Yellow corn??


Well-known Member
Just curious. Not a lot of corn in my little area, but what there is was always nice. This year, (it's 47 degrees outside right now) none of it is higher than 4 inches and all has a yellow look. Supposed to warm up to mid 60's on the weekend. Think this stuff will kick in and catch up? Other than just being nosy, I told a guy I wanted a ton of ears. He said if it didn't kick in he would plow it under and if it did grow, he'd more than likely chop it for silage.

Same question for grass....
Hay fields/pastures aren't even shin deep yet. Think it'll kick in later? Plenty of moisture, just brrrrr........... Roadside ditches are waist high (temps from constant traffic???).

Normally Corn turns more of a purple color when its suffering from cold weather. Have You had too much rain? It will probably snap out of it if it is cold weather. One of the best corn crops I've had was hit the 2nd week of June in 93 with 3 nights of below freezing weather, & frost! Cant explain it! Just know it happened.

Not overly wet or dry, just cold for the time of year. So, I guess I can plan on getting some corn then.

Thanks, Dave
It delays it, but it will kick in. tHe grasses will like the moisture when it warms up.

When it is this cold, the small early roots can't find enough fertilizer. So the yellow is a lack of fertilizer; but it doesn't really mean the soil is too low, just that it's too cold for nutrients to flow.

Sunshine & warm temps and with the moisture around, things should look good again in a week.


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