farmshow magazine


I'd guess that many of you know of and enjoy farmshow magazine. If you don't you should look into it. A great publication about home-made projects related to agriculture.
I was wondering if any of you knew of other similar magazines?
i have been getting it for about 5 years or so and always looking forward for the next one in the mailbox it truly is a great magazine.though i myself wondered if there was a similiar magazine out there guess maybe we will find out with some more post. thanks RICK
You may want to check out Mother Earth News, it comes out every other month, I just got my Dec./Jan. issue. You can also check it out on the internet at

I subscribed to it for 20 years. I let it expire, one can only read about so many school buses or combines made into X or Y, tractor repowers with grainy photos, diesel pickup power boxes etc etc.

Coffee shop BS known as "Best and Worse Buy"

i.e. "My 1948 Farmall M I bought new is a worst buy, I couldn't get more than 30 years out of a clutch" "My John Deere 6430 that I bought yesterday is a best buy, I really like the A/C cab and fwa, I've already put 5 hours on it and it has lasted so much better than the Farmall M it replaced.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good magazine, but for a magazine that doesn't have advertising, most of the articles are actually pitches for commercial services or products.
My experience exactly; let it expire 6 or 8 years ago after subscribing for a long time. Most of the stuff was recycled from someone else's ideas; folks were SO PROUD of doing something that other folks had done decades before.
I have always thought that a lot of the best buys give them 5 years and they will be the worst buy, they have not had the item long enough to know how it will hold up. If they have had the item for 10 years or longer and then a best buy then I will give them some credibility.
You might say it is a print version of this site.

I absolutely LOVE it when some one buys a USED piece of machinery, and has nothing but problems with it, never thinking that could well be the reason it was traded off in the first place, or some one is the proud owner of his 60 year old machine, and is all upset because the manufacturer didn't include this, or that, or some other 'improvement' that hadn't even been thought of when it was new.
Some of the creations give new meaning to 'presidential engineering'.
Over 1/2 of the jerry rigged operations you would not catch me standing near..Safety is threwn into the wind..
I love that magazine, it is gods way of letting people know they have way to much time on their hands and how little an old bus or combine is worth. Always something to chuckle about. Great stories like "I turned my Massey 510 combine into a volume chicken plucker, plans avaliable" or "Man uses log splitter to squeeze manure into diamonds, sells special attachment" the always present "They sell adapters to but a Boeing 747 engine in a JD A, also most Farmalls". And who dosen't want to take out their checkbook when they see that a "woman makes millions of dollars raising minature invisable ducks, oppertunities avaliable". For more information contact Farm Show At AAA BBB CCC.
Your dead right, my father in law gets that paper, and I'v looked at it. What you said is still got me laughing. I like the "Massey 510 voulume chicken plucker plans avaliable" Now thats funny, I just thought everybody had one of thoses in there barn,:) lol. J
Thats what I think too. I would like to submit a "worst buy" for their magazine as the "Farm Show" magazine due to the same old things listed and each issues seems like a reprint of the last. Wouldnt that be a kicker if they would actually print it?!?!
i've subscribed to it a couple times at the introductry rate but letn it expire because the regular rate is too damm high...theres been a few neat ideas in there.
Jay, I as a firefighter/parametic I ask please do not use the word dead when discussing Farm Show Magazine contraptions. It is bad luck. I have thought I have seen it all but that magazine keeps comming up with new and unique ideas about to hurt or kill yourself, while someone is attempting to make money. It is just a matter of time until someone reports that "I emptied my oxygen and acetylene gas cylnders in my old round steel grain bin, lit it with a match and launched grain bin top into orbit. Now I recieve satelite TV for free. Plans avaliable".
They have changed over the years from a farmer invention magazine to mostly urban stuff. Dealt with them once on an idea I submitted- when they published it, they "quoted" me (made up) and wrote it up poorly. Told them I had another 15 ideas, but would not submit any unless they published my text, word for word. They refused. For all that, they extended my subscription, but I can"t imagine renewing it. I can write much better than they can, and I understand machinery much better than they do, courtesy of the first conversation. Since then I"ve noticed the similarity in write-ups, especially in combine conversions.
Some issues are good, with many new ideas. Some of the ideas put forth though are no-brainers, or ideas from 30 to 50 years ago. There hasn't been enough to encourage me to renew next time around
Sure wish someone with a 510 would send me the instrument cluster- its the same as on a Moline 4 Star, but on the tractors (being out in the weather), they are always shot. Only difference is "MM" vs. "MF" in little letters at the bottom.

50 bucks to the first guy who sends me one in decent condition.
(quoted from post at 23:21:07 12/02/09) They have changed over the years from a farmer invention magazine to mostly urban stuff. Dealt with them once on an idea I submitted- when they published it, they "quoted" me (made up) and wrote it up poorly. Told them I had another 15 ideas, but would not submit any unless they published my text, word for word. They refused. For all that, they extended my subscription, but I can"t imagine renewing it. I can write much better than they can, and I understand machinery much better than they do, courtesy of the first conversation. Since then I"ve noticed the similarity in write-ups, especially in combine conversions.

I've always thought the writing was "crappy" and what you are saying confirms it.

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