car/tractor accident

That just happened in september about 20 miles due south of THIS accident location. A Mexican migrant worker ran a stop sign with a 444 IH. The car struck it about there the tractor distributor is located...well, was located.
Saw this one on channel 17 this morning. The tractor driver was injured, but how seriously was not reported. Can't be too careful on the road.
Didn't see it? Ummm Hmmmm..... That's why the right front end is staved in from hitting the left rear wheel when she pulled out to pass... cause she didn't see it.

I've had people blatantly ignore signal lights on tractors and pull out to pass me while making left hand turns. They'd be dead if I hadn't looked before finishing the turn...
There doesn't seem to be a limit to the stupid things people do on the road.

She way likely day dreaming,yaking on a cell phone, drinking coffee etc. And assumed everything with tailights on the highway is moving 55-60mph.
She was likely less than 300ft from the tractor when she realized her rate of gain upon it.
i read the news report. tractor driving at nite has light on is that front light or did he have a couple dim tail lights. and smv,, if like most not in real good shape,, she come up on him not relizing it a slow moving vechile then trys to miss him by passing reason for right front of car damage and left rear of tractor damage. sound to me like enough blame to go around. whay would you put your live in harms way by drive a tractor on busy road after dark, make no sence at all to me. i know there a lot dumb driver and just as many dumb farmer driving equipmet on the hwy, most of the time it a accendent looking for a place to happen.
I was hauling gravity boxes the other day to the elevator and noticed that almost 100% of the people passing me in both directions were talking on cell phones. They should just make them illegal in cars. What are all these bored, do nothing all day people talking about 24 hours a day?
About a month ago I came up on a tractor at night on a not too busy paved highway. I didn't realize it was a tractor until I got pretty close. Luckily no one was coming the other way and I could go around the tractor. Why didn't I realize it was a tractor going slow? It was a big tractor with a cab and the driver had 2 big halogen headlights, on the top of the cab, facing backwards that blinded any flashing marker lights or slow moving vehicle signs. I thought it was something in the other lane coming towards me. If he had turned the rear lights off, I would have easily seen the flashing lights and SMV sign. The speed limit on the road is 100km/h and the tractor came up pretty fast. I was real tempted to stop and give the guy shut for having his rear lights on. Anyone else would have also thought a tractor was in the other lane too. Dave
I know down here as long as you have a SMV sign you do not need tail lights. That tractor appears to have them, i'm betting she was distracted at the time and plowed right into the back of him. Luckally they were ok, especially him since he was thrown. Mistakes are made, accidents happen, equipment and cars can be replaced but people cannot.
I often travel at night with the rear work lights on so that I can see the machine behind me.
I know it's blinding... but I also watch for vehicles behind me and shut them off or flash them if they don't seem to catch on to what's ahead.
I generally don't have too many come up behind me at night unnoticed anyway. I generally see them long before they see me.

I was driving down the road one fogging night and I saw a small white light in front of me. I thought it was a helicoter or plane in the distance. Turned out a rusty tractor was pulling a brown high top wagon. The driver was reaching over the wagon and shinning a small flashlight at me.
I keep rear lights off if traveling on a busy road, and just turning on here and there to check. Almost had a bad accident right in front of the house today. I was in the truck waiting to turn in (right lane) gf's mom was leaving so she was blocking the drive opening the gate. As I was stopped waiting for her to move (i was signaling) a semi decided to go around me, then a car decided to do the same by the time the semi pulled around the car didnt see that there was a truck right there in the other lane (semi called it pretty close as to pulling out against oncoming traffic) that car barely missed clipping me as they tried to cut around against the truck that was comming. I was just thinking oh **** Luckally they all made it with no accident but if there was I know where the money for our new gate and my new truck would be comming from.

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