stupid goats


Well-known Member
got a stupid question about a even stupider goat, last several weeks i stuck some goats on a weed removing job in a small pen so i wouldnt have to do it, turns out these goats figured out how to climb up a horse panel fence high enough to help themselves to fresh pears from several pear trees on the outside of the pen, one goat has what apears to be a pear lodged in her neck for a week now, when i pryed open her mouth i couldnt see it, but she has a definate pear shaped lump on her neck right below her head, so what an i looking at, some kind or weird goat thing ? and if it is a pear, where is it?
is she able to eat and drink ok??? i cant see a goat swallowing a whole pear unless it was pretty small...have you felt the lump to see if it moves...maybe try to get it to slide down or take her to a vet...could be a tumor.

goats climb and eat everything...buddy of mine had the brite idea to stick some in his junk yard to keep weeds down...dang goats were eatin windhsield wipers and trim...interior too if they could get their heads inside.
I know of a guy who fed a bunch of cull sweet potatoes to his cows and one choked on a piece. He could see it in her throat and crushed it between two brick bats. It sounds kind of harsh, but he saved the cow.

We've kept goats for quite a few years, and I'm wondering that if the goat might just have Bottle jaw. it's a slewwing that can be from either the base of the head, almost to it's nose. that's caused by the body's reaction to parasites. if it is something stuck, but it can eat and drink, try some mineral oil. if it can't, you might need a vet.

there is somewhere online a site called "goat 911" different volunteers across the country will be happy to answer your questions about goats. Might want to give them a try.

Anyway, Hope this helps!
It may not be the pear. Goats are pretty good with their eating, and if it is still alive and not weakening, it ain't a stuck pear.

We've had goats which got abcesses in various places, usually the neck area. They sometimes rupture and drain or just go away. We've been told that they are contagious. We've never treated any of them and they never have spread to other goats. Nor have we ever lost any goats to them. In my experience they are rare but not unusual. Without seeing it, or at least a picture, my money is on it being an abcess.

I hadn't thought about bottle jaw, but lacking a pic it could also be that. Depending upon where you got these goats from and how long they've been in that pen, they might have started picking up a heavy load of parasites. Since goats like to eat high and not close to the ground, we've rarely had any parasite problems bad enough to cause bottle jaw, which is the result of parasite induced anemia.

If you can get a picture of it and post it, that would help a lot. Asking someone nearby who has experience to look at them would be a good idea, too. Finally, of course there is the vet.


PS- Goats tend to have a fairly high requirement for minerals and giving them a box of minerals suitable for sheep/goats would be a good idea, too.
I have raised a lot of Goats. My guess is Bottle Jaw or Abcess. If it is a Abcess the center will be soft and eventially rupture and spread the disease to other goats. Bad news!
i should have mentioned the goat eats and drinks normaly, hasnt lost any weight, and is as active as the other 3 in the pen, this is the only goat affected the other 3 appear normal i'll try to get a pic later
You may have a goat with gout :<)

"But seriously, folks", I go along with the abcess crowd. If stuck in windpipe, quick death; if stuck in esophagus, can't eat or drink, and a quick downhill slide.

BTW, "Stupid Goat" is a contradiction in terms. They're a lot of things, but stupid isn't in there.
I have to say our goat is much smarter than our lab. The dog will get wrapped around a tree and sit out there until someone untangles her, the goat will untangle himself.

Also will it hurt a goat if he eats some chinese tallows. Ours will walk on his hind legs and eat the leaves. We have quite a few of them growing. I'm hoping I can get approval to remove them from the wildlife people without the tax people throwing the infamous "improvement to the land" bs. I know they are making our cows suffer bad.

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