In need of prayers

I need to ask for yall's prayers if I could. I'm tired, I'm wore out, I'm sick of being the one that noone calls on unless they need something, I'm tired of being taken for granted. What do you have to do to be in with the crowd so to speak. I wish most of the time that I had never been born and thats kinda how I feel today. Life to me really doesn't have much meaning, I hope this feeling passes and I have posted about this earlier but its hitting me again today kinda hard so I just needed to vent some and hopefully with that and some of yall's prayers out there, maybe I'll start to like life again? Thanks in advance
Gary get showered up, dress up, go out for dinner,call a friend to go with you but break the monotony of being alone...get out of the house and do something for new shoes, book a trip, call an old classmate but don't sit alone and despair, thats not good for anyone. I'm pulling for you as an internet friend and you have way more that you think!
Gary, First off, dont worry about being in the "in" crowd. They are not all that special.

Kinda been in your shape after my dad died, then a big fight with my brother and guess who mom sided with. Haven't talked to him in 4 years.

That being said, I know I have faults, so take my advise for what it's worth.

Do you attend church? Well if not, start. You meet lots of like minded folks there.

Too much baggage at the old church? Go to a different one. They will be glad to have you.

Become active in church events, best way to meet friends.

Go see a Medical Dr. Tell him 100% how you feel.
There are drugs out there that work, make the depression go away, and you can take them for 6 months and stop them. Not addictive.

Are you involved in your local tractor club, or other clubs?

Take time to look around you. Look for the good things. Things that would not be there, except for you.

Think of the people you have influenced. How would they be different had you not been there.

It's all a mind thing buddy.

And besides, you got us right?

Take care.


I've been down to this point also with work and personel life.

You said you were a single parent with a older child and a young baby. Are you close to your parents or other relatives. If so, can they help you taking care of the children?

Take some time out for yourself. If you can take some vacation or sick day from work, do so.

If you are a farmer and have animals, you will have to make sure the animals are okay with feed and water.

If you are the goto guy that everybody runs to when they have a problem, you will have to either tell them how to fix the thier problem themselves and try to get out of fixing thier problem by yourself.

Hang in there. We're all thinking of you.

Where do you live in Texas? I lived near Austin for close to 3 years, and there are some wonderful churches there. Most of all, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you can have a personal relationship with him. Your life will turn around faster than you think.
Gary, when Ya' find a pal to go to dinner with...tell him this joke; Old cowboy sittin' in a seedy Larado saloon staren' at a bowl of chili. Young cowboy comes in and sits down next to him. Obviously broke, the young cowboy counts out the change needed for a shorty beer. He notices the old cowboy sitting there, and after about ten minutes says ," hey ole' pardner, you gonna eat that bowl of chili" "Don't belive so" says the old cowboy. "mind if I eat it?" "help yerself", he says, and shoves the bowl over his way.
The young man digs into that chili like he ain't had a meal in a week, 'til he gets near the bottom bottom of the bowl. His cheeks bulgin with chili, the young cowboy makes a face and pulls something out of his mouth...a half rotten mouse corpse...and immeadeatly upchucks all he ate right back into the bowl! Old cowboy looks over at him and says "that's about all the further I got with it too!"
We're all trying to cheer ya up!!
I can relate to that feeling, I have been there. Indeed I was there only this winter, and in those midwinter months I found myself wanting something--anything--to change. It seemed so dreadful, boring, and there just didn't seem to be any point to it.
It was after about 3 weeks of that that I happened on the TBN channel on the cable box. I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior and got back into reading the Bible, and started to realize there's a lot of stuff in there that I'd never seen before and it actually seemed meaningful to me. I discovered that after saying a short prayer I became a child of God and that I don't have to wait for the end of this life, but that we can live days of heaven right here on this earth. God the Father sends his Holy Spirit as a Comforter, He takes away you worries, He gives you a peace that passes all understanding. If you are worried about the economy, know that God has an economic plan that will prosper you even in the middle of hard times. If you have sickness or disease, know that God can and still does heal people miraculously. Know that God loves you very much and is eagerly waiting to accept you into His family. And He wants to gives you an inheritance in His kingdom, not just after you die, but right here and now on this planet!
All it takes is a short prayer that you say. Soon after you say it, though, you will notice that you desire to live, not desire to die. "I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and that Jesus died for my sins. Jesus, come into my heart. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I know that I am now reborn a child of the Almighty God." Then just thank God for accepting you into his kingdom!
When I took that step I called a number on my tv and then got some free books in the mail to get started on my walk with the Lord. My email is open, contact me and I'll get you in touch with the people that sent me the books. Or if you want more specific prayer, I will do that too!
I call on Jesus to give you comfort.
Many thanks to all for all the kind words. I apppreciate it very much. I hope I get to feeling better. Feel pretty worthless right now.
I know things will turn around, I just hope soon.
Hey Don,
Thanks, I don't have any kids, I don't have any brothers or sisters, my mom passed away in 95 and my dad is in a nursing home. I only have about maybe 3 cousins that will even talk to me.
I have an uncle and aunt and cousins that live down the road from me that from what I can tell don't care if I live or die and I've never done anything to em.
Same way with just about everyone else I know, they only come around when they want something, I guess I'm just not good enough or something?
Its really been hitting me this week thinking about all of this and quite a few payments that have to be made this month and needing more work to take care of them. Am selling some cows off to help out and the John Deere 50 I wanted to keep. My sell a cab tractor and the self proppelled swather as well. I know being out from under some debt would be a big load off, selling the cab tractor and swather could eleminate probably 4 notes, maybe 5. I think really most of all I'm just tired of living on the edge of being even all the time. I should really be one of the happiest people on the face of the earth. Just really too many people wanting to get their hooks into me.
Gary I went through a divorce in 1984 and lost everything. Turned to drinking and hanging with the wrong crowd. Never had anything, didn't care if I worked or not. Found Jesus Christ while sitting on a stump in the middle of the woods by myself. Turned my life around, quit the "in crowd", quit drinking and smoking. Been self employed for over 10 years doing heat and air conditioning and never failed to have work. Still don,t have a lot but I am a lot happier now. Things will get better. DH
Been there myself. Still get called only when some one needs something but the way I look at it they see me as a dependable guy. Hang in there. Will say a good word for you and hope the best. Take care of yourself.

I went trough a bad spell about 6 years ago, but I can say that if any one had told me 5 years ago that I would ever be as happy and well off as I am today I would have laughed in their face. If there was hope for me, most any one can turn it around.

Hang in there. Just like Peter did in the Good Book, keep your eyes on Jesus, and you will stay on top. It will get better. And like my old Grandaddy used to say, Don't make any big decisions at night.
Gary, Hang in there. I have had major depression for 20 years. Belive me, I understand how you feel. I have been in a syc. ward 3 times. All the other replys about cover any thing I could tell you, but I wanted to let you know I am praying for you.

Dennis in IL
I have experienced those feelings; sometimes still do. A couple of memories of my mother often help me.

(1) When I was feeling this way as a child, she got me a pencil and a piece of paper with two columns; told me to list my blessings in one column and my troubles in the other. I soon gave up because my blessings were so many and great that they made my troubles seem so small by comparison.

(2) Another time, she advised me this way: "When you are downhearted and feeling; Oh, So Blue, just make somebody happy, and you'll be happy, too!"

Reminding myself of David's experiences in 1st Samuel Chapter 30 of the Bible helps me also. Especially the last part of verse 6.

"A friend in (a time of) need is a friend indeed." By helping people, whether or not they seem capable of reciprocating or showing gratitude, you're sowing seeds of kindness that are multiplying in the lives you touch. Some of those lives are already bearing the same kind of fruit, with the inevitable result that they are now sowing those good seeds into the lives of yet others.

We are sending our love, prayers and well-wishes in your behalf.
If everybody needs ya, you are a valua ble guy. Just don't give yourself away unless it is to someone who really needs help. Others ask them what are they going to do for you and make them face up to it. Nothing, then no deal. Cast not your pearls before swine. Get that Bible open, there's more. Jesus died on the cross, but only because it had to be done. Learn to say NO. Dave

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