Too Late to Plant Winter Wheat?

Al in WI

I live in SE Wisconsin and recently purchased some extra farmland. The field had soybeans, which were harvested a few days ago. I'm thinking of seeding some wheat. The ground is wet, but the next few days are supposed to be warm and sunny. What do you think - too much of a gamble this late in the season?
Al, I'm in the same boat as you are here in northeast Missouri. I am going to look at the 10 day forecast and if it stays warm I might still try it. I'd like to get it sprouted and up before the weather turns. If it is supposed to get colder I will probably not try it. Mike
talk to your county agent. Lots of variables here. Some places may get a mild winter though.
It's too late for winter wheat unless you are willing to gamble your seed costs, fuel and machinery to put it out there and hope for the best. I have about 500 bushels of seed wheat available if anybody is lookiing.
Might want to check with you crop insurance agent if you have wheat insured. Every county has a "Final plant date" for each crop. You could use that for a guideline.

What county are you in? I could look it up.

I think you're too far north- probably won't get enough growth before hard freeze- I'd wait for spring.
If it is dry enough to get it in it will make, many an acre has been put in the day before a hard freeze and when things open up in spring and snow starts to melt you will find a full crop of good looking wheat plants. Now the thing to consider is if you have crop insurance it is too late for it to be insured and if you have wheat at someplace else that should be covered you will loose coverage on that as well, that insurance is your biggest gamble.
I'm a long ways southwest of you and its too late here. Every time that I planted wheat in wet ground in November it made from 0-20 bushels per acre.I could never get a stand. Disease has gotten in our wheat and it only made 40 bushels per acre this year.Got docked $1 per bushel for low test weight and poor quality.

The price of wheat is so cheap that it wont pencil out even at 50-60 bushels per acre.Because of wet ground and low prices no wheat has been planted in my area and none are making any plans to. Most are trying to get the corn and beans out before the rain on Monday.
Here in KS the crop insurance deadline is Nov. 15 but they have already started docking a per cent a day but may not hurt most since they just insure at 70+-% anyway.

Still a lot of wheat planting going on around here cause of the wet fall. It's just dry enough to get the milo and other stuff cut.

My advise to all wheat farmers is to not plant any wheat period. Then maybe the price will go up for the rest of us.

Barry, your Rye question: Rye has a small light weight kernel and it spreads like weeds/wildfire in wheat fields. When 1 kernel or more begins showing up in samples of loads taken to the elevator, they begin docking the price of wheat by a few cents a bushel for the whole truck load. The lighter kernels make for a lower test weight and therefore less money. Also affects the moisture and protein levels. Rye does not make a quality bread flour so millers don't want it. We had one field with enough rye and cheat that it is going to milo next year to break the cycle. It also costs a bunch to have it sprayed to control it. That's why.
And those that are planting now, they are recommending using a treated seed, starter fertilizer, planting shallower, among other things.
Thanks - I am new to all of this. I planted 3 acres of winter rye for a cover crop. I do plan on cutting before it goes to seed though.

Thanks for the info!

I'm in Central Montana; this morning I got a call from one of my farmer friends inviting me out to his mountain ranch to see him planting winter wheat with 2 12 foot John Deere hoe drills pulled by a 600 Case. We finished up a 4:45 P.M. and I got to run the Case on the last patch.

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