

380 lbs 7ft male

Taken Tuesday afternoon.

Should be 1 for the record books in this part of Va.

Gun season opens here on Saturday. Have 5 other guys that will be showing up to hunt on my place. But I do have 15 plus stands set up and some have been on the same tree now for over a decade. Had 2 come in yesterday and they said they watched a 10 pointer chasing does so Saturday should be a good day. Weather guessers say it will be cool all day that day so that should help some also
Wow, you're right Marty.

Above is what I usually see here on my mountain in Albemarle county. Did see some 3" d. scat once. This time of year bears hang around, easy eating. Lots of deer parts left from the guys who hunt here.

Two years ago my guys got a nice bear. Never tasted any so I asked for a small portion. Surprised me, excellent.

Turkeys are all I bother with, and no crack of dawn, making funny noises. I do fine with a head/neck shot at 100+ yds on a nice afternoon. Last year almost no acorns, and a whole lotta snow.

Thought maybe you was talking about this one. This big fell'a just about topped off our over flow freezer. All those little with packages and the brown box is from just one deer. Not bad for Ohio.

"I'll have to figure out how to get closer."

Good luck with dat. Deer that big don't get that big unless they have some place safe to go during gun season. Your best chance is he doesn't get back there in time. My guess is you will not see hide nor hair of him come Monday.

You need to get out there before he go's on hiadis. You know how to use a bow?
A buddy of mine that I work with drove past a medium size buck that had just been hit by a car. He pulled over and made sure it was dead and put it in his van. He brought in the backstraps 3 days ago and I had a piece of it......Man that was good.

I can officially say I ate road kill.
Been hunting this one with a hi-tech stick and string, but he always seems to come out in a different place everyday I hunt him.




Next door neighbor share this pic with me. I generally gun hunt about 600 yds away from where the photo was taken. Needless to say, I will basically be living in a tree for the next 2 weeks or so for gun season. I have about 3 140" bucks and a couple of 120"-130" bucks that I have been watching all summer.


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