Horse owners/keepers


Well-known Member
What do you folks pay farriers?


Shoeing (normal)

Special shoeing (reiners, etc)

Do you pay a per horse cost only or the visit also?

Just curious.

(quoted from post at 03:52:39 03/26/10) I live in cherokee county , sc I pay 25 ea. for a trim 50 ea horse trim/shoe

Guess I better be happy then. Just paid 15 each. Last year it was 10. We don't shoe but some folks pay up to 100 bucks for it. Our guy lives 2 miles away and it's like pulling teeth to get an appointment. He did 6 this morning in about 30 minutes so not a bad wage.

Northern Illinois, $40 per horse, just trim, no shoes, no trip charge, includes one horse which needs extras care in trim.
I'm a part-time farrier, but I'm not a fan of shoes in most cases - natural barefoot trimming only. I charge $30 for first horse, and $25 for all others at the location. Travel fee ranges from $10 to $20 per location.

Hi Dave,

Trims are $30-40 here in my corner of PA.

We have one guy we put shoes on sometimes depending on how much he is working. Usually runs ~$100 a trip for him. He had some foot issues 2 years ago and had a bunch of special stuff. That was setting us back about $175 every 3-4 weeks. Glad he seems to be past that.

We don't usually have a trip charge, but if we get out of sequence and only have 1 or 2 done for some reason they sometimes ask for $25 for showing up. Same holds true if it is some sort of emergency after hours deal. Our favorite farrier lives about 1.5 miles from us and probably goes past our place 2-3 times a week, but we can't get him here without begging. He is in demand at quite a few of the fancy barns in the area, and spends a whole day w/o traveling if he can. I think he does OK for himself.

Anywhere from 40 to 100 per horse. The girl that I normally use here will do any of my clients that want trim/etc while she is here for 40 with no trip charge. Specialty lady out of Lexington got 150 on one for corrective shoeing.
Hey Dave its $25.00 per horse for a trim from my farrier/blacksmith. I try to have them trimmed 3-4 times a year. J
$30 per horse for trimming only. No trip charge.

Used to get them done every 6 weeks. Probably will let it go longer now that they"re at the farm.

Shoeing was $100 per horse.
Our current farrier charges $30 cash each to trim our two horses. Previous farrier charged $35 each, and left our quarterhorse sore for 2 to 3 weeks the last few trims due to trimming too short. We never shoe our horses, but I think the going rate is around $75 per pair for shoeing.
Dave, we pay $30 for a trim, or $25- 30 a corner for shoeing (depends upon shoes- steel, clipped, or aluminum).$10 for resets. This time of year we go barefoot on most, with fronts only on the horses we are indoor jumping. Lost shoes w/ in 2 weeks ( somewhat common in this muddy winter environment) reset free- usually happens the day before an event, creating typical barn drama.
Thanks for the input.....Hope our farrier doesn't read this forum :roll:

I'll keep him happy and coming around regular.


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