Neighbors Barn Burnt

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Neighbors barn burnt this morning. Beautiful 1800's barn barn. Started at 7 AM. When I went by at 11 the fire was out and one wall was standing... Another guy had heifers in the barn. They were in spreading carboard for bedding and they think some hot bedding was exposed that caught the cardboard on fire.
I have never had hot bedding in my bedding pack. Has anyone else?
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Not to the point of that , But I have seen outside piles of frozen manure after digging into the pile smolder as it had heat built up from decomposing.

Bad news!1 Hate to see this happen to anyone.
Too bad about the barn. Ya just can't replace those old giants any more, at least the way they were built back then. All those farms down your way always look so clean and tidy every time I am at that end of the state.
While I have never herd of a bedding pack starting a fire, I guess that the right amount of moisture in organic material, along with the right amount of air could cause combustion.
funny thing is if you dont want somthing to burn it does but try lightin a fire for sumthin and have a he@@ of a time gettin it goin
Too bad. Glad they didn't lose any animals.

The article doesn't say how they were "moving" the cardboard. Perhaps a skidsteer backfired? We had a local barn go up in smoke a few years ago when the exhaust from a skidsteer got too close to some hay. It backfired or whatever, but it started the barn on fire.

I'm purely speculating on the cause of this one. I agree with the other poster who mentions trying to get something to burn, and not being able to. Isn't that the way it goes?
Yeah, guys in our area really take pride in a clean neat place. I was raised here so I am used to it....
Still some Amish putting up traditional bank barns. I can only imagine what they cost.I have a hay customer that just built one. All wood siding and tongue and groove floor.
That is an awful sight, thanfully no one was hurt and they have insurance, hopefully enough, is that the same name or family of the tractor business Wengers in Myerstown ?
Same Myerstown, but a different family. This guy works for farmerboy ag. They build all the big pig barns in the area. He really did have the barn in tip top shape. Fresh paint and all. A new good paint job cost almost 10k in this area.

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