Coyotes with my with dogs

Where I"m at it"s no surprise to see coyotes. But last night I was in a bit of shock.

Our four dogs -- two Shelties and two Bernese Mountain Dogs pups (3 months old) were outside in front of the house. I opened the door to feed them and my female Sheltie and one of the pups ran inside, but when I looked out I saw four "dogs". My male Sheltie, one of the pups, and two coyotes.

They were all within a few feet of each other and nobody looked scared or aggressive, but maybe interested in each other. I ran out screaming and calling the dogs back and the coyotes slowly took off, stopping to look back at me to see what I was all about.

I can"t quite figure out what happened. Maybe the coyotes heard the dogs yapping and came to see what was going on, or they were trying to play and lure the pups. I just don"t know.

What I do know is that normally our Shelties howl at every moving thing, but this time they didn"t. Kinda scary... and the fact that the pups aren"t full size yet is a bit of a concern. Now that the coyotes know they are here, they might come back.

I"m within city limits so I can"t shoot, and they are mostly outdoor dogs so it will be tough to keep an eye on them. So... even though all the locals told me to watch over my dogs to keep them from getting lured, ya just don"t believe it until you see it yourself. That was close enough to make me a believer. Be warned!
If you can get that close, an air pellet gun may scare it off.

My BIL uses one on deer that get after his plants in town. It worked.

Coyotes are looking for an innocent meal.Pups are non agressive so are in danger.I would have shot the sob's and awaited the consequences.22Mag doesn't make that much noise and is very effective.They will be back!
Just read a artical this AM, about the coyotes in are area having a mix of wolf, and there large size
its just a matter of time before the kill a child, around here they are bold enough to attack dogs wile being walked on a leash
Guy I used to work with lived right in the middle of town. He used to shoot stray cats with a bow and arrow. He would climb up on top of the garage and shoot down. He said you could stick the cats to the ground that way and not loose your arrow. Maybe you could put the dogs up, bait the coyotes and invest in a crossbow. Personally I would go with the .22 mag theory. Your neighbors would be hard pressed to say anything if they are pet owners too.
They make a low powered 22 that you can hardly hear. thats what I would use or a high powered 22 pellet gun. I have killed Rabbets and other small varments
with them.
like John said , you won't have the pups or those small shelties long but you let the coyotes around first time they're hungry .
As Oldmax said, use a .22 subsonic in a bolt action gun. Also make sure your dogs are up to date on their rabies vaccinations.

Funny that you should say that about the pellet rifle. I have a cousin that had deer eating up his garden so he kept is high powered Gamo pellet rifle handy to run them off. Hard to believe but he actually killed one of them. I guess the pellet must have gone between to ribs and hit just right. He was not thrilled to say the least. It was in the middle of summer about 30 min. west of Houston. A hot miserable job to haul the carcass off.
Use 22 shorts as they make little noise but will get the job done if well placed. Thats what we used to use to kill hogs with, as a long rifle would sometimes penetrate through the brain and end up in a shoulder causing it to spoil when cured. Those were hogs weighing up to five hundred pounds too. Ought to be enough medicine for a coyote.
You may be right on the mixing with wolves.

A couple of weeks ago at the farm, we saw a coyote about 50 yds. from the shop. It was extremely large for a coyote.

It lunched on a couple of our shop cats. We took the last remaining shop cat to Dallas before she wound up as a hot lunch, too.
There is a mexican load 22 that is only primer loaded, don"t make hardly any noise, sounds more like a firecraker. works real good on small varmits. would probably work good enough to scare off those critters too.
Paintball guns are more fun for running off varmits.

There are some Chartruse sploched turkeys around here :)
A sound suppressor/silencer is legal in some states if you go through paperwork and pay the tax.
Some people apparently make a quick one out of plastic pop bottle about a liter size or so, cut a big XX in bottom, hose clamp it to .22 rifle barrel by neck end- need a shim inside, cardboard or plastic piece will work. Use standard velocity load with full weight bullet instead of light highspeed stinger. Suppressor good for a couple shots from say a Ruger 10/22. Scope sight mostly works since front sight covered by bottle neck. If you don"t fill out paperwork and pay tax- this technique may result in felony charge if caught, fair warning. Plastic pop bottles are recyclable, hose clamps are in a lot of tool boxs.
A 120 pound pull crossbow with a 17inch bolt tipped with broadhead deer point may cost $100.00, easier to use than a larger compound bow for riflemen.
I saw a male dog with a female coyote trying to breed last Winter. Male coyote was up on the hill overlooking it all.
within city limits, not tied or fenced,..i read an article awhile back about dogs at large,...fence your dogs and you won't have to worry....
I Agree with the paint ball gun, Just keep something heavy near by to wack them if the decide to retaliate. But a paint ball gun should scare them off to the point where they dont come back, U can even buy some peper balls, OR OR freeze the paint balls in the freezer one night and then load them up in the paint gun, Might actually kill them if you shoot them in the head
Airsoft man airsoft. fully automatic they hurt when hit and will pierce a tin can at close range (oh and vinyl siding too.)
get yourself a nice juicy steak cook it up and eat it soak the juice up wit a sponge and throw it to the coyotes keep your dogs inside coyotes will eat the sponge and starve to death sponge will soak up anything in the stomaches and prevent it from coming back out yes coyotes are cannabalistic when hungry
Call/email Old and have him come catch them for you!

Might not be immediately, but could be another chapter in the book.
I say kill the varmints before they kill your dogs. Years back my buddy had coyotes come into his yard and pulled a beagle from it's box and killed it. His big dog had injuries to it that required very expensive visit to the vet. Read some info on our (Pa.)coyotes being coyote and wolf hybrid genitically. They are bad news. Have been putting the hurt on our fawn population every spring.
(quoted from post at 19:10:14 02/17/10) Paintball guns are more fun for running off varmits.

There are some Chartruse sploched turkeys around here :)

Hey I ran off two pitbulls who came at me with a paintball gun. We have a major coyote problem here too. I feel for them because it's due to all the development here in Southern California that's driving them into population.
"Hey I ran off two pitbulls who came at me with a paintball gun."

Don't worry too much about pitbulls who come at you with a paintball gun. It's the ones who come at you with teeth that can really bite. hehe
Aw just inject a piece of meat with permanent antifreeze for a permanent solution.
(quoted from post at 03:16:41 02/18/10) LJS30:
"Hey I ran off two pitbulls who came at me with a paintball gun."

Don't worry too much about pitbulls who come at you with a paintball gun. It's the ones who come at you with teeth that can really bite. hehe

Funny man, real funny. No kidding though. They came at me so I pulled out a paintball gun and nailed them in the eyes. They ran off wimpering like Poodles. I yelled out "HOOOO HOOO!!!!!!" as a type of victory cry!!!!!! :p
They are being friendly but don't put any poison out while you live in the burbs, you may kill other dogs, what they call colateral damage.Poison is not dog specific.could be a todler..

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