Canadian Thistle

Canadian Thistle is about to drive me crazy. Afew years ago I spend lots of time and money using roundup and a hand sprayer to kill it and in some places it worked but in many palces it didn't. Even hitting it three time didn't kill it. It is stunted in the corn but it came back real well in the wheat and when I reseed alfalfa, I know it's gonna be a problem there. What do you guys recommend for getting rid of this stuff.
here is a link on canada thistle control. has some pretty interesting read. i have been spot spraying with roundup to try and keep em back, the deep root structure is the part you need to kill.
thistle control
we used to get rid of it by seeding it to alf., it couldn't take repeated cuttings, haven't had a problem with can. thistle since RR beans came out
Repeated cutting before it sets seed. Rotating out to forage and cutting early should lick it in a couple years.
We used to have pastures over run with the stuff. Cut it off a few times over a couple years and now it's gone.
Scotch thistle is a whole other problem.......

Perennial noxious weeds can have a large, deep root. They can be very difficult to completely kill out.

In the spring energy that has been stored in the root is used for the plant to sprout. During the growing season the leaves/stems feed the root which stores the "energy" to sprout next year.

Some of thees perennial noxious weeds can have huge roots. In Tx, we have what is called bull nettle. Its very hard to kill out. I decided to dig one up and was amazed. The root was 4 inches in diameter and 32 inches long. With roots like that your perennial noxious weeds can take several years to kill out.

If the noxious weed is cut back when the sprout is just a few inches tall, the leaves have not had time to replace the energy the root expended to sprout. By cutting frequently, the root is forced to expend more energy to sprout over and over. If cut frequently enough, the energy stored in the root is used up and the root dies.

The same effect can be achieved by spraying when the noxious weed is just a few inches tall. This kills the food supply to the root and also kills at least part of the root. If the weed sprouts again, spray again.

Either way, these types of weeds are a real pain to eradicate.

Good luck, just be patient and stick with it. You"ll win in the end.
Canada Thistle has a waxy type pf leaf. A surfactant is required with the round up. I have found that liquid dish soap in the sprayer will act as a surfactant and it also leaves a film on the leaf containing the round up.
You would be better using Milestone. Its a broadleaf herbicide so it will not kill the grass next to the thistles. I spray pastures in the spring right before the thistles bolt. Works very well, usually 100% kill. Roundup tends to be weak on Canadians.
Well buickanddeere at least we use out pricks properly and please our women and are'nt a bunch of self satisfying one hand Yankees out to please yourself.
Can't anser your questions but I sure do like are one of the few folks who have stood by us in all these wars and I thank you for it...Charles
Use the herbicide called stinger, I had patches in the corn field and it took care of them and that was 8 years ago.
I quit using Roundup because it killed everything around it and left a bare spot for them to grow back. It did kill some. Stinger I've heard is a good option. However I use strong 2-4-D a couple of times a year, and also if necessary mow it down between the sprayings. Looked last week and had only a small area with 10-12 plants which I mowed and will hit again with 2-4-D later this fall. It has been a slow process but they are about licked. I've seen what happens if you don't get rid of them and it isn't pretty.
(quoted from post at 06:03:19 09/11/09) Can't anser your questions but I sure do like are one of the few folks who have stood by us in all these wars and I thank you for it...Charles

Thank you very much, appreciate it. And I thank all of you Americans for your efforts and support over the years.
Neighbor uses Curtail. It works but has to be re-applied in successive years to be fully effective. Your extension agent should be able to help.

Years ago I used "stinger" Did a great job. Last time I used it was in a hand sprayer that I used to get single ones in the ditch and fence lines. They never came back.
Canada thistle not only spreads by seed but it"s also rhizonimous (spreads by underground rhizomes). If you lack patience and have some bucks, use Milestone on it. Some people around here use HiDep and just spray every year for it. You can also use Weedmaster and Rangestar but it"ll take a few seasons to kill it.(These last three are 2,4,-D based. and Milestone is picloram based.) We got a bunch of thistle from from our irrigation water and I continually fight it. Don"t use Roundup to spot spray pastures or perineal plant stands for thistle . Use Roundup only if you preping a field for small grains and you spray everything "cuz it kills most all grasses as well as the weeds.
Spray this fall with a 2-4-D chemical. New plants come up in the fall and go dormit over winter. (Not sure if I spelled dormit correctlty). That's all we ever used for thistle when I worked at the local fertilizer company. It kills the broad leaf plants but not corn or the grasses. Thistle is actaually an easy plant to kill. I don't think they spread by the roots or other wise you would see the plants in clumps more than just standing alone.

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