Hows this for neighbors?

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Can"t remember the old adage about bees nesting high(bad winter?) or Low (bad winter)either way there up Sure as all get out, I wouldn"t envy the lineman who has to change the tub.This nest ia ABOUT 3 FT tall(estamating the height of the tub).Not about to climb the pole to measure it, I'll leave it up to you guys who would question the height of the nest. lol. LOU


You need some brake cleaner, kills them instantly on contact. (I am assuming that these are the mud wasps)
Not me pardner!!!Let em die a natural death. Arms are way to short to try and legs are to short to out run em. lol. lou.
(quoted from post at 19:37:31 08/12/10) Can"t remember the old adage about bees nesting high(bad winter?) or Low (bad winter)either way there up



Lou, them ain't bees...... :D Them are hornets.... Make bees look like pets.
BTDT several times! Just quietly sneak up close enough to get a wasp & hornet bomb shooting into the entrance and spray! Don't stop till the bomb is empty! Then watch the dead bees fall out! Give it a few minutes, or until you see no activity, then knock the nest down! That's how it's done by this lineworker now retired and unstung!

PS: Being in a bucket truck makes the sneaking up part much easier, and makes escape much quicker if necessary!

Used to find bees in probably 1 of 4 streetlights when doing streetlight maintenance & repair. Again, just open the cover gently and nail em!

It's sorta like hunting big game! Ya gotta be armed and ready to shoot afore they charge!
(quoted from post at 17:23:34 08/12/10) BTDT several times! Just quietly sneak up close enough to get a wasp & hornet bomb shooting into the entrance and spray! Don't stop till the bomb is empty! Then watch the dead bees fall out! Give it a few minutes, or until you see no activity, then knock the nest down! That's how it's done by this lineworker now retired and unstung!

PS: Being in a bucket truck makes the sneaking up part much easier, and makes escape much quicker if necessary!

Used to find bees in probably 1 of 4 streetlights when doing streetlight maintenance & repair. Again, just open the cover gently and nail em!

It's sorta like hunting big game! Ya gotta be armed and ready to shoot afore they charge!
thats how the older guys i work w/ showed me how to do it shetland. for the big baskets like that, i'm a cable splicer so i have to deal w/ the darn yellow jackets in the black phone terminals you see. those lil suckers will almost always find a way into something, and if you're not prepared look out. its even worse if you are on hooks and can't escape fast enough.
Why would anyone want to destroy a Hornets nest for no good reason?They will catch flies and
various bugs all Summer.Normally sane people can really get stupid when it comes to snakes and bees
Check the wind direction before you fool with that thing. One should always run upwind when pursued by stinging insects. It's the only advantage that you have, and a small one at that.

I had a similar nest in the peak of my house a few weeks ago, and got them from a ladder, with a spray bomb, before daylight. Being frugal, I decided I'd use several partially used bombs, rather than buying a new one. Bomb #1 was about 1/3 full, and it was empty too quick. Bomb #2 had liquid in it, but NO PROPELLANT. Bomb #3 was barely enuf to finish the job. I almost cut and run when #2 wouldn't squirt. They were flying all around me, but no stings.

Seems like I learn my lessons the hard way.

I had one like that right outside the back door on my house. I just let it go to see how big they'd make and it turned out about that size. When I 1st noticed it it was about the size of a baseball. They worked on it all summer. They were a couple feet from the door. I never bothered them, they never bothered me. Come winter I took it down.
Wiping out a hornets nest to keep from getting stung doesn't strike me as "really stupid". I haven't had much luck with trying to work out a truce with hornets- so figure the best defense is a good offense.
I have seen that a few times, I think the warmth and buzzing of the transformer attracts them, I wouldn't kill them unless they are causing you trouble, they are insect killing machines. If you do go after them go in the cool of the predawn morning, they will all be in the nest and youu can eliminate all of them instead of reallt pi$$ing off the ones that try to return to their family home after you killed a bunch of their relatives:>)
the wives tail bout the higher the nest the more snow you will get isnt true we had 3 really high nests last summer only got to plow snow twice all last winter so go figure im in northern pa along the ny border
I just got one of those off of the grandparent's garage about two weeks ago. Three cans of Black Flag and one can of Sprayicide later, I just whacked it with a 2x4 and nobody came to visit me. :D
Glad I wasn't the tree trimmer in Safety Harbor, FL that has been on the news.

Last Saturday he was taking down a tree when he got caught in a "cloud" of africanized bees. His rappel line got caught in a limb, every time he tried to yell to his co workers to cut the line, bees flew in his mouth.

He had over 150 stings. Tuesday they went back to finish the job, the same tree ended up knocking over a power pole. DOUG
We had a nest of "ground bees" as we call them in an old van seat under our main shelter. We got rid of that nest about a week ago after my hired man and I were both stung at different times. They have built another nest nearby and my brother got stung today. I tried the spray bombs on them and it didn't faze them. I guess tomorrow I'll carefully try to find the hole in the ground that they are coming out of.
Hornets love to build nests on xformers. I've seen dozens of them. Maybe they like the humming or something.

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