OT Texas, March 20


Well-known Member
This global warming is killing me! Burning up! Approaching last week in March in N-Central Texas and it is snowing as I type! :cry:
If I'm taxed more, will it get warmer or will I just suffer more cold?
we're expecting light freeze here in s central Tejas...looks like i'm gonna be hay shoppin again...put my last bale out Wednesday.
(quoted from post at 07:00:07 03/21/10) Glad you finally figured it out. Odd weather patterns are a part of Global Warming.
That's the "new story" ever since the warming didn't materialize. It is a safer claim for them, since we have and always have had changes in the weather. What a cruel joke! Money grab.
Well if Lord Al said the whole globe is getting warmer how can you explain the record cold spells. Wait a minute I just remembered in the wacko world hot means more snow.
(quoted from post at 06:15:26 03/21/10)
(quoted from post at 07:00:07 03/21/10) Glad you finally figured it out. Odd weather patterns are a part of Global Warming.
That's the "new story" ever since the warming didn't materialize. It is a safer claim for them, since we have and always have had changes in the weather. What a cruel joke! Money grab.

I keep reminding myself its just a few of you...and possibly just pushing some buttons. Thats a shame, the GW event is very serious.

I do think more people are aware, good lord farmers should be the most worried.....that climates are varying, drastically. Read up on Australias drought. But that could change to unseasonal and very strong storms causing flash flooding.

It's all very disturbing that the world isn't doing more in the face of such ongoing unatural weather events.
It snows a lot in March.Maybe not in Texas but most everywhere else.If you pay more tax you will be miserable more than if you pay less tax.Snow just adds to the misery unless you like snow.You could go get in a snowball fight or something and maybe feel better about it.
It"s sad that so many have bought into the GW scam..if you check out the news articles from the "70"s you"ll see that the same so-called "experts" that were predicting global cooling & ice age are the same ones promoting GW! Cause a State of Fear and con people and gov"ts to hand over money! Want proof? ask how is it that in "70"s their graghs showed a world wide cooling trend in the 20th century, but in the "90"s they show a warming trend for the same period?! As Climategate shows..they"ll lie to get their way. Oh, by the way, they don"t call it GW any more..since they couldn"t prove GW was happening, they now just refer to it as "climate change". Climate change is real..it"s been happening for millions of years..lots of warming and cooling trends throughout history and no mankind around to influence past episodes! Read up on the Medival Warm Period (planet averaged 5 degrees warmer than now- ice core data)c900-1300AD & the Little Ice Age c1250-1850AD.

Haven't you guys figured it out.
Liberals think they should control everything(even the weather)
Trouble is it doesn't follow their B/S...and that is troublesome to them....
I hate to say it but you should watch Jesse Venturas video about it.Its a hoax.One volcano puts out more pollution than all of the stuff man does.Plus if we are headed for anything its an ice age.We are overdue for that.Jesse Ventura has a scientist saying he lied about the results of tests to fake global warming.
(quoted from post at 08:00:17 03/21/10) It"s sad that so many have bought into the GW scam..if you check out the news articles from the "70"s you"ll see that the same so-called "experts" that were predicting global cooling & ice age are the same ones promoting GW! Cause a State of Fear and con people and gov"ts to hand over money! Want proof? ask how is it that in "70"s their graghs showed a world wide cooling trend in the 20th century, but in the "90"s they show a warming trend for the same period?! As Climategate shows..they"ll lie to get their way. Oh, by the way, they don"t call it GW any more..since they couldn"t prove GW was happening, they now just refer to it as "climate change". Climate change is real..it"s been happening for millions of years..lots of warming and cooling trends throughout history and no mankind around to influence past episodes! Read up on the Medival Warm Period (planet averaged 5 degrees warmer than now- ice core data)c900-1300AD & the Little Ice Age c1250-1850AD.

Whether you believe it or not (being as vague as you are....all ideas no links) regulation is coming...and it will be expensive and it will come out of your paycheck.

Mandatory car pooling...in the country you'll have to have proof of a need for that 1/2 ton pickup...electric cars to take you to the park and ride bus areas....possibly power rationing, no more fossile fuel burners allowed...no nukes (sorry that technology needs to be 100% operator fool proof, which we don't have in this day and age)....

You have no names, no links, nothing but nervous nelly rhetoric
(quoted from post at 11:38:19 03/21/10)
(quoted from post at 08:00:17 03/21/10) It"s sad that so many have bought into the GW scam..if you check out the news articles from the "70"s you"ll see that the same so-called "experts" that were predicting global cooling & ice age are the same ones promoting GW! Cause a State of Fear and con people and gov"ts to hand over money! Want proof? ask how is it that in "70"s their graghs showed a world wide cooling trend in the 20th century, but in the "90"s they show a warming trend for the same period?! As Climategate shows..they"ll lie to get their way. Oh, by the way, they don"t call it GW any more..since they couldn"t prove GW was happening, they now just refer to it as "climate change". Climate change is real..it"s been happening for millions of years..lots of warming and cooling trends throughout history and no mankind around to influence past episodes! Read up on the Medival Warm Period (planet averaged 5 degrees warmer than now- ice core data)c900-1300AD & the Little Ice Age c1250-1850AD.

Whether you believe it or not (being as vague as you are....all ideas no links) regulation is coming...and it will be expensive and it will come out of your paycheck.

Mandatory car pooling...in the country you'll have to have proof of a need for that 1/2 ton pickup...electric cars to take you to the park and ride bus areas....possibly power rationing, no more fossile fuel burners allowed...no nukes (sorry that technology needs to be 100% operator fool proof, which we don't have in this day and age)....

You have no names, no links, nothing but nervous nelly rhetoric

I would not be so sure of myself about regulation. I believe there is a voter revolt coming in November, along with that will be the end of this so called regulation that your spouting off about.


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