o/t a little embarrassing!


well I was reading one of the posts couple days ago,someone said sarsaparilla was good for making your hair grow,well I got this little bald spot on my head so I thought I would go to GNC and get some,I was looking and couldn't find it ,the young lady behind the counter asked if I needed help finding something,I said sarsaparilla ,and she said (oh for an aphrodisiac), after I stuttered for about 15 seconds I finally told her it was for hair loss,I had no idea.I looked over at my wife and she had a cute little grin on her face.you just never know!!!
"What would PLOW HAND do in a situation like this?"

Turn to his wife and say "You told me it was for hair loss!"
Well Im just starting to "thin out" up top, is sasaparilla the remedy? Should I start now before its to late? LOL, J
Root beer was originally made from the sarsaparilla root, as I have always understood. Today, an artifical flavoring is used. In the old west, it was sold as sarsaparilla. However, I doubt that she meant that variety. There are several different varities of the plant. If you find the right one and it works, let me know.
Sarsaparilla is an aphrodisiac? I didn't know that. I've got a few sasafras trees around the place, is that close enough? If so, I'm going to talk a few gals I know into walking from tree to tree eating leaves and drinking plenty of rootbeer next summer, then invite them into to the hayloft to help me out with some...things. I don't think it'll help me much with my hair thinning, but I don't think I'll care much about that if everything else works out. Grin. Lots of grining now that I think about it. I'll let everyone know how it goes next summer.

Interesting side note, precursors of MDMA or Ecstasy is sasafrass oil. Sort of makes me wonder if the old timers had it right about its properties.
Hold up there guys. You are talking about several different things. MDMA is a toxic synthetic amphetamine and it is deadly stuff. Idiots call it extasy. It has nothing to do with any naturally occurring oils.

Sa(r)sparilla is a flavoring made from root and tree bark. It was once called 'root tea'. The name was changed to root beer by it's inventor. The temperance movement tried to get men to switch to the newly invented 'root beer' instead of real beer. We all know how that went.

Sassafras is made from the bark of sassafras roots and it is used to make an herbal tea. The tea has several side affects. It will keep your blood from clotting and cause your blood pressure to drop in high doses. The FDA banned the stuff from foods because it causes liver damage. Safrole is called 'sassafras oil' and it is insanely expensive. It is not the drug ecstasy. The sassafras oil you buy in a store is a camphor by product and it is a chemical synthetic for perfumes and candles. Real sassafras oil is extremely expensive. You have to mow down, and process, a whole forest to get just a little bit of the natural oil. If I had the money to get a few quarts of real sassafras oil; I could just outright buy a few sporting women to rub my shiny head and purr in my ear.

Stay awake in chemistry class.
Interesting connection. The way I heard it, "If you are bald on the front you are a thinker, if you are bald on the back of your head you are a lover. When the two get together you just think you are a lover. I guess that is when you need the sarsaparilla.
Thats right,I perform well under pressure,and yes both of my heads are bald. I don't need any medication or any high tech devices to power them up.They are always ready to go on a moments notice...

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