O/T Poor Parking Place


Well-known Member
Last night I parked my truck on a short spur of my two-track. I've walked and parked there several times. When I came back from checking my wheat, I found the door post and inside the truck crawling with yellow jackets. Further looking discovered a ground nest beside the truck. I sprayed wasp killer on the nest and also the door post. This morning there are still bees in the cab. I'll spray again tonight, but I may have to bundle from head to foot, wear a mosquitoe net and move the truck. Any suggestions?

Yellowjackets can be hard to get rid of. Most bug killers are generally ineffective.

A number of years ago, while living in town, I discovered two underground nests in my back yard. I tried all the usual bug killers and remedies without success. I finally said, "EPA be dammed" and filled both holes with diesel fuel. That did the trick. No more yellowjackets.

Obviously you can't spray the interior of your truck with diesel fuel, so maybe the best suggestion I can make is leave the truck parked with the cab open and maybe the yellowjackets will return to their home nest.
Beside not parking there, a window part way down and spray 15 seconds of electromotive parts cleaner in the window then put a rug over the opening. They will be dead in 15 minutes. Jim
Oh he!!,

Just roll down the windows so they can get out. They don't wanna be any closer to you than you do to them.

Konk or Konk2 will kill yellow jackets,just spray heavey and close the door.As far as moving the truck do it at night when the nest isn't active anymore.

Only other thing to do and I'm sure you don't want to wait that long,if the truck sits in the sun so it gets real hot inside takes 2-3 days and there all dead.
If you found the entrance to the nest. Throw some Sevin powder on it. They will drag it into the nest when they enter and that'll be the end of them in pretty short order. Open the windows to the truck so those inside can go back home.... they'll get the Sevin too.


That's how they got in. I left the window down. this morning, I filled two bottles with sugar water and drilled a hole in the cap. Hopefully, I can lure them out. Not as many around this morning, so maybe they'll leave on their own. I'll try the other suggestions as well. Thanks.

alot of insects can't handle the heat. You may be lucky and park in the sun with windows up for an afternoon and kill them.
I've used that trick many times on ground hives. It's not as exciting as gasoline, but a lot more effective.
They are a wasp and look like the European wasp, if you go at night don't use a white light. Red light ok. Ordinary Vegetable Dust with Carbaryl knocks them in short time.Sprinkle on the nest.

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