Dad's getting a new frame under his truck.... for free!


Well-known Member
Dad got a recall notice in the mail a little while ago for his '01 Tacoma regarding some problems with the frames rotting out too soon. He finally got his truck in for inspection, and sure enough his frame had a few holes rusted through already.

So now his almost 10 year old truck is gonna get a brand new frame underneath it. In the mean time he gets a loaner and his truck will be in the shop for 7-10 days after he brings it in for the frame swap. They need to order the frame which will take some time, and they say it'll be a month or 2 before they'll be likely to get it in.

I think just about his whole truck has been replaced now. He hit a deer with it back in December of 02, and then 2 years ago he put it in the ditch and wiped out the drivers side of the box. Now I think it's just the passenger side door and box side that hasn't been replaced or repainted. And the cab roof.

Now if only they'd recall those blasted seats and give him something more comfortable to sit in....

Anyone else getting a new truck frame courtesy of Toyota?

Donovan from Wisconsin
They bought the truck from a guy I know. Didn't learn the details but he was happy with what he got.
To quote Jeff Foxworthy "If your truck doesn"t have any of its origional parts, you might be a redneck." :) TDF
I had wondered when this would come up here. Last summer I was turning around in back of a Toyota dealership, (wasn't there to buy anything), and I noticed a stack of frames. Since I had heard or read about the rust problem, I figured they must be for the Tacomas. A few weeks ago I saw a truckload on the road that looked the same.
I guess that even squeeky clean Toyoda has quality problems huh?

Its funny how all the Toyoda commercials have people saying how great their car/truck has been since they owned it and all the miles they racked up on it.
Both me daughter and brother sold their Tacomas back for 1.5 times the retail value about a year ago. We owned ours for three years, put almost 40,000 on it, net cost about $300 including sales tax. Shame is, it was a sweet running little truck. Saw the holes myself. Not pretty. Deal made a good down payment on a replacement. At least they're standing by product after ten years.
A fellow I work with has a Toyota. It is currently in for a full frame replacement. I think I would be looking to trade once he gets it back! It's like taking anything apart, seems it never goes back together quite the same.
A few years back, I was doing a back-yard brake job on my Chevy Lumina APV. Noticed a couple pinholes of light leaking through the frame around the front wheel. The next week that car was gone. BUT it was 15 years old, and had 250,000 miles. Probably could have nursed it a few more, as engine and transmission were still good. But with that rust on the frame, I wasn't going to find out. Body was fiberglass, so no rust problems there. Really looked good for it's age and use. Used car dealer offered me $1000 for it as a trade. I don't know whhat age range the Toyotas are having the problems, but nothing lasts forever. This sounds like premature damage though.
How come? If that was a GM, Ford or Dodge you guys would be saying it was the union. I have never heard of that kind of recall on an American brand. Has anybody else?. Now that is a serious recall as far safety goes, another Toyota goof-up. My my!

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