It's been awhile .Hows everyone been?


Who's snowed in?Who's got the toys out and played?I've had the J.D. A out and ran her up and down the driveway.Tried to start the D2 and thats a long story that is a work in progress.Also the 48 Chev is kicking my A$$ man projects pile up fast.Hope Alls Well .Think Spring!
Been pretty dull on here lately. Not a whole lot of controversy. Things were pretty heated for a while there,but I think most folks are burned out on politics or have buyers remorse.

Lots of pictures got posted for a few days there,then everybody must have gone outside and found something to do.
Funny I just thought of you this morning, figuerd you just came and went on this site. Glad everythings ok. We got 6 inches on Tuesday, windy as heck now. I just heard maybe some snow next Tuesday to Friday. J
What do mean RR,
Coaxed billonthefarm out of his hibernation last night and got the "scoop".
Yeah, he must have lost his camera though!
(quoted from post at 16:46:30 02/19/10) Funny I just thought of you this morning, figuerd you just came and went on this site. Glad everythings ok. We got 6 inches on Tuesday, windy as heck now. I just heard maybe some snow next Tuesday to Friday. J

Things are good just a little busy.Should post a few more pictures ,but I thought maybe people are tired of pictures. Hope things are well with you.Also hope the snow is not dragging you down to much.Dry and 48 degrees here today Spring looks to be coming early.Stay warm and think Spring BlaineF
Thanks, no the snow never drags me down. I hate the wind and ice. I posted some pics a few weeks ago about my water problem, dont know if you saw them, the water line to the barn froze, (its down 5 feet) well I had to use a 55 gallon drum on the pallet forks on the back of my tractor to fill the stock tank and bring water in the barn for the horses from the pump house.
Well yesterday I checked the water in the barn office, and to my suprise it was back on. So Im one happy camper!!! lol

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