Any of you guys had hernia surgery .I had this past week and it really interfering whith my shop work. I cant wait till 3 weeks go by so i can pick more than 10 pounds.
(quoted from post at 06:11:02 02/07/10) Any of you guys had hernia surgery .I had this past week and it really interfering whith my shop work. I cant wait till 3 weeks go by so i can pick more than 10 pounds.

Had it in October, kept me off work for five weeks. Thought I felt pretty good when I went back, longest 40 hours I ever worked that week. Take it easy and don't push it, I still feel it it and having some problems with mine.
Oops, I better slow down. Had one about 3 weeks ago. Doc said don't lift nothing for 6 weeks over 10 lbs. By the end of the first week was taking it easy feeding hay. Wife told Doc what I was doing when went back for a checkup a week later. Doc said as long as you feel alright, just don't do crazy stuff.
I have never had it but I did learn that if a doctor say do this or do not do that you better or you can/will end up back on the table or worse you can end up disabled
Had a hurnia operation 6 years ago I know its hard to walk past something that needs to be picked up but dont do it . My first job after 8 weaks was shingle a roof boy did i pay. Last march i had my 2nd operation same side . take it easy or the pain will return
I had the right side done in 76. Left side done in August. No comparison. Doc said it was a big one this time. By now I don't notice that I had one. The first one had me down for a while. I could feel it years later if I lifted anything heavy. Gittr done.
Had right side enguinal surgery seven years ago. Doc told me patients complain of tightness in the area because the mesh he puts in will not break nor stretch. First two days were extremely painful. Moderate pain for a week and then just tapered off to being uncomfortable for a year. Still feel it and have wondered if there wasn"t some better way to fix it. But, given the hernia, I"d have to do it again.

Yep. Had right side about 2 yrs. ago. Left side needs to be done as we speak. How come the right side always goes first?
Agree with buickanddeere 100%. Dad was 72 in 1980, had a Big hernia-walked downstairs to breakfast next morning after the repair.

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