Too Many Projects

37 chief

Well-known Member
My Dad got a manure spreader from our neighbor a long time ago. It is a horse drawn one with wood sides, and a buck board type seat with leaf springs. The thing must go back to 30's or earlier. I pass it every day walking to my shop. I thought it would be nice to restore it. Just a idea that will never happen. I already have more projects that I will not live long enough to finish. Anyone else have too many projects. Stan

I know the fealing , i honstly have been turning them away. There's always that thing we need that with a little work will make us money or is just simply kool.

Problem with that is that we gather them faster then we fix them or the wallet allows.

"Just say no "
Sitting in my basement is a horse drawn sleigh that needs a full restoration. After 2 years I still haven't got to it. Waiting for a spike of inspiration that may never come.......

Is your manure spreader sheltered from the elements at least ?
That removes some guilt and keeps hope alive.
I know the feeling too well. I have enough projects to last several lifetimes. I am learning to say "no" to most new dreams that come along. I try to concentrate and enjoy what I already have, quality is better than quanity.
I've got things sitting around here that I wish were done,yes. I'd like to look at them when they are finished,but can't get enthused about working on some of them.
Hey I resemble these remarks. So does my neighbor. He has several used lawn mowers under his carport while his car sits out in the weather.
Well, it is a comfort to know I am not the only one. Not much comfort, but a little. I get depressed when I walk into my shop.
As I get older I alsohave been turning projects away. Just called my friend about a Case VAC that was so cheap I could have afforded it but he bought .
However, if a horse drawn Manure spreader was looking me in the eye and saying "please mr, please fix me up" I am sure I would do it in a heartbeat. Thats the one thing I would spends my energy on. I saw one in Tennessee that had a small V8 in it with clutch, brakes steering wheel etc that was out fitted to carry people. I Just want a plain old MS Henry
At age 47 I have about 150 years worth of projects. I have been restoring the same tractor for at least 7 years. I have given in to the fact that I will never get to most of my tractors. I even tried to sell a few this fall and didn't have time to get them out and running to sell.
Had same problem, bit bullet and did it, almost took a year to do!!!!!!!!!
37 chief, this is no joke you need to find a non related diversion now don't get me wrong not some young lady at the local saloon or maybe ;-> but something like looking for arrowheads, take up golf, working out at the Y or takeup studying old western US history. It's worked for me I've gone back to playing golf and getting on here and my projects have been diminished to some degree sometimes you just have to disconnect from the train. This was conveyed to me by an old classmate who is a full blown shrink. The thing that has helped me most is I ride a motorcycle and that has helped me most in disconnecting so when I get back I'm ready to dig in, sometimes we get bored with our own projects and need a temporary diversion.
Hey Stan, I sent some guy in CA your way today looking for Allis M rollers, I didn't have what he needed but figured you might.

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