OT; Poor Canada


Well-known Member
Why are they having so many problems for the games? I can understand the weather, but did you see the problem with the speed skating ice. The commettie couldent get 1 out of 3 machines to work! To much technolgy or what? I hated when I was in High Screwhool, they changed the name from Shop class, to Technolgy! What a load of BS,.
well them machines "zamboni" were designed and built in canada originally but who know they could now be made in china. anyway most call it hongcouver now after the influx back when hongkong was about to reverted from british to chinese rule. comes to mind they had canadians down in salt lake to build and maintain the olympic ice back in 98. you remember when we took the gold in mens and womens hockey and the U.S. took silvers. LOL.
They weren't Zamboni ice resurfacers, which are made in the US. They are Olympia resurfacers that I think are made in Canada. I think the Zamboni's are better. Ice resurfacers are probably one of few things that are still made in N. America. The crew that did the ice for the Edmonton Oilers did the ice in Salt Lake city because apparently, the Oilers home ice is regarded as the best in the league. They put a loonie under center ice too for good luck. Dave
i stand corrected. just googled it, zamboni. invented by frank in california. learned somethimg new today. thanks.
I used to think Zamboni's were made in Canada too. I found out for sure they were invented in the US when I watched the Monster garage episode that made an ice resurfacer using some Zamboni parts. The blade for shaving the ice is razor sharp. Dave
Heard last night they"re the newest technology, ELECTRIC. Maybe they should have stuck with propane.

By the way Jay, don"t get down on the Canadians. Remember the last time we hosted it up at Placid? Fridgid winter but no snow. Whiteface Moutain earned it"s rep as Iceface Mt. So cold they couldn"t get the busses started to get people to events they paid good money to see.
All I heard was that there were delays with the speed skating. They never actually said what was wrong with it. The salt lake olympics took place in 2002. 1998 was in Japan or something
Zambonis were invented and mfg in Paramount Calif (Near Long Beach ) By Frank Zamboni . His Brother still has an Electric shop there. I worked a block away in the '80s

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