OT: Boy Time Sure Flies!


Well-known Member
Dang, just hit me but I've been with the same company that I started with on June 2, 1976 - yep, that's 34 years! Looked at a couple jobs in between but still here.

Before someone says 30 and out, still KINDA like my position but still looking forward. Let me buy a little bit of fun - new house, couple of tractors, place for the wife and daughter to have animals to tear up, etc, etc.

Hope I don't offend anyone here.

As long as you like what you're doing and the company treats you with respect, I see no reason not to stay as long as you wish. I'll be at 30 years with one company in December. Took a break in the early 80's to go to grad school, but came back in '84 and been here ever since.
Retired last year from the same company I started with in 1964. Been thru three different owners, lots of changes. But I was always treated good, made steady progress and was executive vice president when I retired. Looking back I have exactly zero regrets, I lived where I wanted, liked what I did(most of the time), and worked with a great bunch of people. Working doesn't get any better than that! Dad always said the easiest way to never work a day in your life is to like what you do, and he was right.
I always got bored after about 5 or 6 years in the same place so I would move on and learn something new. Guess that is why I can do all of what I do and know a good bit about a lot of stuff. Now if that would just get me over the poverty level it would be great but do not see that happening. Oh well my dad was a Preacher so we never had much when I was a kid so why should it be different now but hay at least I'm not all that unhappy
One of my helpers told me this winter that I needed to go on vacation and he could take care of things while I was gone. I looked at him and said "you dont get it do you?" He had no clue that I enjoy getting up early, working all day, and going to bed tired at night only to get up and do it all over again the next day. I told him "I'm on vacation every day and if I could be anywhere in the world today, I would be right here feeding my cows in the cold and snow." Time truely does fly when you're having fun so enjoy it jim, and congrats on 34 years of hard work.
I have never worked for a company that treated me with respect.(or any one else!)they alaways treated us like thieves,idiots,lazy bums,etc.I finally said "fu**em! and went to work for myself.I may be starvin',but alleast I'm happy!And now I get some respect!
This post got me to thinking, I have been working for a John Deere Dealership for the last 10 years. First as a grunt in the parts deparment in high school, then as a student in the shop during Tech school, and now as a service tech. Time sure does fly.

Gongrats on the 34 years.

I worked 38 years at my first job before they moved overseas. I have been working 11 years at my second job.

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