Cargocult/ question

Every year for quite a few years i have turned the tv and Radio off for a few weeks. It really is refreshing. Now i got my wife involved, we watch movies that friends give to us and such.
My question is the way you type. Very unique!! Do you do alot of Texting or what? Where ya at and i noticed the tiki torches stacked in the pic. I'll try to get a copy of the book.
Just curious!!

My question is the way you type. Very unique!! Do you do alot of Texting or what? Where ya at and i noticed the tiki torches stacked in the pic. I'll try to get a copy of the book.

Yep, I do TXT a lot! Th@ Pic was taken @ my leased coconut/banana place on the Island Of Mindanao, RP! (PI) The "Tiki Torches" is just my N8ive Hammock. I was RELAXING!! ;-) All kidding aside, about 7 or 8 years ago, I saw wh@ was gonna happen & started searching 4 a place 2 go when this country got 2 bad 4 me 2 live in. I searched the Internet & finally boiled it down to about 6 countries. The PI was my choice, since I had been there several times when I was in the NAVY (Nam)! I been there more times than I can count, both in the Navy & as a civilian. Probably will die there, since I feel more @ home there than here. This is A BAD THING 4 A Veteran 2 say, but WTH, AADTICDAI! (Ain't A D** Thing I Can Do About It) In the PI, life is gud, the females are sorta like they were here in the 50's, the MAN is #1! (Wimmin's Lib ain't got a real foothold over there!) Neither has PETA & Other a55holes! Fireworks are gud & better ones than we can get here. Cockfighting is LEGAL & is the National Sport! Food is Cheap (mostly). Cars are also cheap, unless u want a brand new one! Gas is about the same as here, but it is sold by the liter, so a comparison is hard 2 do. Folks is really friendly & unless u really f*ck up, they don't hassle u. I am a COUNTRY BOY, H8 cities, so leased a nice place up in the hills with a gr8 view,can see all the way 2 White Island & it is up above all the pollution & is 10 degrees cooler than down the hill. There is a EXTREMELY ROCKY JEEP Proving-Ground 2 traverse 2 get there, which keeps out the rifraff & low-riders, hawhaw! Looking 4 a more permanent place, but have a 10-year lease on this one, so I have time 2 look! Got me a MAID & Caretaker 4 the place, so it is not deserted. Servants are extremely cheap there. for less than $2.50/DAY, (not per hour, per day!) it is possible 2 hire a guy 2 swing a machete all day! Skilled labour is higher, of course, but stil several degrees of magnitude cheaper than here! Got me a N8ive Jeep (Stainless Steel Body/Jap Motor) & A Classic Chevrolet Pick-Em-Up truck from the L8 60's /Early 70's exact build d8 unknown. Was "assembled in Manila" according 2 the placard on the drivers side Kick Panel! Hopefully, when the Ball Drops, I will observe the Whole Thing On Line & will be able 2 survive on coconuts & bananas & trade the excess 4 wh@ I don' raise! I's back home in Virginia Now, 2 sort out some stuffs & cut the grass & buy stuffs th@ is unavailable there. "I Shall Return" B4 the Snow Flies, probably L8 September or Early October, asuming the Planes are StillFlying, hehehe!! My lady is also there w8ing impatiently 4 me 2 return. ;-) Hit the Link 4 a place 2 order this book. I always get the el-cheapo used ones, but if u wanna waste $$ there is a new one available as well. CC

Poke Here
This Is My Chevrolet Truck in front of My Favourite BakeShop!!

Well, I tried a post with several pix in it, but was unsuccessful! If U really are interested, I have posted my album site. N-joy!! CC.

My Online Pix
Hey thanks,
I'm checking your pics out appreciate it. I love the internet you meet so many interesting people.

Well, according 2 the registr8ion, it is a 1984! But I think th@ is wrong! The Grille was a 72,according 2 folks on another forum. But, like I said, it was ASSEMBLED IN MANILA, so it could be made outta left-over parts, etcetc. Only reason it survived as long as it did, was it was PARKED 4 many years. It fell into the hands of a car freak, who did many modific8ions 2 it, like headers, power steering, AC (which does not woik, which is OK with me!) 3rd Brake light, disc brakes on the front & a VW carb (2 save gas). But, alas, it "Burned 2 Much Fuel" so was parked sorta indoors. I did several other modific8ions & replaced all the sh1t th@ usually goes wrong with a vehicle th@ has s@ 2 long! Brakes, water pump, etcetc. & I finally got a Genuine GM carb, which really makes a difference! I really love th@ truck & miss it! (But I have vehicles here as well.) CC
Looks like life is good;do you have a website or is there another place you post? Sounds like the kind of retirement we all deserve.

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