Idaho Farmin' pics

Jeff B.

I see Billonthefarm & a few others, how about the way we do it in Idaho? I'm not a farmer, but these guys do it across the road from my house.




Hey Kansas...take it easy on the folks in Idaho;
After all, the only "Tourist Attraction" in Kansas is the world's largest dug well ! Just proves you guys don't know a tourist attraction from a hole in the ground !!
Hee Hee !
Jim B. in Oregon
Fantastic pics. This site is great. One can see what people are doing across the whole country and beyond day by day, and corespond with them. We sure do have a diversity of equipment and farming methods.
When I lived in Kansas I worked for a wheat farmer part time. He had 3 20 foot one-ways hooked together to work the fields. I could do 160 acres in 10 hours. When growing up we only had 3 and 4 bottom plows.
Now that's some big equipment.

We don't see that around here. Most folks in our neck of the woods are raising cattle.

Enjoyed the pics.

Yup, that's just one more thing we like about this forum. Get to see how folks are farming around the world.
Beautify country and some serious farming equipment.

Think these might be the first photos of Idaho.

Thanks for sharing your photos with us.
I think I've got it figured out- hook everything you own together, then pull it around till you run out of fuel- then park it until you can afford to refill the tanks :>)

That's some serious equipment, right there. Looks like a "one pass" operation. Pretty country, too. Thanks for posting.
That is beautiful country. I"ve been out there a couple of times, West of Jackson Hole near Swann Valley, ID That looks a lot like the tillage equipment that they use in eastern Arkansas. I"ve got a friend that says that he can cover 1000 acres a day, He may be a little windy but at 40" a swath he can cover a lot of ground. It makes my 20 year old equipment look pretty small.
I don't know what a lot of that stuff does. The other rig was a big rig with a tank on it like a fertilizer truck. Not sure what was in the tanks behind the tractor.
Pretty impressive batch of machines, though. How much do you think all that stuff costs to buy?
Big custom operators. Till, plant and fertilize in one pass. Lot of farmers around here are using them. Saves a lot of money.

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