James Howell

Well-known Member
<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/?action=view¤t=marktwain.jpg" target="_blank">
marktwain.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
</a> Mark Twain once said <big>[i:654c4848f0]"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most".[/i:654c4848f0]</big>

The other day I noticed the registration sticker on my car's windshield was dated 11 09.

Invisioning my arrest and strip search by either Bubba or Junior, I frantically started looking for my registration notice.

Found it right where I left it; no problem.

Yesterday morning bright and early, I go to the County Tax Collector's office to renew the registration on my car.

While standing in line I decided to make out the check to save a little time.

When the young lady yelled "next in line", I handed her my regristration notice and completed check.

She checked the database on her computer and advised me that my car had been registered back in November.

She opened the envelope with the registration notice and the 11 10 windshield sticker was inside.

She laughed, returned all the paperwork, and reminded me not "forget" my pen and pencil on the counter.

Not to be outdone, I asked her for a map of the office so not to get lost on the way out.

Any of y'all ever . . . . . . . .

Now I've forgotten what my question was!

I drove a car for an entire year with expired registration and didn't even know it until it was time to renew again. Had to pay for TWO years plus a penalty, and that was way back when i was YOUNG!!
Back in the 1970s my wife (now ex) drove a car back and forth to work in our small town and we didn't use the car really other than in town.

A gas station across the street from where she worked had a wanna be law enforcement kid working there and a highway patrolman visited him often to enlighten him or whatever.

One day the KHP pointed out that the license plate sticker was expired and the wanna be vouched for me and said he'd remind me.

Wife came home from work and said we had expired registration. I dug out the renewal envelop and there was the renewal sticker so I promptly cleaned the plate and applied it.

Next day she comes home from work laughing and tells me I applied an expired sticker and was still a year behind. Sure enough and I applied the correct one.

Driving around on a two year old plate and it had never been questioned.

Noticed just this week that one of my vehicles is lacking a current sticker. Now where is it? Hm, know I have it but I had better find it and get it on.
Years ago I had a pickup I only drove occasionally. I was heading up north with the camper on it for hunting season(driving 60mph) when a State Trooper pulled me over. When he asked for the liscence and registration, I opened the glove box and pulled out the envelope with the new tabs in it. He told me to get my a** out there and put them where they belonged. Luckily I didn't get a ticket.
Hey, James, that reminds me of a time when.... now I forgot what we were talking about ... never mind!
A little OT to your OT but it is somewhat hilarious on the Sunday morning at Church the morning after Daylight saving comes in when prominent folks walk in just as the service is ending.
Member what I said awhile back bout aging so far that could be called a "senior moment" but should this become more numerous in the future Nancy may have to give you plastic colored keys to play with.

I'm at the age now I can't remember what I had for dinner so I can't truthfully say if I ever did something like that or not. Or maybe I don't want too ---LOL--- advantages of the aged { Grin}
I have a lot of trouble with the hereafter. i get into a room and can't remember what i was here after!!
Years ago I received my new fishing license in the mail. I tossed my old one in a file. A game warden boarded me a few days later. I gave him my "new" license and he said it was expired, and proceeded to write me a ticket. When I got home I pulled out my old "new" license.(fortunately I hadn't thrown it away). Yep, you guessed it. I called the judge and explained. He said "I told him to quit doing that. Case dismissed."
Rusty, a couple years ago, I walked by my truck and noticed the sticker was two years expired. I went in, with my hat in hand, expecting the worst. After the initial grousing about my deficiencies, (which I deserved) the guy softened up and sold me a new sticker. I said what about the two I missed? He said, "Forget it".

My one and only pleasant experience in a license facility.

Kind of the opposite for me- few years ago was flying MPLS thru Phoenix to SF, went thru airport security twice with an expired license- checker saw the airborne wings on my hat and said, have a nice flight. Went to the car rental in SF, and was refused a car, due to the expired license. Mrs. got the car and did all the driving- I navigated. That works better anyway! Interesting was that our first plan was to drive out, she fly back for teaching, me to drive back with a side trip to AZ to visit sister.
Well shoot James,
No wonder you never new how old Nancy was - keep forgetting.
Good thing the glennster asked about it and she finally felt guilty enough so that all on YT could wish her a Happy Birthday. If she gives you any small hints about the day, pass them on so we can reply and remind you!
Hey James,that's a CLASSIC!!

Reminds me of an elderly gentleman who was in my shop the other day and was wondering how old I was.I told him I was "an old @#!ard"(I'm in my early 40's).

He replied "I've got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel". Man, did I laugh about that one!!
It's 1966. I am stationed in San Diego in the Navy. I bought a decent 55 TBird for 1600 dollars. Took it to my rented shop/garage and deconstructed it. Began the restoration process. Did not title or register it.
Betwee the WestPac cruses, VN and all I finally finished it in 1970.
Went to CA DMV. Bad news. I owe 6% tax on the value of the car, 5 years registrations, and penalties. About 900 dollars and in 1970 that was a nice chunk of change.
Told the clerk, "Forget it" and left.
Dug out the CA code on vehicles and did some legal bookwork/
Returned a week later with sworn, notarized affadavits, photos and witness affadavits, that the car had NEVER been out of the shop or on the road. SO that waived the registration fees.
Then onto the use tax. The clerk asked me what I had paid for the car. I said it was so long ago I couldn't remember. She said quite pompously, " Oh, no problem, we have a book that tells us the value of cars." So she looked up the value of a year, 1955, make, FORD! I complimented her on her astute appraisal,her attention to the law, and shelled out the 6% tab, $15, on that 250 dollar "book value"
Sold the Bird a year later for considerably more :)
I got one for you. Keep in mind my wife is always after me about all forms of paper work and organiston.

When my wife and I were date'n we were going down the road in my car eating fast food come'n home from town. I can't eat and drive very well. Went by a state trooper setting on the side of the road and he pulled out behind me and pulled me over. I figured he thought I was drunk because I was try'n to eat and only going about 50. He asked if I knew why he pulled me over, and I said I swear I ain't drunk I was try'n to eat my burger. He said he didn't even notice me swerve'n but my tags were expired. I gave him a dumb look and said can't be, I just got the bill last week and it did not say any thing about be'n a year late. This was about the end of Jan and my tags are due for the car at the end of Feb. He told me the sticker on my car had ran out in Feb the year before and he asked if I had my registration. Be'n Jan I hadn't started on my taxes yet so the console of my little car was cramed full of southern states, rural king, and CPS reciepts. I started pulling all them out and toss'n them on the dash. Got almost to the bottom and there was the wad of blue and white paper work and he said there it is, let me see it. I handed him the wad and he started unfolding and said this sticker needs to go on your plate. I told him I was sorry, it was raining the day I came out of the court house and just stuck them in there and forgot. Then he said wait, this paper work is for a 93 Chevy K1500, I told him to keep unfold'n. The next one was for a 93 F350, and I said there counldn't be but one more, and sure nuff the bottom one was for my car. At this point my wife was bout to sream, she was huff'n and puff'n to beat the band. The trooper looked at me and said you have been drive'n 3 vehicles for almost a year with out of date tags and not been pulled over, how did you do that. I told him I never went very far and he said but you have 3 of them and they have all be out of date, how did you pull that off. All I could do was look at him and say I guess some times profile'n ain't a bad thing. He laughed handed me my paper work and said put this sticker on and have a nice day.

We almost broke up before we got home, glad she can laugh about it now but oh was she mad.


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