O/T New nickname for my wife.........


Well-known Member
My wife and her six older brothers, four of whom survive, have not been charitable with their nicknames for each other over the years.

One is known as "ET", because those are his initials but with different connotations. Another, now deceased, was known as "The Goat Roper" because he once owned an acreage with a wide array of critters, including goats.

Over the last couple of months we have had, on several occasions, possums entering our garage to try to get at the cat food. Each time we've spotted one, my wife has taken a broom and shooed it out of the garage door where I just happened to be hanging out with a 12 guage.

Naturally, my wife has become known as "The Possum Herder".

Years back my neighbor intended to treat her husband to a goose as he leaned over the car engine under the hood. She got me good too. Tools went flying and I jumped so hard that I bashed my head on the hood. Her husband was walking out of the garage with a much needed wrench just as she did that. It was me that stopped over and was helping her husband that she treated to a real good, but unexpected goose as I was lying across the engine. That was embarrassing enough, but when I bent over the engine and asked her to do it again, her husband laughed and she turned purple and went back into the house.

So, how did you get the nickname...goose?

Mark, a real gentelman would have warned her that she had just two hours to --STOP doing that to you!

I know you probably don't get much time to read these posts because you are hanging out under the car hoods alot now days.

I also assume you were greatful her husband was indeed coming out of the garage when the goose took place, instead of not knowing where he was.

Just a kiddin!

That being said, do you know what you are doing under the hood? Or do I need to come help you fix his car?
HaHaHaHa. That happened about 20 years ago. I haven't seen them in years. I honestly forgot about that until I read Goose's topic about nicknames and started wondering how he got his nickname. Life isn't all bad. Some of life's little surprises can be very nice.

Actually, I acquired it in the Marine Corps as an offshoot of my last name, which translated from German means one who raises geese.

In the Corps, sometimes men I'd known for a year or more would ask me what my first name really was. And from some of the inter-service stuff I was involved in in the Corps, I was once told by an Air Force intelligence officer that the KGB would have a file on me, so the KGB probably knew my nickname, too, as well as the FBI. I can still hear that Air Force Captain tell a group of us at an orientation meeting, "Gentlemen, without your knowledge you've been under intense investigation for the last six months to a year. Right now the FBI knows more about you than you know yourself, and, trust me, the KGB knows as much as the FBI". Comforting thought.

It's also been a longtime CB handle.

And every time I see the scene in "Top Gun" where Cruises back seat, "Goose" gets killed I get a twinge 'cause it hits close to home.

Anyhoo, the nickname, "Goose" goes far deeper than a frivolous prank.
When i was in second grade there was a cute little girl with the last name of "Geisler' A familiar name in German communities. We associated it with "geese" and she became "Duckie" It seems that the second grade kids did not know the difference in a goose and a duck. She was my second grade sweetheart. Hope she is well.
Some years after I had served my country I was again living in my home town, population under 300. While shooting the breeze one day with the grain elevator manager he wound up telling me that the FBI had paid a visit to him and others living there not long after I was in the Army.

Seems the FBI was doing a background check for security clearance purposes.

I must have been given a glowing "He's okay." as I was the only Military Policeman in my barracks that had a Top Secret clearance. The others only had a Secret designation.

That came into play one Sunday when I was assigned to convey orders from post headquarters directly to a general at his house. It could only be done by someone with a Top Secret clearance.

Expect it is scary what Big Brother does indeed know about us, especially in the world of Internet and electronics today.
Our neighbor across the road once told me two fellows appeared one day, identified themselves as FBI agents, and began asking all manner of questions about me.

Since the neighbor himself had two sons in the military, he assumed it was for security clearances. He said he gave me a good buildup.
I've always wondered just who all they did question.

Not sure I'd want to dig into the records to find out what all they might have on a person. I much prefer to fly below the radar in this day and age.
I apologize. No harm or malice intended towards you, your family, friends, or aquaintences. I apologize most sincerely.


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