OT:Neighbor and running her dogs on road


Well-known Member
Okay, couple lives around the corner in the mile. Once or twice daily, they go out with car or truck and drive a mile or two so their two big dogs can run along side for exercise. The other night in a snow storm I go around the corner and come to a car pulled over. As I approach and start to pass slowly (I figure guy is waiting so he can back in) out of the darkness from someones yard into my path comes this huge dog. I'm sliding my wheels to try an stop. Just by luck the dog steps out of the way. It was her running her dogs. Next morning I turn off main road. I see a car ahead pull over and someone jump out and start running around. I slow. Its her frantically trying to catch her dogs shes running before I get to her. Mind you, this is a young couple, perfectly able to exercise their dogs in their yard or on their farmland. Why would you teach your dog to run with cars? What will happen when she doesn't get them corralled in time? Our neighborhood is kind of rural but its not like 20-30 yrs ago when every car was a neighbor. A city person or UPS doesn't slow down in anticipation of anything. I think this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. If I clobber one, I'll be the bad guy. Am I off base here?
Running dogs down the road is not good at all. If one of her dogs causes an accident I would think she could be held liable. And she would yell and scream when her precious high dollar purebred is injured by a car. Don't ask how I know.

So many city people who move to a rural acreage think they are being so kind to dogs by rescuing them from the pound and letting them excersize in the country. The dogs put their heads on the owner's lap and look lovingly into their eyes during the daytime but at night they are out roaming the neighborhood killing livestock. End of rant!
If you clobber one you may be the bad guy to them, but you'll be in good company with a lot of the rest of us. I really hate to quote cliche but with people like that, you just cant fix stupid.
the dog owners are ultimatly responsible for any damage their dogs create. the fact that they are running them along side their own vehicle is dumb as all h-ll. i would call the sheriff and let them handle it.

That has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. They are asking for trouble, and it can come in any number of ways if they keep doing something so foolish.
if the cows got out and 1 would be hit wouldnt you be responsible it would seem to be the same way with dogs wouldnt (damage to vehicle and person)esp big dogs,
and i wont have dogs killin my livestock, i shoot them on sight if there strays, if you have chickens you just about have too. once a dog starts chasin a chicken you just about cant stop em
Very simple and the first thing to do. Call the sheriff office and ask a few questions. By doing that you can find out where you stand and who is right or wrong and what can be done. Be sure to note the time and day you call and the name of the person you talk to just in case something does happen. You may find that they will even send out a car to sort of change the persons mind and it can be done with no names going out
Having a sheriff or a cop politely go to their door and tell them they risk; 1. their dogs being killed and 2. big fines and/or lawsuits from their dogs being at large and causing an accident. If any animals are loose outside of their own property, for what ever reason, the owners are responsible. It doesn't matter if they jumped the fence, a tree knocked the fence down, the dogs got away, a driver was going too fast, etc., the owner is responsible to contain their animals. Dave
Well, you might be neighborly and mention it to them first, without yelling at them unless they yell first after mentioning it to them. You and others here are correct, teaching dogs to run with or follow vehicles is kind of a real dumb idea, especially if it mistakes someone else's vehicle as their vehicle, and the next thing you know, down the road it goes, out of sight, and never to return, aside from being dangerous to the dog or causing an accident. And then again, maybe that's what they're hoping for. If talking to them doesn't work, then maybe talk to the sheriff will. Its up to you.

Good luck.

The car driver is responsible in Michigan. The neighbors dogs were always in the road. One got hit but not killed and the driver had to pay vet bill. Of course MI is a more advanced Extreme Left State.

No you are not,I delt with it for 15 years then the
naighbor started turning the dogs loss and chassing live stock,then we started shooting the dogs. I know that is not right but if they wont lock them up and they chase my livestock you know whats will happen. END OF STORY
Neighbor of ours used to let the dog out of the car about half a mile before she got home, and let the dog out of the car to run the rest of the way home. One day the dog still had his leash on from when was in town. The dog jumped out and she slammed the door on the leash. Can you say "National Lampoon Vacation"? The dog survived, but just barely.
Not in my book.

I have lost two good friends to car accidents when they where dodging some aminal in the road. I myself was ticketed for failure to control when I dove of into a ditch to miss someone's dog.

Not any more I brake if safe (as in no one behind me), otherwise I go straight over them. Not my job to keep your dog, cat, ect.. out of the road.
I know where you're coming from. I have a farm house I rent out, and rigidly enforce a "no pets" rule. People from in town always try to get me to relent on the no pets part, saying they have this big dog that needs more room to run than they have in town. They think if they turn a dog loose out in the country, he'll run around and get his exercise, but just stay around home.

They think I'm nuts when I tell them that if they turned their dog loose in the country it would be the last time they would see him. He'd be dead within 24 hours. Somebody would shoot him for harassing livestock. They insist their dog woundn't do that. The boneheads always argue til I finally have to ask them "What part of NO PETS don't you understand?"
Friend of mine had a car/cow accident a while back. Cattle owner had a history of bad fences, animals out - time after time. She topped a hill in rain and fog at nite, hit animals. She had to pay. Not right, but ah, Michigan.
I'm not running off the road to keep from hitting a dog. On the other hand, my wife almost hit a pig on the road. Probably a good thing she avoided it. Either way, to the people who think their dog wouldn't do something, their kids are just as bad.

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