Maybe I'm doing it wrong


Applied for a job this morning. Ad said be prepared to talk with HR representatives. So I dress accordantly. There were people applying that have dirty clothes on,some look like they were on their way home from partying. Clothes with holes in them, and one large woman wearing a halter top and shorts and the clothes were barely able to contain her body. Guess I need to start dressing differently for job interviews.
That is why they are still applying. I have watched what comes in for an interview and I was blown away. There were things people came in wearing to interview that I wouldn't be caught dead in. Maybe they need "their sign".
They are hiring at work and it's almost like the freak show seeing some of these people come in. Doesn't anybody take any pride in their appearance anymore?
...went to church a few weeks ago and became uncomfortable. I'm wearing a long-sleeve button down (complete with clip-on tie lol), dress slacks, dress shoes and dress leather coat. I look around and notice people in jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, tennis shoes, etc. and started to wonder if I missed the memo on "Casual Sunday". I finally found two other gentlemen with suit coats on and felt a little more at ease. Whatever happened to "Sunday best"?

Good etiquette,
Not from a "hiring" standpoint, but I was always distressed at the looks of the vast majority of truck drivers....messages of sorts on their shirts/caps that I'm sure wouldn't be presentable to Momma...shirt tails hanging out, etc. What sort of image does that present to shippers/receivers?? I was almost an a## about making sure my shirt tail was in and that my hair was combed. Clothes can't always be clean, but little things can sure speak volumes.

You should see the way kids dress at school. It's unbelievable and disgusting. And I agree about dressing for church. Some people come to church wearing what I might wear working in the yard.
were hireing where I worked, one dude showed up wearing one tennis shoe and one leather boot, said he could only find one of each that morning.
most people on unemployment need to turn in a number of applications a month to maintain benefits

so if you have benefits and a cash job or just benefits and you are lazy you just show up at interviews looking and acting like a slob, no job and still keep government money

we used to take at least 25 app's to find one welder and we paid good and worked 4 10's
My church is casual.......Most people wear jeans, and I of course wear boots, always. The most comfortable thing I own, God knows what I look like with or without clothes.

I do agree that woman that look like hookers and slobs, (men too) should not be at church.

I wear good jeans, with a button down shirt, if it is winter time I will wear a nice sweatshirt in church. (gotta stay warm.)
I'm not big in the church thing as perhaps others are. One of the biggest reasons is because everyone thinks that the way you dress is the important thing. I mean no disrespect for those that do, I was a kid in high school, and the president of our Luther league when one guy wore a pair of jeans to church. I'm not sure why the good L:eek:rd didn't strike him down that day. My my what a ruckus it created with the non judgmental do gooders in the front row of my church.

My big mouth informed the pastor that a church down the street let folks wear jeans, and to add to their sins -- were listening to a gitar in church instead of a organ. The pastor informed me they were praying out of the wrong bible, and would all have eternal damnation.

Now my childhood church has very few folks anymore, and no young ones at all. They still haven't a clue why other churches are gaining in numbers.
kyFarm has it right. These folks are not looking for jobs, just getting the requisite number of applications in to continue their unemployment.

I experienced the same thing almost 30 years ago when trying to hire a clerk for Production Credit Assn. They came in with greasy stringy hair, jam and butter on the application, repulsive odors, etc. But one young lady was well turned out, very sharp in both appearance and presentation, and we immediately offered her the job. After she started, I admitted to being baffled why all these slobs did not clean up for the interview- she just smiled, and told me about the realities of the situation.

BTW, she's an electrical engineer now, and I'll bet all of those other losers are either dead or still on the dole. I asked my dad once about why he worked, when he could do nothing and still get enough money to live from the guvment; he said, "Well, you can survive on public assistance, but its not much of a life."
our church could care less what you ware and i don't think GOD has a dress code it's just good to see some people still have faith. the why we are headed church will be a thing of the past
(quoted from post at 16:58:25 05/20/10)
I do agree that woman that look like hookers and slobs, (men too) should not be at church.

Yes Reverend!!!!! Let us gather at the house of the Lord and pass judgement on our brothers and sisters....... Is there a dress code printed somewhere in the Bible that I missed????

Sometimes you just gotta shake your head...........

My childhood pastor was in the same church for thirty five years. He made things go his way, and all the sheep jumped to his tune.

My first wife was a mwmber of my church, and the pastor was big on everyone elses sins.

My wife was at her brothers wedding, and had a short dress on. As she got on her tippy toes to give her brother a hug, a camera snapped a ---SHOT--. In the picture there was not so much as any doubt that the pastor bent his head down, looking upward to who knows where. It could not have been more perfect if it was in a movie. He was caught red handed looking at sin. We always had a laugh at that from time to time, so we placed it in the wedding photos. My mother in law insisted he could not be capable of such a thing, and suggested we destroy it or we would burn in --- when we died. She also said it had to be a photo that was tampered with by some sick person at the film developing place. I haven't met a guy that thought the same way my mother in law did yet.
Small boy sittin in a diner with his dad. Door opens in walks a man with boot cut wranglers blue chambray shirt big silver belt buckle and a Steson. Little boys eyes got big as saucers, finally worked up some courage and sidled over to the man." Hey MMMister are you a real cccowboy/" "Yep little buckaroo shore nough am"
"BBBut if your a real cowboy, then why you wearin sneakers?"

"Would'nt want folks to think I was a truckdriver."
I was a fraid my reply might be taken out of context by some. I certainly agree that it shouldn't matter how you are dressed to worship and from my standpoint I dress up a little because it makes me feel good and it's how I was raised. If you'll note I don't get to church as often as I should in the first place and on some of those no-church Sundays you might find me in my pajamas at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee listening to the local church service on AM radio. All I'm saying is it shows good character to look your best whatever your "best" may be.

It's all in the raising. I learned early to respect my elders, and shortly there after that if someone had something I wanted, I showed respect to them by manners and dresscode. Goes for job hunting as well as Salvation. He has it, I want it, Honor and Respect never hurt my out come. If I come to your house in flip flops and cutoffs and a holy T shirt you can bet I dont think mutch of you, and dont care what you think of me. See you in the pew? I'll be there. Your all welcome!
And who's feet did Jesus wash? I think you are getting respect of your fellow man and respect of material possesions mixed up.

You are owned by your possesions; do not judge by what a person wears but by their actions. And remember, we are all equal under the grass.
Maybe they have been unemployed for a long time - in other words very poor. A lot of street people get to looking very scarey after awhile. At least they are showing up to apply for jobs. Most unemployment systems don't require you to physically apply for jobs - it's all done on the net now.
When white trash people.........I am talking about women that dress like sluts, and men that look like they just left the redneck saloon at 2am should not be at church until they first go home and shower, (use soap) and where a shirt or sweater or sweatshirt that covers up the belly.

My church is casual, but not trashy.

I pass judgement on others when their appearance is so bad that they shouldnt leave their home. When I go out in public to the store(s) I shouldnt see the freak show at the circus. I am talking about the body art, body piercings, horrible clothes.
Did strike a Nerve with you?
I shouldn't say a word.. BUT..

I have been at my job for 7 years.. When I had my original interview (which I had no idea I was gonna be even asked about a job.. just was at the right place at the right time) I was in my boots, jeans and cut-off tee shirt.. I was looked at and my now boss said "You look like you're ready to go to work" To which I quickly replied where do I need to be, what day and what time?

I then went through the regular stuff to get my job.. and I too, went to the second interview dressed like I was ready to go to work.. boots, clean jeans, clean t-shirt.. (the work comment was made again by a higher-up, and I replied with nearly the same answer.. ) Went for drug test.. started 2 days later.. But, times were better then, and I guess it depends on all circumstances..

As for church.. I go in my boots, jeans, and t-shirt when I go.. (Not nearly enough I will add.) Say what you want.. but it's what I got, and it's what I can afford.. But, as a kid (when I didn't have to afford) we were always quite dressed up. I guess if there's a dress code these days, and I violate it, well I suppose it won't be the only sin I commit.

(quoted from post at 07:58:58 05/21/10) Did strike a Nerve with you?

Naaaa, in fact, I appreciate it ever time I run across someone that thinks and acts like this, Keeps my sundays free for constructive activities........

I believe in and love god, just don't find the need to try and prove it to anyone......How many nerves did that strike????

Have a good weekend.

Another variation on the cowboy/truck driver joke is the cowboys got sh#t on the outside of their boots!! Kinda like you ask some one when a politician is lying and the answer is when their lips move. Same thing goes for a lot of truck drivers!!

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