This could get ugly real quick

The entire local news cast tonight was about the oil spill just off the coast and the fact that it is suppose to hit the shore line sometime this weekend. The whole southern part of the state is buzzing. From local fisherman signing up to spread out boom to the governor declaring a state of emergency and asking for funds to deploy 6000 national guard troops.
While the oil is still 3 to 5 miles off the coast; they are predicting 30 knot winds out of the S to SE this weekend with 10ft seas.

While they have tried a few different things already none seem to be working. They even tried setting some of the oil on fire to burn it off before it reaches the shore but those plans have been scrubbed.
Plans now include building a funnel trap to put over the leaking well to trap the 5000 barrels of oil leaking every day till they can drill 2 pressure relief wells.

Just some of the cost........
6 million a day in clean up.
A rig that cost 365 million to build sunk in the gulf.
100 million to drill each relief well.
And lets not forget the lawyers are coming out of the wood work as the suits line up against every company that made one piece that was used on the rig.

I guess $3.00 a gallon gas does not look so bad with liability cost like that.

Only problem is the oil company will collect off an insurance company ,will go begging to the government for a subsidy,and will still collect the higher prices for oil products
I agree with Was JD, the oil company will call this a loss, then say it hurts production so the news media will scream about a shortage and the price will jump overnight by 30 cents, everyone will yell about the jacked up price so in a few days it will come down by about 10 cents and stay. Everyone will go back to business as usual but the price will stay at that new high rate. That is untill the next OMG thing happens and then it will be the same cycle over again.
Dang Ray it took almost 48 minutes for this to be external_link's fault. What happened were you having dinner?
Yep sure did. ANd it just so happened this occured within what 2 weeks of him doing that? How long has it been since something like this has happened?

It's not good at all but when you consider how many rigs are out there and how few times things like this happen they have a pretty good track record....

Yes I did wonder how long it would be before something bad happened in the drilling business after external_link open drilling up. Now they have an argument against drilling.
What scares me is what the public outcry may eventually be if this thing turns out to be even more of a colossal disaster when it starts killing the marine and wild life on the coast. I can imagine the pleas to stop all new offshore drilling and only God knows what else.
Just some of the cost... no offense but no mention of the lives lost.

The numbers are interesting. Maybe we could put the money to better use somewhere else.

Instead of saving the local businesses, fisheries and wildlife, which will all eventually recover, maybe we could use those assets to help save the whole nation.

With the 6,000 National Guard and 6 Million per day budget, we could cover the 350 mile border of Arizona with a man and rifle every 308 feet and pay him a thousand dollars a day to stand in the sun. Let the oil float where it wants.

Just playing with the numbers so don't beat me up too badly.
Yes, could be a real turning point for the future of offshore oil... Sure hope it does not lead to 5 or 8 dollar /gallon fuel.
I heard on the news that the goverment is investigating this as possible sabotage... an explosion they have not found a cause for, and all safety systems failing
Isn't this external_link?
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Get ready, John. It's coming.

external_link just prohibited ALL further offshore drilling "until" the cause of the blowout is "reviewed."

This will be demogauged for decades for political gain.

The argument is over, Jeff.

external_link just announced that ALL further offshore drilling is terminated "until" the cause of the blowout is "reviewed."

And there in lies fodder for the conspiracy people. The timing of many recent events leaves me wondering at times.
"Just some of the cost... no offense but no mention of the lives lost"

I made a post several days ago asking for prayers for the families of the 11 workers missing.
Two people responded.

Sad fact but we have done what we could and must put yesterday behind us and move on to the problems of today.
"News just said that the shrimp fishing was to be opened up no limits"

The oyster guys have been cleaning off their beds for several days. Getting everything in as soon as possible before it is ruined from the oil.
Shrimping is wide open to allow for a glut in the market. This will create a stockpile to sell in the bad times ahead.
Correction needed: Rig belongs to Transocean, contracted to BP to drill in that block. BP would have had company employees on the rig, but Transocean was responsible for operating it and also responsible for the blowout. The media will put BP in the crosshairs because they are "big oil".
Thank you John. My prayers and condolences to those families also. Just didn't want the only true loss to go unmentioned. Everything else is just money.
Hey John,

Just because a prayer wasn't stated in type doesn't mean I didn't send one. I do that a lot and I would think others would do the same :)

I guess external_link was responsible for this BP explosion too. Sorry for the lives lost. Also sorry for all the folks that will lose their livelihoods because of this. No doubt they are working folks like the rest of us that cant afford to be out of a job. I wouldnt worry about BP though. This will be just like Exxon with the Valdez. They have lots of lawyers on retainer and wont pay a dime.
(quoted from post at 04:34:50 04/30/10) Just some of the cost... no offense but no mention of the lives lost.

The numbers are interesting. Maybe we could put the money to better use somewhere else.

Instead of saving the local businesses, fisheries and wildlife, which will all eventually recover, maybe we could use those assets to help save the whole nation.

With the 6,000 National Guard and 6 Million per day budget, we could cover the 350 mile border of Arizona with a man and rifle every 308 feet and pay him a thousand dollars a day to stand in the sun. Let the oil float where it wants.

Just playing with the numbers so don't beat me up too badly.

Good point.

My only thing is the irony, with external_link approving drilling not very long ago, and the platform sinking on Earth Day... hmmm... maybe some messed up ecofreak organization played a role in this? Maybe China or another nation drilling in the Gulf as well (but they're still producing, all US platforms have stopped production). Also, why the swat teams dispatched? Seems fishy. Really fishy.

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