Looks like bad bad weather


Well-known Member
Just watched the weather Springfield MO station and looks like OK is getting slammed right now and it is heading right for this area. Said hwy. in OK where being closed and a lot of flights being canceled. Also said northern AK was getting or will be soon ice and then turning to snow. So guess we better tie things down and get things ready for some snow fun.
Well.....you were complaining the other day about 60 degrees and mud. Be careful what you wish for,you just might get it.
Rich: This is Flat Land Snow Fun!
We got what they said here in the TX Panhandle. I am guessing about 6 to 8 inches of snow so far on top of ice. Suppose to snow through the night. Possibly 12 inches by morning. I sure wish it was rain, I don't have shovel rain off the side walks at work. Boss sent me home today around 10:00 am, said it will be here tomorrow.
I have 2 or 3 sets of snow skis that would work better for that type of fun. Sure wish at time that I had the ski poles so I could try to bust my but
Just wish it would dry up a little. Even though it has been below normal temps, the 1.8 inches of rain we got last week thawed the ground that was already only partly froze because of the snow cover.

Broke through the crust with my 1066 loader tractor trying to load big round bales, don't know if I will be able to pull trailer out of field after I get 1066 moving again. I can back up about 10 feet at a time every day after it is froze, but front tires hit the end of rut and rears break thru again. DOUG
Well as long as it comes down as snow it is just fine with me we need it but we sure do not need any rain before the snow but they say this area will not have the rain just the snow.
The problem with the 60 degree days was it would get down to freezing at night so the water had not place to go and left us with 6 inches of mud that you could not do any thing about
Gotta a good pair of ski poles if you need them!
Used to go downhill and cross country skiing, but now somedays it hurts to crawl on the 4 wheeler!
Just remember I'm older than Old (but not much)
I picked up theses skis at an auction years ago because no one bid on them. I think I payed $5 or so for the 2 or 3 sets and I think one set is cross country. I too skied when younger but any more with my bad back and bad knee and now with my right arm messing up not sure I should even try unless it was because I had no other choice to do so to get out and to town or something.
I'm a little dissapointed, all the snow is going south. Won't get to play in it. The only show we got this year, I was in Florida and missed out. Please have fun for me!

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