chicken question


Well-known Member
this is a rooster my wife has as a pet . It has been here over 11 years.


Has it always been in a cage? if so let the poor thing out!

I grew up on a dairy farm up north..

and we had chickens for eggs, and later for market and they were always in a big building upstairs and downstairs, I always wanted them to be able to run around the farm and yard, like they always do in the movies! but dad would not ever allow that.

Hope you are doing well today Larry, I just talked to a friend of mine in NJ. and found out it is a nice day there today, no snow and sun shining!,

Here in Texas we got another blast of at least 4 inches of snow again... > yuck!!!

Do we call him a lucky rooster or feel sorry for him? He probably never had a hen in his life!! BUT he wasn't hen pecked either. Hope you wern't forced out by the rooster because you were in disfavor of your bride.
we have frre range chickens and ducks and they actually do really well with the cows, other then finding 1 stomped they do alright together

So, what's the question??? Recipe?
Pets sit on the couch and watch TV with you, inmates live in cages.....

Nice pen though.

good answer, he was outside with a hen for a long time and she hatched to batches of chicks over the years but the hen died of old age last year and something almost killed him so my wife keeps him in now. My question is how long does a chicken usually live?
Let it out. will come back to roost at night then lock it up.
liespan can vary, 7 weeks to 15 years according to google comments.I see you are trying to shorten it.
Ever been housebound,
> and ducks and they actually do really well with the cows, other then finding 1 stomped they do alright together

I had one cow that really had it out for ducks. She never got one, but she would chase them around and was clearly out for blood. One of the stranger things I've ever seen. She was perfectly fine with people, dogs, cats, and chickens, but ducks just set her off for some reason. Luckily the ducks never strayed too far from the ponds when the cows were around after their initial scare every spring when I turned the cows out.

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