Petition against Monsanto corn, whats up?

While I have issues with Monsanto, these guys sound like they rank right up there with ACORN. Google and read down through the results.....
I've been wondering about some of our Governemnt agencies, if our congress people sell us out for a penny on a dollar.
It says the FDA approved those, also wondered about the EPA.
it's about strong arming seed companies,not allowing other companies to put their genetics into any seed with rr traits, shutting down over 200 smaller seed companies and hindering competition. They are also discovering that glyphos is much more enviromentally unfriendly than previously realized. Ever heard of "millions against monsanto"? The US justice department is investigating them. Most generally wheres there smoke there's fire. I do like rr beans for ease of weed control but don't buy much if any rr corn, mostly to get differen't modes of weed control and partially so as not to financially benefit them.
Well if anybody thinks the FDA or EPA is helping the people in any way they are severely mistaken.Maybe when they started not anymore.

It said Monsantos own studies showed it caused organ damage.

Whatever the truth is,there is no need to have one seed company have a monopoly on seeds.No one company needs to have a monopoly on anything,even toothpicks.
I agree with dboll. I have worked with a small seed comapny here in NY for over 24 years either as a dealer or a district sales manager. Monsantos control over the market goes farther than any farmer or user of their product can see. They controll the gentics and the cost of those gentics. Their technology is virtually the only technology that as time goes on it gets more expensive. if seed cost goes up from year to year- it is 99% due to the increase in their tech fees to the seed company. just this year- straight RR corn which has been available to the market for over 12 years went up 14 dollars- that was Monsantos tech fee to you. I ask as a dealer and a corn grower, isnt it getting to the point where a bag of seed cost so much, that it may be better to look at conventionals with a good spray program again? I realize that RR is convenient and sometimes we need the YG for corn borer or Roootworm but lets use it in specific instances not a blanket aproach- then we will not get these GMO resistances that we are getting. thats a whole other topic
(quoted from post at 08:15:23 01/14/10) Their technology is virtually the only technology that as time goes on it gets more expensive.

The drug industry give lessons to americun corps on patent abuses....

these are true external_link supporters that won"t be satisfied till we are a country that cannot feed itself. Roger

Gonna give you some facts here son. The cheny adminstration knew no product regulation...the phrase wasn't in their vocabulary.

So now, we have a man that cares about product safety, you gots a problem with that?
And the representative for the Sheeple has now spoken.....

There's a sublte difference between caring about product saftey and trying to force a left wing distorted view void of any real truth.
Well as a lifelong farmer and a staunch political Conservative I will say that its being proven more and more that there are some serious negative side effects to GM grain and many many people the World over are rejecting them.Healthy vs unhealthy food is not a abundant/Conservative issue.A whole lot more research should have been done on GM grain before it was released for general consumption
My comments were directed at Sheeple speaking about it all being Cheney's fault/Bush's fault/ect. Show me REAL facts and I'll consider them. Spout off about any of this being politically motivated and you'll be laughed at just like Sheeple. Post leftist propaganda and expect worse.
The thing to look at is the message, not who delivers it...granted, messages from unreliable messengers can be suspect, but it"s the message that should be checked out (I have no knowledge on this organ damage point, altho I do feel the whole population is being used as a test lab)...
To give the devil his due, most of these gov"t "regulatory" agencies are expected to both regulate and support the businesses in their fields, which often results in agency schizophrenia...
That site is sure misleading even though correct.

The news story and research was done on rats but the aforementioned site uses the word mammals which of course rats are.

Never knew a rat that wanted to keep around. I tend to recall that the original article said damage and not failure are someone signing such a petition might think. if you drink too much chlorinated water you will probably get damage but without any failure.

Some will simply attempt to destroy Monsanto because of incomplete or missing information from something they heard years ago. No need to get into it here as it can be a hot topic.
So I guess you'll eat rat poison since its been proven to kill rats not humans? In case you've been in a coma for the last 50 years testng products on rats is the way the safety of most all drugs and products are tested.Companies like Monsanto should be verifing the safety of their products before turning them loose on the general public which apparently they didn't do in this case
When you start getting blood clots, you'll probably gladly eat some rat poison... since warfarin in the active ingredient in blood thinners.

I don't buy into a lot of these studies that this or that will kill you. We've got some old industrial sites around here that are contaminated with PAH's and PCB's along with a bunch of other things. Years ago some fool calculated that ingesting something like 80 cups of this material would kill you. Another fellow I know quickly pointed out that ingesting 80 cups of tea (that he quite liked) at one sitting would probably kill you too...
Another interesting fact, known to many of us with pesticide applicators licences... is that the LD50 of Roundup is exponentially less than MANY things we ingest daily including coffee, table salt, (I think tea) and various other things... so I don't buy the studies of a lot of these kooks with an agenda that they're trying to ram down someones throat.
If the environmental wack jobs had ~their~ way, the result of their 'ideas' would soon clear mankind from the planet in the name of saving the 'environment'.

what does 0 bama have to do with gmo corn? Starlink caused allergic reactions in thousands of people? the truth is that scientists do not know all of the effects of genetic modification. It's about massive profits and not about feeding a starving world. In my opinion epa, fda and the phamaceutical, chemical and genetic companies have all been corrupted. Why would anyone defend these people. To do so means that they may have been corrupted by greed Matthew 6-24
"what does 0 bama have to do with gmo corn?"

Do you really think a web site called is unbiased?

Anyway, the whole article is suspect. They say they couldn't get GMO seeds to do their own study? Really? Everyone I know who wanted them was able to buy them.

They cherry picked some data out of a much bigger set of data, found some response from some of the rats, and jumped to the conclusion that it was the corn. More careful review has shown that the response was probably due to contamination from other chemicals rather than the GMO corn itself, but they published their "study" without any peer review anyway.
How many times have we heard of a new miracle treatment that looks good in mice but doesn't work when tested on humans? We test on mice and rats because they are small (cheap), have short life cycles, and almost nobody likes them. It is not because of a good correlation in results.
Ok, this may be somewhat off the subject, but my sister does research on the ever dwindling Monarch butterflies. If the larva of the Monarch butterfly eats GM plants, it dies. Draw your own conclusion.
The monarch study was debunked a long long time ago.
The larva were placed on Bt corn and ended up dieing...
Guess what, monarch larva weren't eating the corn because they don't like it, that's how they died.
Any person brings up the Monarchs is full of crap if trying to dis GM crops.
Although it's more fun to speculate, you might want to read the actual study, which that idiotic petition doesn't bother to actually name. This is not the first study made of GM corn, and it won't be the last.

If you really believe an internet petition signed by a few treehuggers is going have any effect on the behavior of a huge multinational corporation like Monsanto, then you don't understand the way the world works.
GM Corn Study
I don't want to say true or not true. What I heard was very important lady high in government initials NP inquired about jet fuel pollution and was told by EPA to forget ab out it, too big to handle. Maybe someone has documentation. I am asking for information, not making a statement.
Too bad about your uncle.
That said, he was not alone. Him and a lot more died of cancer. Millions more... so there's a pretty direct, easily shown correlation there.

I'm afraid that Monsanto doesn't have a stack of dead bodies to show just yet, so I'll take the studies with a grain of salt.


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