** Electric Fence ?? **


Well-known Member
I seen deer tracks by my garden .. so today I put a electric fence around it .... 3 strands ... 1 strand 5 inch up the next 12 inches up and the 3rd 32 inches up ...
I left it 1 big loop {a continous wire } went around 3 times ...
QUESTION : Will this work ?? or does each cicle need to be seperate ?? can I hook into the wire or does there need to be a break ??
I can't find anyone that wants to touch it...{ and I'm NOT ]
Is there a way to test it { w/o touching } ??

SORRY for ALL the Questions ... haven't been around electric fence ,.. for sometime ...
THANKS for any Advice your willing to Share...

Told my stepson when he was in that age where noone or nothing could outdo him that the horses could hear when the fence was on by the way the tape sounded. He's since grown up and I have a gallagher smartfix but it worked good at the time.
Your wire should be fine as long as it is insulated.

You should be able to get a test light where you get your fence supplies. I accidently touch mine often enough to know it"s working. :) TDF
C'mon now!! Cops have to get tasered as part of their training before they can use tasers. You're basically tasering the deer, so man up and touch it!;^)
for a deer that can jump 6 ft high fence, do you think this is tall enough?
try with an insulated 12-2 line to the ground.You should hear or see the spark.
I always carry a claw hammer when checking fence, make sure the handle is woood or fiberglass, touch the claw on a steel post and the head of the hammer to the wire and you should be able to make a spark jump, like checking a spark plug. Other just have someone hold your hand when you grab the hot wire Ha Ha
I have the same problem with deer in the garden.
I put 2 sets of wires up, one inside the other three foot apart. Out side strand is 36 inches, inside is 12, 30 and 42 incehs high. Also on the outside I put another 2 strands at 4 inches and 8 inches to keep the coons out of the sweet corn. Deer will jump over a single strand at 32 inch wire. Your local farm supply store should have an inexpensive tester. I am using a solar charger and it sure packs a kick if you get too close.
"Will this work?"

Yes and no. Yes, the fence will work with continuous strand- try testing methods below (or shoot the works and get a 79 cent fence tester at the farm store).

No, it won't keep the deer out. They'll just jump over it.

Do some research- as I do recall something about building a deer fence with a certain configuration that will work- its a fence within a fence, I think, and the distances are somewhat critical.
a dog is a lot cheaper and easyer to maintain.If it's just a garden add a wire at around 5 feet off the ground and it will work fine
How big are your deer? 32 inches won"tstop a critter who can jump a 4 ft high wire with 2 feet to spare. Electrically it will work since it is just one long wire as long as all the supports are insulated. You can check it with a piece of grass by holding it between your fingers and letting the tip rest on the wire. Then slowly move the grass to shorten the distance between your finger and the wire. You"ll feel a tingle and that tells you the fence is working. A DVM will tell you the actual voltage.

Make sure you ground the charger per the manufacturer"s directions.
I would give your fence a try. You could go a bit higher on the top wire but once the deer get a zap they get pretty wary of the fence. I use the white ribbon type of wire so it is easy to see. I also run a ground wire below the first ribbon and another one between the ribbons. I just use regular wire and wrap it around each post as I go. The whole fence is fairly quick to put up unless you have an extra large garden.
I have seen the deer hunt for ways to crawl under or jump over a single fence that my brother uses for his cattle. They were even wary after the charger was turned off.
I forgot to add in my post that I have a $3 rummage sale battery operated charger and I just tie it to the upper part of the end steel post and put a bucket upside down over the top. For grounding I attach the ground wire to that same post and the two grounding wires that I have looped around all of the other posts helps carry the ground around. This method might not work for a large garden though but for me it is quick and simple.
My electric fence is just as you describe yours. Mine keeps the deer out just fine,BUT I smear peanut butter on it when I first put it up. Picture a deer licking that fence or putting her nose up close to smell it! That deer won't be back anytime soon to the fence.
I went back to the fence and tied orange ribbon between the post ...
Have been told that deer doesn't like moment around them.. that there not sure of ...
I like the idea of PEANUT BUTTER ... THANKS for sharing ...
I just wasn't sure if ALL the wires would be HOT ... get a checker , next time I get to town ...
THANKS to everone that shared ...
Find some shiny aluminum pie tins. punch a hole in the rim and tie a nut on like a bell ringer and then tie them to the hot wire around your fence. Make sure they don't touch anything. The combination of flash and noise helps scare them off.
Was picking up feed bowls in sheep pasture right behind our garden this evening. Looked up and there was a doe right in the garden, not a hundred feet away. Would have been an easy shot with a pistol. Fortunately, for the doe, I wasn't armed, and I had to clap my hands and scream at her.
Was picking up feed bowls in sheep pasture right behind our garden this evening. Looked up and there was a doe right in the garden, not a hundred feet away. Would have been an easy shot with a pistol. Fortunately, for the doe, I wasn't armed, and I had to clap my hands and scream at her.
Take a long piece of timothy hay , or similar kind of grass.

hold in one hand, and touch lay tip on the fence.

slowly slide grass stem towards the wire and as your hand gets closer you should start to feel a tingle . the closer your hand gets the more it is apparent.

unless you got rubber soiled shoes on.
For a checker, use an old spark plug and spark plug wire. Strip the distributor end off the plug wire and wrap it around your fence wire. Wrap a piece of fence wire around the threads of the plug and stick the end in the ground. Leave it on all the time and the noise and spark may help scare them.
Wood handled hammer or plastic handled screw driver - touch a metal pole with the metal, holding the non-metal part, and slide the other end of the metal to the hot wire. The farther it sparks, the better the fence. If you only hear it & don't see much, it's not very strong.


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