Movie suggestions.


Now that I'm laid up in bed for a few weeks, I was wondering if you could suggest a few good movies on DVD. I've got a little player and lots of time.
Depends on what you are in the mood for. A funny action movie that is in our DVD right now is "G Force". My 6 year old niece got me watching it then wanted to do something else in the middle as she had seen it many times. I made her leave it at our house so I could finish watching it.
One of my faves is " Second Hand Lions".
The " Bourne" series is good too.
Any of the John Wayne movies catch my attention too.
Enjoy your recuperation best you can!
Get well soon!
A couple that come to mind that will guarantee a laugh will be "Caddyshack", and if you don't mind a few F-Bombs, "The Hangover" brought tears to my eyes from laughing.
Any old Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello.
Hi Burnie: I wonder if any "Ma & Pa Kettle" movies were put on DVD? If so, look for a title "Down on the Farm..." They were late 40's to mid 50's approx. After all, this is a Farming website.. Get well soon.. ag
Not really a movie but, "Corner Gas" a Canadian show is a hoot. Available to buy by the season and its G rated if that matters. If you're into old black and white cornball movies Mr Blanding's Dreamhouse is a G rated funny one. Lately I've been seeking out more humor and less drama. I have enough real life drama.
I love that Corner Gas show. The Pilates episode cracked me up.

A good movie for this forum is The Straight Story. Based on the true story of Alvin Straight driving is lawn tractor across Iowa to visit his dying brother in Wisconsin because he couldn't see well enough to drive a car any more. One of my all-time favourite movies.
(quoted from post at 19:03:41 04/02/10) Now that I'm laid up in bed for a few weeks, I was wondering if you could suggest a few good movies on DVD. I've got a little player and lots of time.

Don't watch Broke Back Mountain.....

The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, all the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies you can get (westerns)

get healed up soon.

Neighbor had an ambulance at his house last Saturday, figured he'd had a heartattack. Saw his daughter yesterday and he had fallen off a ladder and broke his back (75 years old).

The kid gets it all. Just plant us in the damn garden, next to the stupid lion.

one of the best lines from Second-hand lions. bill m.
1. Lawrence of Arabia, best movie ever made
2. The Lion in Winter, second best
3. Raising Arizona, very funny
4. Airplane, very funny
5. The Flight of the Phoenix, not the new one but the old one with Jimmy Stewart
6. The Hangover, very funny
7.-10. All the Indiana Jones movies
11. The Maltese Falcon
12. Lonesome Dove
13. Peter the Great, hard to find TV mini series
14. Some Like it Hot
15. Sunset Boulevard
Or go to the Internet Movie Data Base and find their list of the top 100 movies. Get well soon.
Bridge on the River Kwai, truely exceptional

Das Boot, prepare to read subtitles

American Graffiti, you had to be there

Gone With the Wind, a true classic

Casablanca, another classic

Ben Hur, it is Easter

History of the World, Part I, exceptionally funny especially if you know a bit of history

Only good new movie I've seen lately is 'Blind Side'. Don't have to be a football fan to enjoy it. (cleaner than the average movie these days, too)
I agree with most of the other suggestions.

Almost anything with John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.
Blazing Saddles is always on my list.
Month Python and the Holy Grail is as well.
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Dances With Wolves
Midnight Run
Young Frahn-ken-schteen
City Slickers
Grumpy Old Men
Grumpier Old Men
Bernie; I don't have any suggestions Sorry because somethings wrong with my dvd player, everytime I put a movie in to watch and sit down my eyelids go closed.Know anybody that can fix it ? LOL Seriously hope you get well soon. I was down 6 months for a back surgery was never so glad to get back to work. Good Luck Mike
I've been laid up for a few weeks also. Pulled out Quigley Down Under, starring the Sharpes rifle, Also starring Tom Selleck. Also Jeremiah Johnson, and The Mountain Men w/Brian Kieth and Charlton Heston. If you can find it Centennial is a great series, except for the last episode.At 24 hours long, it will kill some major time. Also am watching Gettysburg and The Civil War, (Ken Burns).
Pale Rider, Clint Eastwood
All 6 Star wars movies,
More Clint Eastwood movies.
Marathon Man
Diehard 1 (the sequels sucked)

And of course.....Roots.

Hows that.
If you like some good military movies I'd suggest the "Band of Brother" miniseries, and "Blackhawk Down".
As for something a little different, I suggest any of the Cirque Du Soleil videos, they are truly amazing. It's a bunch of Circus shows based out of Quebec I believe. Not anything like Barnum and Bailey or Ringling Bros. Awesome live music, and the best acrobats and acts in the world. I think you can see some clips on youtube.
Chiefs the TV miniseries
The Blue and the Gray
The flight of the Phoenix
The World at War
Moby Dick
lots of good movies at the library went there myself yesterday.
What!!!! NO "THUNDER ROAD"!! 1958!
Yankee doodle dandy with JAMES CAGNEY! 1942 Or any movie with James Cagney!
Swing time, With Ginger Rogers!
Hot Rod Girl!
There are a lot of great movies out there, and a number have been mentioned here. Some of my favorites are, just to name a few:
Any John Wayne movie
Any Clint Eastwood movie
Band of Brothers
The Longest Day
Saving Private Ryan
For Love of the Game
Field of Dreams
Six Days Seven Nights
The Green Mile
A Beautiful Mind
Son of the Morning Star
Final Countdown
Apollo 13
Remember the Titans
The Star Trek movies
Last of the Dog Men
Grumpy Old Men
Grumpier Old Men
Forest Gump
Thanks for all the well wishes and suggestions from everyone. I've already watched Fargo, one of my favorate movies (ya got that right). This afternoon I might have a double bill: Monty Phython's Holy Grail & The Longest Day. Thanks again.

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