Where's the Howells??????

Nancy was on yesterday, haven't seen much from James, but it is springtime and it is hard to spend a lot of time on computer when the sun is shining. That's my excuse, I only get a little time in the morning and occasionally on breaks at work. As far as I know, all is well.
(quoted from post at 06:00:29 03/23/10) Nancy was on yesterday, haven't seen much from James, but it is springtime and it is hard to spend a lot of time on computer when the sun is shining. That's my excuse, I only get a little time in the morning and occasionally on breaks at work. As far as I know, all is well.

Same here......... I only get on at work when I have the night shift and at home in nasty weather. Beautiful day today and I'm feeling like whale sh!t, so surfing a little.

They must be around, I got an email from Nancy yesterday and it seems she posted yesterday on the lost keys post.
I am wondering what happened to Allen, he has been MIA for quite a spell. Hope everything is ok out on the Nebraska plain.
Nancy and I have been "off the grid" since Saturday, March 12th.

We both took "Spring Break" vacation last week.

Got an email from our buddy [b:654c4848f0]kruser[/b:654c4848f0] and answered as follows:
<big>[i:654c4848f0]Good to be back at work so I can finally get some rest!

We continued building the new equipment shed Saturday through Saturday until we either got tired, got mad, or got hungry.

Nancy sprayed the hay meadow for weeds on Saturday the 13th.

Stayed up until 2 am Sunday morning and set the clocks forward 1 hour as instructed.

Nancy spread 0-0-60 fertilizer on the hay meadow on Monday the 15th.

Tuesday afternoon Nancy spotted a bald eagle flying over the farm and took a couple of photos.

St. Patrick's day on Wednesday; wore my green JD cap.

Unable to get one of the 70's running on Thursday, so I had a "fit".

Celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary on Friday the 19th at a favorite seafood restaurant; good meal and good time together.

Got rained out around 11am on Saturday; took a "power nap" after lunch until around 5pm.

Watched it snow all day Sunday; chased neighbors cattle out of our hay barn.

Just another typical week at the farm.

Except for the snow on Sunday, it is definitely Spring here in NE Texas.

Vacation photos to follow sometime this week.

Thanks for asking.
James, kruser told me you and nancy both got tattoo's and bought harley motorsickles and went to spring break in daytona!!!
One of the few benefits of my advancing age is that I no longer feel guilty about taking a nap after lunch if needed. Mrs. of 39 years has even been known to suggest I "look a little peaked" and should take a nap. I generally need something external to help lull me to sleep- I find golf is excellent for that purpose.

I am slipping gracefully into geezerhood.
Well, glad you guys are back to work and rest up after working during your "break".

PS: Don't always listen to that glennster!
Mike: Guess I'm going to have to take up golf again!
Got my wife and daughter pretty well convinced that I DO get a nap on Sunday after church and breakfast however. Send more "secrets" as you are able.

Jim - wannabe geezer
I thought maybe you got snowed in again. I was up your way Sundy. They had a big wreck right before the 20 north exit. Had traffic backed up past Jack in the Box.
Nancy is the "expert" on chemical application (spraying) at the farm.

The only reason I have an applicator"s license is to be able to buy agricultural chemicals in bulk at the local COOP.

Nancy does the soil testing, consults with the County Agent on fertilizer mix rate, and tells me when to go buy it.

My job is to keep "Old John", her JD 48A, and the Continental Belton sprayer ready to go.

She is definitely a lot of help at our farm, so on special occasions, I let her drive one of <s>my</s> our tractors.
Driving in Metro traffic is dangerous enough without adding a "winter mix" on the roads.

There is nothing more dangerous than a Texan on ice; in this case a Texan on snow.
I think what really did me in last Saturday was the change to Daylight Savings time.

Loosing that 1 hour just messed up my whole schedule.

As I mature, even small changes in my daily routine, just seem to upset the balance.

When the going gets tough; take a nap.
Funny that you mentioned tattoos and Harley Davidson motorcycles.

We celebrated our wedding anniversary last Friday night and all was going along pretty good.

Then things got "fuzzy" and things got "blurry" and then everything was . . .

<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/?action=view&current=MG_9354_mq.jpg" target="_blank">
MG_9354_mq.jpg" width="350" height="400" border="0" alt="Photobucket

<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/?action=view&current=biketattoo.jpg" target="_blank">
biketattoo.jpg" width="350" height="400" border="0" alt="Photobucket


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