Fer Pete's Sake,,,,

Didn't get that far. My GF's relations from N. Carolina came up a few days early for her family reunion. We were hiding up in the north woods of Wi. since Sunday. We migrated to Madison for the Red Power show, yesterday. Should be heading home on Sunday. It's the first project on the do board, when I get home. Rotten machine!!;^) Will you be makin' it to the show? - Mike
saw a show on the food channel a while back, seems like spam is a big delacasy (spelling?) in hawaii. they make all kinds of different dishes from it. i guess its all the rave!!!!!
I bet a lot more people eat Spam than will admit it. Dixie sometimes adds it to her meat loaf. She keeps a coupla cans around but does not fix it often. I loved it as a kid fried with maters and onions is samitch.
why is it if i eat a mcdonalds burger i get indegestion and feel sick,, if i cook one at home and eat it i feel fine???
Not a bad little spot in the woods. They got this problem up there called tourists. Seems there is a tourist season, but I couldn't find any licenses for them! ;^) The lady who sold me my fishing license had a hardy laugh about that one. She said the licenses were for locals only. I shouldn't talk, though, I'm doing my best, here in Madison, to drive like a tourist. I liked the American Inn we stayed at, up nort. Good clean place with an awsome continental breakfast. I wouldn't have given it such a great rating if it weren't for the make your own waffle bar. Good stuff! - Mike
So, you are teaching teachers? A-ha! I knew they got their knowledge from somewhere. My teachers always told me they were born that smart! :^D If my camera permits, I'll try to get a few pics posted during the show. Can't have ya miss it completely. - Mike
Lucas, you're not the only one. If I'm in town at noon I wait until I get home to eat instead of eating fast food. Jim
Ain't no shame in eaing processed pork shoulder. I never knew why people would turn down spam. Souse, blutwurst, those I can see people turning their nose up at, or running away from. I can't get enough of the stuff. Especially home made! I agree with the samitches. Gotta have a little butter on the spam side, though. - Mike
When I was a kid and that's a long time ago, Guy said they went hiking, took some Spam with them. Got lost and just turned the spam around and found the way home.
Spam & eggs, spam omelet, baked spam, spam & rice, spam with saimin, spam sushi, etc. Mmmmmmmm! LOL.

Spam (the meat) is considered "uncool" , Monty Python nonwithstanding, but that said, a lot more people eat it than admit to it. After all, they have been making it for over 70 years. I learned to like it at Boy Scout campouts as a kid, and it is still one of my faves. As for Mickey-D's, everything there comes from the same chemical plant in New Jersey-the bread, the meat, the shakes, the fries, the knife, fork, napkin, tables, parking lot paving, etc., just processed differently to make the right color and texture for whatever it is.

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