Wow this last Thursday it was 16 yrs since the OJ slo ride on the California freeway, Sure doesn't seem that long, And he's right where he belongs !! Jim in N M
For people who may wonder OJ is anything but welcome here in Western NY. He is on the "Wall of Fame" at the stadium in Orchard Park (Buffalo) but many many people would not mind seeing that come down in the middle of the night. I think for Bills management it is damned if you, damned if you don"t. I think they are just hoping some vandals will show up in the middle of the night as well. I don"t think the team acknowledges he"s even around (alive). Sports fans are careful to praise any achievements but condemn him otherwise.
"If the glove doesn't fit, you MUST acquit!"

The publicity-hound dolts in the LA District Attorney's office blew a case that should have been a cakewalk. Mostly because some dummy thought it would be a good idea to make OJ try on a glove that everyone already believed was his.
Did anyone ever soak a leather glove in blood then wait for it to dry real good and then try to put it back on again. Just a thought.
I don't think he will visit NY or any place else for a while. He is spending the next decade or so as a guest of State of Nevada, hanging out at Dept of Corrections.
I worked summers during school for a gentleman who had been a movie producer in Hollywood(turned gentleman farmer when I knew him) We would watch the trial while we ate lunch. I asked him one day, " You think he did it" his reply was "NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND" Apparently he had worked with OJ on some TV/ movie projects in years past. Said ol' Juice would be laughing and telling jokes with the cast and crew one minute, then for no reason it was just like someone flipped a switch, He'd go on a rampage. Yelling, cussing, throwing stuff, pushing tables over, etc etc...

Guess there were some flaws in his personality...

You are of course right. But it was inferred in the media years ago he still had support in these parts. I go on the Buffalo Bills official website and listen to sports programs here and everybody here is careful to maintain their distance from him. Can't prove it but I understand the team told him to stay away from alumni functions. The results of the criminal trial has kind of tied the team's hands in removing his name from the "Wall of Fame" as it would offend those who believe in his innocence.
That was just one of many blunders. Moving the trial to downtown LA was another big one. Vincent Bugliosi's book was quite interesting. He said it was the strongest case against a defendant he had ever seen and could have got a conviction just on the chase. He had a disquise, money and a passport but it wasn't even brought up in court. The judge made a lot of mistakes too. They should have had the same judge that did put him away a few years ago. Dave
This is NO different than the azzwipe jones and his merry band of criminals being held up as heroes and role models by the media and idiotic football fans.

The whole of the Cocaine Cowboys operation, from the top on down to the lowest janitor, should be investigated, tried, and jailed, under the RICO (Racketeering Influenced Criminal Organization) statutes. There is no telling how much money the azzwipe jones spends on drugs to keep his players 'happy', as well as bribing city, county, and state officials to keep them out of jail. NONE of their criminal acts ever makes the 'newspaper', yet even when the Dallas Drug Monkeys LOSE, it is front page 'news', if only because your typical football fan is too stupid to find the sports page.
The real sad part of it is that a mostly black jury let a murderer off. And the high priced lawyers convinced the jury that racism got OJ in jail and he was innocent of murder.

That trial was one of the biggest circuses of the 20th century. Sick!

I am glad that he is in prison now for several years.
I put a lot of blame on Judge Ito letting the defense team of lawyers run the court. People are in jail today with less evidence than what they had on OJ. I think the jury had made up their mind before the trial started. Should've had a change of venue and held it in Reno. Hal
He said he didn't do it and would find out who did. I believe him............... Course there may be some delay in that "finding out who".
I worked in the hot sun at 80 degrees in my garden most of the after noon.When fishing with my dog in the morning.Bought a bag of grain for my cow.I dont care to hear about outlaws on this forum.

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