selling item how do you deal with this issue?


Well-known Member
You have item for sale (car tractor boat etc) You get callsand the guy wants to come at night/evenings. Up till 10pm with flashlights and really can't see anything. #2 It is a pain to load implements etc at night. (as you guess i am night blind) I hate to go look at item at night What is wrong with daylight hours????
You could specify daytime only but a lot of people work and can't make it during the day. That's the most common reason for coming in the evening after having supper. Dave
sounds like a p.i.t.a. what are they trying to hide or hide from? I would say No come over at noon and fetch it then,if the guy is working a off shift , do it on a weekend?
I worked a job that the shift was 6pm to 5 am, and with rotating days on and off, I was only off work on Saturday and Sunday every 3rd weekend. Perhaps they're dealing with a similar situation.
Like most of us trying to farm, we have to work day jobs as well. Its not unusual that someone wants to see it at night. When I am selling something, the customer is always right, we"ll load it at midnight if need be.
Like most of us trying to farm, we have to work day jobs as well. Its not unusual that someone wants to see it at night. When I am selling something, the customer is always right, we"ll load it at midnight if need be.
Its easy for guys with free time during the days to say look at it during daylight only. One of my customers works 12-16 hours a day, 13 days on, one day off. Could be your customer has a similar work schedule.....and lots of cash.
I bought my tractor in the dead of night. I had a small window in my work schedule. We used two drivers and got there around 10pm. Finally arrived here around 6:30 Am, returned the rental trailer prior to noon and went back to work. Nice folks, good transaction, tractor froze to ground...

I gave it the first lookover in my driveway!

I've got both sides of this issue. Im naturally a night owl, usually go to bed around 2 and get up around 830. Thats what works for me, and suits hay farming pretty well. Several farms I sell to cant take delivery until at least 10pm when all their clients have gone. I had one guy all last winter that showed up here at 7am, wanting one roll of hay. Made for some rough days, but a sale is a sale.

We live in a 24 hour society now. We have to set what hours we can set, and make what deals we have to. For me, I prefer to try to please my customers.
Are you Amish?????? No electric??? LOL I have a couple of halogen light on stands. I have set them up several times for someone to look at some piece of equipment. If I have room in my shop I just put it in there. Then they can look with lights and heat if need be. As for loading in the dark, around here it is dark at 4:30pm in the winter. I am usually doing cores it the dark anyway.
That is not as bad as I have had lately. A potential buyer said he would be here around 7:30 pm. I waited and no show. He called 4 days later and asked if I had an item for sale. Acted like a different person. I told him it was still for sale so he wanted to come around 7-8 pm. I told him he did not make it the last time, how do I know he will come this time? (caller i.d. is wonderful at times)

If the item for sale is something I really need (want) I have given up a day of farm work to go during daylight hours. Easier to see defects and lesss chance of having complaints later.
Hi jdseller: I found out about a residential site for a single famly home that was 4-sale one evening and decided to take a look... it was about 1AM in January with about a foot of snow cover and near zero degrees but I had a Full moon and could even see my shadow. So I tromped around it, high up on a hill with several big trees and what was left of tall never cut grass and weeds.. etc all after 1AM at night. I was down town in Minneapolis at 9 AM signing papers to buy it. It was a good buy. I don't depend too much on what sellers say & would rather do my own evaluation most of the time even if it's 1AM.. but I was younger then. ag
(Ps: I new the area and where sewer & water lines were plus zoneing requirments in that location but had never thought about or looked at this peice)
Like many others said, some folks have to schedule around work, and night is their only option.

The bright side is, most buyers would rather look at stuff in the daylight, so if they're interested enough to do it at night, they probably really want the item, and you've probably got a sale.
The implement might get sold by the weekend. I want to look at it TODAY, just in case it's something I want/need.

Since I work from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, and usually later than that, I'm probably going to get there after dark this time of year.

Unfortunately, it can't be helped.

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