Dragon flies


Well-known Member
I was out checking on a couple corn fields today & noticed a lot more dragon flies than I usually see. Has anyone noticed this or was it just me. Gerald
I remember them being plentiful back in the 1960s and 70s. Seems like they almost disappeared for awhile, but have making a rebound the last few years.
I was scared of them when I was a very small child, but now realize that dragonflies are good to have around -- they eat mosquitoes. And the more mosquitoes they eat, the fewer mosquitoes bite me!
Real close to the 4 th of July our town was overtaken by them for just one evening. They were so plentyful the video camers could capture the massive numbers. No on in our town has ever seen anything remotley like it before.

Like I said, one evening, and they were gone. a few other towns had the same thing on the same night.
Here in N/W WI too. Many times as many as I've seen before. Big ones, too. Often have smaller ones fly into the cab while I'm baling.
Last week there were hundreds of them around the yard, just started swarming around, about two feet off the grass about sundown. Must of been insects coming outta the grass, mosquitos I guess, barn swallows were up above cleaning out the ones that escaped! Pretty cool!
We've had a good crop of Dragon Flies this year.

Some old timers call them "Snake Doctors".
Don't know where that name came from.

I noticed the usual large flock of purple martins/ barn swallows that flew over the fields while I was making hay this summer.

It puzzled me that they didn't seem interested in the many Dragon Flies that were swarming all over the field.

They have been working for us for several yrs. now . In the evenings the nats sometimes get so bad you have to go inside but then the dragon flys come out and in a half hour you can go back out .
And sometimes they land and leave their mark.

And you thought crop circles were odd.......

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