ot/ bacon for breakfast tommorrow.

c.w n.y

the last job of butchering the pig. now for the tasty part.
Ummm smoked bacon, I'll bring the eggs over tomarrow. Bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwhichs on the menu..LOL
how many hogs did you butcher? the bacon looks great what else do you make do you make headcheese or scrapple? It is great that you know how to do this my family gets attached to animals and wont let me butcher
I'll bring the Coffee. Looks like you'll be good for bacon a while or run out of eggs. Whatever, screw the eggs and just eat the bacon. Steiger.
I"m with Dan on this,just hmmmm good!
Man,with good coffee and homemade bread,of course farm fresh eggs,and how about fried pontiac potatoes,homemade chokecherry jam?
I know Im probably gonna pay for it someday, but we have 30 some laying hens, I sell the eggs but still eat 2-3 a day, wife has 2 eggs every day. Cant beat your own free range eggs. Then my friend butchered some pigs and a herford steer so I buy alot of meat from him. At least I know were it comes from. But I really should be more careful of how I eat before its to late. but.......... oh its just so good J
I know its good . when your chickens get old do you butcher them to make good homemade soup or chicken and dumplings ? country life sounds good to me.

I only do a hog a year, some times i skip a year if i still have much of the last pig still in the freezer, i just cut all the meat out of the head i can for sausage, then i hang it out in the hedgerow for the birds to pick on. One does get attached to the animals but it has to be done. once you shoot it you forget about feeling guilty and get to work.
that looks like a rather large side of meat or even a small smoke house I would like to see how it is built and build one need to know how to operate it also no one around here does that anymore.I just butchered my 500+ lb sow last weekend and will have a couple more to do in a few months. Had to pay a guy to help me cut it and use his equipment but with over 300lb of meat I know what was fed we enjoy every bite. He is curing the strick-o-lean and said it will be ready in a couple weeks. He said all I would need to do is smoke it for it to be bacon. I have 2 freezers and both are full of deer and pork.

that smokehouse is just a bathroom of a barge that my great uncle draged up off the beach in the 50's, all you need is something that will hold the smoke and you can hang the meat up in. i just make a small fire in the bottom (be carefull not to make a large one the heat can cook the grease out of the bacon causeing a hotter fire causeing more grease to drip on the fire etc etc.) then i put apple tree suckers or waterspouts on the fire to make smoke you have to keep a eye on it some dry wood to keep it going and some apple wood for the smoke and flavor. Do it for a full day. That s how i do mine dont know if its the right way or not
Well I would like to. Like a sissy I have a weak stomach, blood and the like makes me queasey. Sometimes when the vet comes to check the horses I get faint, things like sutering a valvua, or something. I just let the chickens go until they die, or take them to a auction. Now I hear there is a live poulty place that kills and dresses chickens. So I may see if I can bring my birds, just hope I get mine back!
Apparently, these hens think they need to sun themselvs, rather than lay eggs. lol For some reason they like to lay on there side in the sun like this. Some do look dead, but there not! :)
I can relate to the attached to the critters in your care. Fri we took a 1270# Holstien steer to the locker. We know what he was fed,we know how he was treated, we raised him from a week old baby. There was a few tears and yes its hard to send an animal to its death however our society has insulated itself from such unsavory things. Too many ppl think our food comes magicly in white plastic packages. A trip to a packing plant in the early 70"s in Iowa enlightened this young farm raised lad. Its a way of life, its were America gets its food folks and a farmer, rancher, ag industry person feeds us. Remember that! Without every one of them there will be anarchy and starvation. Think about that the next time your mad cause a tractor, combine or farm truck is slowing you down.

My wife raises bottle calves with the assistance of 4 nurse cows. Here in Southern Ok all the buyers want is Black or Red if they look beefy. Any dairy look and they bring far less $ than the inputs are. But I"ve never tasted a bad steak from a Holstien that was raised right with right feed and ruffage. His name was GEE ..... he"ll taste good on the grill Later Tim
i cant see what youre seeing in the upper left maybe the pipe that goes across, yep thats from one pig. about 35 lbs
i mean the piece of meat at the top left it doesnt look like a slab of bacon or a shoulder or a ham I was just courius. But it all looks great!
The picture makes it look like a thick chunk of meat. I think the front piece blends in with the piece behind it. Is that what you are asking about?
I had eggs and blood saugage (both fried) for breakfast this AM. With toast, tomato juice and coffee. I didn't eat again till this evening. The one locker (small butcher shop )makes excellant blood saugage. I get a bunch when ever I go to that town & put it in the freezer. That home cured bacon is still the best. Sure beats that thin sliced stuff they call bacon that leaves you with a few small pieces floating in a pan full of grease!
As I get older I have a hard time killing hogs, cattle and especially rabbits. I make it a point to never name something I'm going to eat. . .

(quoted from post at 17:10:24 01/24/10) gets attached to animals and wont let me butcher

Tell me about it............

I just gave (a few months ago) 6 rabbits to a neighbor. Plan was to fill the freezer and eat healthy but wife wouldn't stay away from the pens/babies. Couldn't butcher so sold them. Just got tired of tirekickers and phone calls so gave them away. Get a butchered one every now and then from the neighbor. Rabbits were her idea to begin with....... I change the subject real quick when she starts talking pig, calf (she found some Dexters), etc.

Almost went for a couple sheep until I tasted lamb.

Thinking goats should taste a lot like deer though????

I can't tell you how many rabbits I shot when I had Beagles. Now I have had this little female Netherland Dwarf bunny about a year now. She does not stay in the cage , she's litterbox trained basically. She goes to bed when I leave for work and gets up when I come home. Not sure I could shoot a rabbit now. Bird and deer hunting doesn't bother me at all though. I knew an old man many years ago. He said ,"You'll lose your desire to hunt large mammals in the last two decades of your life."

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