Wow what a surprise

Hey all i see that most of you have rolled over to the powers that be on this site.
Hope you all don't do this with our present day admin.....
This site is looking more like the chinese run internet. Only let the people discuss matters under certain conditions.
I believe there are other tractor sites to go to. This has been a wonderful site and have i have met many great people... To bad that the owners are so close minded....
Oh well when it starts hitting their wallet , maybe they will change their outlook for this site.

Take Care
If we stay even close to the rules the operators of this site have, we have no problems, however it seems that many believe that it is ok to break all the rules in one post and then it gets poofed. I have no sympathy for the political bashing, the religious bashing and race bashing individuals, that seem to like stirring up trouble!! Lets talk tractors and semi related topics which is what this site is here for. It is their house!
Thats the good thing about the whole thing, we have the freedom and choice to post here or not, or to read a particular post or not, or choose other sites that suit us better...I choose to post ONLY on topics which Im interested in and choose to avoid arguments, so best wishes in your pursuit...Another thought this is NOT the federal government running this site, it's a private company and as such we participants have no constitutionally protected right of free speech, they can kick us out or poof anything they wish with or without cause, and we likewise can stay or go.

Best wishes n God Bless

John T

I've noticed a change here too on this forum,and I don't like "censoring" in any shape or form.

It is unfortunate here in this country (USA) that we have "limited freedom" and getting more limited every year.

As has been said here before the owners of this site do have the right to run it as they see fit and this they will do.

Watching the paint dry crowd sort of has it, but they don't go to the tractor specific forums because nobody posts there, so they come here to complain about what they read. And if you notice they seem to know all about the OTs.
Most of the people who post on this site respect the site rules and are good people with common sense. They come here to read, share information and try to help other people. I for one will not miss you as I never did like you or your posts. So don"t expect me to shed a tear because you can"t have it your way. DH
I come here to read and learn about tractors,political mud slinging has nothing to do with tractors. I am sure there are sites where they are welcome
And with the Supreme Court Ruling that a corporation is a person and has free speech we are going to be inundated with political BS in EVER media outlet. This site may be somewhat a haven from that.


I know of a forum where we can talk about religion, politics, and yes, even tractors, and the users are more or less the moderators. So long as the discussion is friendly, pretty much anything goes.
I guess if you don't like this site, then you have 2 choices. 1. Go somewhere else or follow the rules set forth here. or 2. Create your own site (that takes money) but you can do all the bashing & cursing you want to, it'll be yours.
Personally, I've never been poofed on here and Do enjoy the posts from those like Old, JR, and so many others that follow the rules. Just my thoughts. Keith
It's kind of a fine line for me. It's been kinda boring lately on here without a lot of controversy,but on the other hand,I'm just emotionally spent on the subject. It's just pretty hard to get passionate about this stuff when you're burned out on it.
I'm just thinking that might be the way everybody is feeling about it right now. There was a post about Evan Bayh over on Tractor Tales the other day and even that didn't get much response. What there was of it wasn't really argumentative.
Well I do not always follow the rules 100% and push that fine line once in a while. I did so last night but those posts are now gone. But that to is ok I understand once something is said it can slowly end up blowing up
bye bye
In my opinion, the overly opinionated posters are the ones creating a problem. If you can"t say anything good about the subject, keep your mouth shut. There are always a number of posters that enjoy stirring up trouble. This is a free site and you can contribute if you desire.
It's your choice to join in or leave anytime you want to
good luck
you might consider starting another site!
A constant barrage of put-downs by a few will eventually hurt the morale of everyone. I saw it happen every year that I was on the wheat harvest. We had a crew of 15-25 young men who were really nice to be around, but there always was one who would have a habit of using every demeaning four letter word known to man in his dialect. When this one individual would let loose with the put-downs the rest of the crew became quiet and subdued for awhile. That individual wasn't invited back next year but next year, no matter how diligent the employee screening was, another one would step up to the bat to take his place.

If this site didn't sensor these type of individuals we would eventually all leave and go elsewhere. We all have bad days and get a little grouchy. I was pretty much responsible for getting someone's post poofed a month or so ago when I lost my temper and cut loose, but I sure don't try to make a habit out of it. Jim
Okay,there's one above about HSUS that has me seeing red and has the adrenaline running. Happy now?
I beleive you are just supposed to reference the numbered list of reasons for your leaving. Keeps the reading simpler. in this case

Gee,it's gone already. Was it something that I said about those worthless SOBs and their dim witted supporters?
(quoted from post at 09:14:27 02/18/10)

If this site didn't sensor these type of individuals we would eventually all leave and go elsewhere.

[b:77ddd79e46][i:77ddd79e46][u:77ddd79e46]Agreed!! 100%[/u:77ddd79e46][/i:77ddd79e46][/b:77ddd79e46]
Farmer, I agree with you to a point. What irritates me the most is that most of the posts on here are "OT". Someday someone will ask a question and have to post it as "OT..Tractor question". Some of the posts are interesting and informative. I just wish there were more of them pertaining to tractors. Mike
"rolled over to the powers that be..."? Now, did I miss something or do they own the site and therefore have the right to set the rules and run it the way they see fit? As others have said, if you don't like it, start your own site. Maybe after you deal with a few like minded people you will see things in a different light. Or not.
(quoted from post at 06:35:30 02/18/10) Hey all i see that most of you have rolled over to the powers that be on this site.
Hope you all don't do this with our present day admin.....
This site is looking more like the chinese run internet. Only let the people discuss matters under certain conditions.
I believe there are other tractor sites to go to. This has been a wonderful site and have i have met many great people... To bad that the owners are so close minded....
Oh well when it starts hitting their wallet , maybe they will change their outlook for this site.

Take Care

Wondered where you were hiding....... 'bout time you pooped in and stirred up the sheep a little. Seems participation has thinned a little. The sheep'll say it's the OT posts etc, but my bet is the censoring. Maybe not so much what they censor as who. Sad thing is, the sheep that think they are sucking up by condoning the "poofs" and helping to better the site by being the self appointed Gestapo don't realize they are just another IP address that adds traffic to the site and not of any real importance to the moderators. Unless they are spending money. Wouldn't doubt for a second that a good portion of the "guest" (anonymous) posts are from some of the holyer than thou crowd.

Stick around farmer, just don't limit your posts to trolling.

In case you havn't noticed this website is a business website.Note
the first heading at the upper left. They sell tractor parts. If you
came into any place of business and start arguing politics they
would tell you to take it outside. When someone leaves this website
because you insulted them they don't come back. Just keep in mind
that this is a business website not a political forum. Most of the
discussions I have seen here are simply your political views. I have
no problem with them poofing most of your one sided views.
It is no different than in person giving strong advise -- folks don't mind if ya don't attend the meetings. This is not personel, just a fact political experts in socila gathering have nothing else to talk about---few friends, kids don't want to listen to dads blowing. It reflects a certian personality when folks get upset if someonre doesn't agree with their deep deep deep thinking.

Stick around and avoid the subject, to me it seems --- very simple.
Well I just picked up a new to me manual so I might be able to help even more now LOL. Wife told me about a place that had some used manuals so I stopped in today and got one by Haynes called Automotive Electrical manual so that should help me be able to help others LOL
You know, I just don't look at the posts that don't interest me. Doesn't seem to ruin my day.
Don't see exactly how you leaving will hit their wallets very hard. Be honest, now- how much stuff have you bought off this site? How much business will the owners lose out on by your decision to leave? I'm thinking that you just want a place to bloviate- prove me wrong.

Private enterprise should be able to operate the way it wants to- In my business, if I don't like you or I don't like your case, I'll tell you to take a hike. Did it just today, in fact. That's just the way the world works. You have been obstreperous most of the time here, and I, for one, will not be sorry to see you move on. Get on a board where everybody just puts their hands over their ears and screams at each other- folks who like that sort of thing tend to deserve each other, and I wish you well.
I for one would like to thank those who moderate this board for the fine work they do. Keep up the good work. If I wanted to get all worked up about politics and bickering I would look at some other websites. Nice to sit back and relax and enjoy everyones company!
HEY ALL!!!!! Well looks like we all have interpreted my post in different ways. Did i say i was going anywheres???? Heck no.... I like this site.... I also said i have met alot of great people on this site. learned alot too...
Nope not going anywhere at all...I will look up a few of the suggestions of other sites..
Now we are having a nice discussion of Farmer101 here. You all know my political views which are also my life views. Some of you more observant types know from some of my posts that i have never EVER been involved in politics for my whole 50 years on this planet!!!!
Now it seems to me with all the responses to this post about all this political stuff that there is a real concern in this country right now... That is why i am finally involved some one has to....
Farming in my mind is freedom. Freedom is being dragged through the street right now. My head has been in the sand long enough... This is my contribution to this country right now. And for some of you , yes i did put 4 years in the Army, so that has been covered too. My own free will , i signed on the dotted line...
Ever since the tide has started to turn, the poof monster is on the loose.
So be the poofing of political discussions on this site.

Okay so the deal is no more poitical posts... I promise.. we can just talk farming and tractors to our little hearts desire, because farming and politcal decisions in this country are kinda like, a seperation of church and state.... Right????? They have no bearing on each other???? Thats the law.
This site has their own laws, Politics and tractor dont mix... Got it...hhhhmmmm
Okey dokey......
Not a word anymore, mums it,
Let's start anew, Farming, tractors, combines, all that good individualist farmers , self sufficient, farming stuff. No government involvment at all.... Nothing!!!!!

I feel better already you guys.....

Take care all

] Farmer
All ya Gotta do is point to the Truth about Global Warming and Climate change as BS , peflopsi, reid , barnyfag,Odummy as total BS,, bailout farce by You tube exposing TRUTH "Burning down the House "and The" Fall of the REPUBLIC " to educate good common sense sheeple , Condamn Nafta , Free trade with China as a ACT of Treason to the American way of life , along with those in congress and government that let them selves be bought by UNIONS and ACLU, PETA,HSUS thugs should be run out of town on a rail and tossed off the bridge ,,, anything with any ONE of those statements is certain to get ate by the communist POOF monster.. But Red blooded Americans KNOW the TRUTH !!!. bet this post wont last 24 hrs ,. ?

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