OT social security card

pat sublett

Well-known Member
I got a notice from my electric provider that I would have to send them a copy of my social security card. This week I got a notice from my natural gas provider that I needed to send them a copy of my social security card. I told the rep at the electric company that I am 75 years old and lost my social security card when I was 18 yrs old. I was drafted in the army, have had several jobs and have received a SS check for 10 years without a SS card. (naturally I know my SS number)She told me I could go to SS web site and request a new card. I told her I wasn’t going to. I have had uninterrupted service and always paid my bill on time for 40 years. I ask the electric rep why they needed my SS#. She informed me that it wasn"t them but the Federal Government. She said it had to do with the new Credit Card law. I always pay my bill with a check. What does it have to do with a credit card law. The telephone company has not ask for my SS#. I may be wrong but I would bet it is actually preparation to keep up with my carbon consumption. What do you think? If these energy companies don"t have your SS# on file get ready.
I think I won"t last long with this "In your face" government
Personally I believe we are headed to be the next Soviet Union if we are not close to being there allready.
We as the people of the United States of America need to take back our country that our founding fathers started.
I know I'm hurting very bad at this time and to be honest with everyone, I'm scared to death of what the future holds. There is going to be some form of new American Revolution or civil war of some kind.
If you read the back of your card (if you get one) it tells you that your social security card is to be used only by the Social Security Administration. All other uses for the number are prohibited (at least that's what it says on the one I got back in 1980).
OH YEAH, we need to take this country back from government officials that don't know what they are doing, don't care about the people who they represent and go to Washington to "feather THEIR NESTS very nicely" while letting the rest of us rot. Sad to say but I do believe that if things don't change, there will be another "revolution"!
As far as giving my social security number to power companies, etc, "it ain't gonna happen"!
As per law you do not and should not have to give them that info that number is to be used for one thing and one thing only. Even states that used it for leinse numbers have been made to stop doing that and use a different number
George Orwell published a book entitled "Animal Farm" back about 1946 or so. It must be what our new gov-mint is using for their operations manual.
One thing is certain: It is not a federal law that you have to send your utility company a copy of your social security card. If it was, everybody in the country would be getting letters from their utilities, and that hasn't happened yet. At least not to me.

Now any business can request that you provide them with an SSN or Employer ID number. And if you refuse, they have the option to refuse to do business with you, or (in the case of tax matters) report you to the authorities. But I'm sure you had to supply them with your SSN to get utility service in the first place.

Here is what I would do. I would send them a courteous but firm reply telling them that you cannot comply with their request until they provide you with the following information:

1. Why do they need a copy of your card and what do they intend to do with it? If it is required by state or federal law, then they are to provide you with the specific statute that makes this requirement.

2. What are the consequences to you if you refuse to provide the copy? (Somehow I don't think they're allowed to cut off your power and gas for not providing them with a copy of your SS card.)

You might add that if you are not satisfied with their response you will report the matter to your state's attorney general. My guess is they will not respond.

Now I have to wonder what is really behind this. I have come up with two theories:

My first theory is that they are collecting and selling your personal information, and the copy of your Social Security card somehow makes that information more valuable.

My second, and more probable, theory is this: The Real ID act forces states to require proof of residence to issue driver's licenses. One acceptable form of proof is a utility bill. States, in turn, are requiring utilities to validate the authenticity of these bills, something the utility companies are loathe to do because they're expected to do it for free. Complaining to the state and federal authorities isn't going to get them anywhere. But if the stir up a few hundred thousand customers, they might get the state to back down. Hence their insistence that this is a "federal law". What they really expect is that most customers will refuse to provide their cards, they will then go to the state and say "we can't provide the information you want because we can't prove these people are who they claim to be."
5 mg of valium I consider would be sufficient to relax you.
Do you remember, years ago, commies under the bed was the scare, have you had a peek lately.
If you get discounts for seniors from the el coy then you will possibly have to quote the number,as far as sending the card, that's a no no. Identity theft is prevalent, don't make it easy,protect what is yours.
Until you become a citizen of this country, where this is being enacted, I would appreciate keeping your smart aleck comments to your self. Those of us who were born and raised here are afraid of the totalitarian programs coming.

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