O/T garden problems


Well-known Member
I started planting seeds a few weeks ago in my garden. Some have come up but most have not. Never had this type of problem before so I'm trying to figure out what is happening. This is new seed and it just seems like nothing is wanting to grow or maybe the seeds are rotting because it has been a wet spring. Any body else having problems like this this year
Hobby farm
I noticed this last year and thought it was just me! THIS year I have had better luck using hardware store seeds@ $.59 pack (80% germ rate)than Burpee seeds (only 1/2 or less came up, and less than 50% came up)Might be I'm using less potting soil and concocting my own from sand, peat, and rotted compost. Undependable weather isn't helping either.
I noticed this last year and thought it was just me! THIS year I have had better luck using hardware store seeds@ $.59 pack (80% germ rate)than Burpee seeds (only 1/2 or less came up, and less than 50% came up)Might be I'm using less potting soil and concocting my own from sand, peat, and rotted compost. Undependable weather isn't helping either.
Had alot of the same problem a few years ago. Seems like everything i used to do to start seeds no longer worked. Dont know what was happening so i just switched to buying plants from my local farmstand and greenhouse. Alot less work!
It may be too wet causing the seeds to rot. They need warm sunshine and warm nights. It was 38 degrees here on Wednesday morning. Hal
Also depends on what you are planting. We had corn rot in the ground last year, something we've never really had a problem with before, but our peas (which were earlier) came up just fine. The corn, after replanting did come up but the stocks were all 5 foot or less. The had decent ears, but the stocks sure did look funny.

So years are just odd.

Too cool and too wet here. Not enough sun to provide warmth, and the plant never make it past the shell before it rots.
oddly enough i started a new place this year,planted cantalope watermelons and cucumbers,i think every seed of those cukes and cantalope came up,but not one watermelon. old neighbor that grew them for years said its been too cool .
We got the same thing in our garden here in Illinois just East of St. Louis. Planted seet corn twice and still isn't up after 5 days. It's been cool and wet here. I believe corn needs 5-7 growing degree days to germinate. That means if I remember right that the ground temp needs to be around 55 degrees for 5-7 days and not drop below even during the night for the seeds to germinate.
My corn in Nashville, TN planted last week in March too almost 4 weeks to get up. It was after 3 weeks before I saw any evidence. I think I have killed corn in past years by putting fertilizer in the rows so I quit doing that.
I have had 4 year old seed come up with at least 50% germination. Someone already mentioned the degree day thing and we had a cool Apr-May here in Midwest.
On the sweet corn, modern Se won't germinate below a 60 degree soil temperature. Sh2 won't germinate well at any temp. but below 65 degrees you're just throwing expensive seed away. Here's my early patch of Inredible (Se) planted April 17:

<a href="http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x105/StepheninSOKY/?action=view¤t=earlygardenPeaches004.jpg" target="_blank">
earlygardenPeaches004.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

And my late patch planted April 27:

<a href="http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x105/StepheninSOKY/?action=view¤t=earlygardenPeaches005.jpg" target="_blank">
earlygardenPeaches005.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Both photos were taken this morning after I cutivated it with my AC G yesterday.
Sweet corn is tassling out at 7' tall, looks great, taters and maters about drowned, string beans did drown, everything else looks good. Eating taters, maters, onions, and cabbage now, it'll be a few weeks on peas, okra, and peppers.
Sweet corn is tassling out at 7' tall, looks great, taters and maters about drowned, string beans did drown, everything else looks good. Eating taters, maters, onions, and cabbage now, it'll be a few weeks on peas, okra, and peppers.
I soaked my sweet corn seed in liquid fertilzer for about 20 minutes, then I would plant it. I would pour more liquid fertilizer in with the seed once I had it planted then I would cover it.
Once it was it was up good I would sidedress it with granulated fertilizer. Hal
I use Miracle Gro potting soil for growing plants. I bought a pallet full of broken bags from Home Depot. Here's a few pepper plants that I grew from seed. I also grew about 30 tomato plants too and have about 6 varieties.
I am have'n the same luck. I only had one out of 15 potatos come up the first time (just got replanted yesterday, we will see how they work out). I also had green beans come up about 10%, most all of them rotted before they sprouted. Best bright spot I have is about a month ago when it dried out enough to break the garden it was looking like rain again. We had neighbors mudd'n in corn, my grandmother looks at me and ask it I figured we could run the tiller enough to get some sweet corn plnated. We planted 3 rows 50' long same day we broke the garden and planted it REAL thick. I think it came up about 25%, which worked out great. It is about 8" tall and looks good. My corn field has about 6" of water standing on it but atleast I will have some early sweet corn.

Had the same thing happen.Not very good growing weather,but I think some of the seeds arent any good.Some that I got last year never came up either.
I slipped 1900 row feet of potatoes in beetween the rains on April 24 which was a few days later than I wanted. I've been afraid they'd rot, but as of yesterday I had better than 90% up. As a matter of fact I'll need to hill again in about a week.

<a href="http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x105/StepheninSOKY/?action=view¤t=PotaoGmodel006.jpg" target="_blank">
PotaoGmodel006.jpg" border="0" alt="Hiller discs in tater patch

Just got 150 tomato slips and most of the house garden planted yesterday:

<a href="http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x105/StepheninSOKY/?action=view¤t=earlygardenPeaches001.jpg" target="_blank">
earlygardenPeaches001.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
Had problems with cucumbers germinating this year on first planting.Think maybe crickets?Used an insecticide for the second planting and nearly a perfect stand.
Could also B possible you are planting 2 deep,,, BTDT,,, plant the seed 2 times the thickness of the seed are cover just enuff you can not see it

If shade is a problem don't cover the seed up just let it lay on top of loose dirt, a hard rain will cover it for ya

I try and plant the first of May,,, drove by a neighbors house today and she has her garden tilled and ready to plant,,, bet she catches me

I had rather have it 2 dry early than 2 wet,, wet and cold is not good,,, I have irrigation but have learned to not turn it on 2 early,,, let nature do its thang

My beans,corn, tomatoes and okra have done well,,, the watermelons, cantaloupes, squash and cucumbers have not,,, been to wet I guess
Ohh. Early corn and garden stuff are just coming up here in KY.
Still a bit of a risk of a late frost.
Haven't had that problem yet this year. Will not plant our garden for another week or two. Last year we froze out around the 10th of June.
Should probably have the root crops in the ground now though.
Planted taters,peas,onions,and beets a month ago.Taters are half knee high,Peas are 6-7 inches high,Onion slips are growing real nice.Beets look real good,but only 75-80% germ on those and I planted pretty thick so I could thin later.Sweet corn is 4-5 inches tall.Broccoli and eggplants are real green.Maters are about 10 inches high or so.Blackberries,fruit trees,and grape vines all looking real good.Here in a few weeks I;ll have a batch of New Taters and Peas in the pot with any luck.I've got one of the prettiest gardens ever so far.Im in west central Missouri,just 60 miles NE of KC,Mo
put the first Sh2 in a week ago last Wednesday... Just beginning to spike on the high ground yesterday... Put the 2nd planting in last night.

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