Poor Man's Tire Chains

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
We're havin' fun now!

'Nother 15 miles and maybe I can get some water to those snowbound critters. :>)



Say Alan, Looks like your truly having fum pushing the white stuff around. Nice tire chains, they work so thats all that counts.Got a set on the 706, but so far it"s still under wraps.Got some snow ,but not enough to call out the heavy equiptment,so we are using the old work horse 1975 F-150 4/4 which is still going strong (so Far).Hope ya got the critters fed and watered.
I feel for you..........BTDT many years ago. Couldn't do that now. A major snow storm for this area is six inches... Good luck and be careful.

Been there, done that. Only mine was a WC Allis. Didn't even get a T-shirt. To hell with the cows, take care of yourself.
KennyP who quit after a heart attack.
i feel your pain although I don't have the critters. We got about 15 inches, tried to get to the closest town, 80 people about 2 miles away and made it less than 100 yards after leaving the driveway, not even to the bottom of the hill! Oops well try again later
Allen, I keel your pain, BTDT! One thing I did right, last week was to drop a bunch of round bales over the fence, in various places, cows had "Hay mines" in the snow, where they were digging down to get to the hay!
WOW,,,,And i can remember how you thot No. Dak. was bad,,,,Very little snow and 10 above here,,NW,,,I was still grazing till about 10 days ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The rest of our state cant say that tho,,,,,Minot really got dumped on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You guys have had a hard winter down there,,,,,,,,,,,,And just think of all that good moister you will have next spring,,,,:eek:)
With nothing on the 3 point, no chains or loaded tires my Ford 3000 is now stuck in a snow drift. I's so cold the loader isn't working for some reason so can't use it to walk the tractor out.

Thought I was going to clear a path to the shop and cut down the drifts in the driveway but mother nature won.
Allen, Looks about the same here, 400 miles east of you. Neighbor has been opening the road between his place and mine to feed the cows. Big JD FWA, sliding all over the road due to the ice under ten inches of snow. I followed their tracks a ways, they used the payloader to cut through some 9 foot drifts, which been blowing shut every day. Sunday noon and snowed in since Thurs morning. Hope to get out to work tomorrow.
Hope you made it to the farm and back safely. I sure don't envy that drive you have to make, this weather has been testy enough when the chores are right outside the door and across the yard. At least it was a little warmer the last couple of days, and the stinkin wind finally went down. Work carefully!! :wink:
This snow this big here is what you talk about and we are suppose to dream about. Misery, Misery, Misery, How come pictures of you pushing snow, looks like so much more fun then us pushing it.

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