OT: How to weld a gas tank


Well-known Member
Lets see here....

Drunk canadian... Check
Case w. Front end loader... Check
MIG welder... Check
Cold one & camera... Check
They only blow up in hollywood
<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tD4KiQEnxwQ&hl=en&fs=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tD4KiQEnxwQ&hl=en&fs=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>
Not too smart risking your life to an old loader
like that. Take the tank off the vehicle. I have welded several gas tanks on old farm trucks. Empty
all the gas out. Run a flex hose from another
vehicle exhaust into the neck of the tank and let the motor run for at least 5 miutes, it will take all the fumes out. Do NOT try filling tank with water as that will drive fumes to welding area.
It will blow up. I speak from experience.
Yep, he is a dumb A%&, Just waiting to be a darwin award winner. One thing I noticed too is that he fired the tractor up while standing in front of the tire and when he was lifting the car, the tractor rolled forward into him.
You know, one time while repairing a simplicity 4040 gas tank, I emptied it, let er dry down, left the cap off, tossed a strike anywhere match into it, and she flared up, til the oxygen was gone, repeat, did the same, again and again, about 12x, now I knew it could not blow apart, but then again, well, being open and all, but those fumes are a bugger to get out, once done then I did the repair, definitely works to rid the tank of oxygen, replace with inert or non combustible but those kind of repairs are not for everyone, my neighbor used to weld tank trailers inside the compartments, some crazy sh$t he used to do at his shop, nothing to fool with that is for sure !
What's not to like; maybe he'll continue to do such things before he replicates himself..........
Your movie had more saftey violations than I could wrie about. That man is plane stupid. Do noy follow is action, you will not live to be old.
Yeah, lots of safety violations. But he got it done, and he didn't blow himself up. Looks like he welds ok too.
I have seen some dumb rednecks in my day but he takes the cake, If there was really gas in the tank. With a hole that size I question how much gas was in it.

I am sure OSHA would love to pay a visit to that guy.
Hi Lanse! That vid should definitely get the knucklehead award!

Had a guy bring a old truck tire to install one evening. He was missing his left side mustache and eyebrow. Asked him what happened, and he had used gasoline to inflate tire beads for 12 years with no problems.

The used tire was 7 years old, and had been repaired after running down the road "only 6 miles" When he lit the gas, the sidewall blew out and shot a flame at his face.

I told him he was 12 years lucky.............
NOW Lanse, you keep some common sense in play when you're doing your repairs..........how's your eyes!?! Bruce
I used to have a brother that mechaniced like that with a track hoe, chain broke, like I said used to have brother
This guy is definitely brain dead. I welded a gas tank for my brother one time. Before I started, he assured me that the tank was thoroughly cleaned out with hot soapy water. It blew up one me. It went about three feet into the air. Fortunately I wasn't hurt. My brother who was standing a safe distance away when it blew barely survived. Needless to say I no longer repaired my brothers rigs!!!
A local fuel supplier used to have vertical storage tanks, and when one of them would start leaking on the bottom he'd have someone come weld it up. The liquid gas in the bottom of the tank won't explode but I sure wasn't gonna stand there and watch him do it.Jim
A 55 gallon drum will go into the air about 60 ft, and sideways 80 ft when sparked.

Best last words --hey everybody watch this!

Not real impressive, I feel stupid saying I watched the whole thing.
that guy gets huge checks from youtube to do stupid stuff like that. he is an idiot x1000 but he is getting paid to practice his craft of pure stupidity. maybe one day he will get caught and pay the price...but i bet they won't publish that vid....what a numnutz....
I remember a news story about a guy who worked in a salvage yard and attempted to open a 55 gal drum of magnesium flakes with a torch. A forest ranger in a fire tower 20 miles away reported what appeared to be a small nuclear explosion. The guy with the torch was found on the opposite side of a twelve foot high security fence without a scratch or a burn but he had no recollection of what happened including how he got on the other side of the fence.
All you guys can do is nit pic and criticize. Not a one of you commented on how much effort he put into keeping his work area clear of tools.

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