OT Don't feed the bears

As a person that lives in bear country I can see we have a problem on this board. When you first see them in your yard you may think "cool maybe I will just give him a little treat now and then so I can take a few pictures and enjoy him " but soon he is ripping up your bird feeders, srounging thru your garbage, may even get so bold as to break into your house and steal your bacon. Well now you have a real problem, he's only doing whats comes natural to him and you don't really want any harm to come to him so you call the authorities to relocate him, they do and he's gone, for a while, then he comes back, now he is more hungry and angry, maybe chews up a calf or your pet dog, may even go after the wife and yes even your children. It's still not his fault as he doesn't know any better. Moral of the story, DONT FEED THE BEARS!!!
I agree with you CJ. I never understand why people just can't ignore a problem person instead of thinking they can out argue them. If everyone just IGNORED the guy, he would go away. But NO, people just HAVE to try to tell the guy off, with a computer no less, and just keeps the guy coming back for more. Don't you people understand, he LOVES the ATTENTION. IGNORE HIM!!!
I think shunning has been the best idea put forth so far

I choose not to reply to him, because he hasn't shown any hope of rational thought.
Back in the ealy 90's there was a retired gentleman who live near Orr,MN. and he fed the bears daily. he would go to the local stores, bakeries, ect. and get any expired food that they would give him. It got so bad that he had to put bars on his doors and windows, and you din't go outside after dark. I was there one day at feeding time and a bear took a pack of cigarettes right out of my hand. Was a good incentive to quit smoking
The problem is that once one of us gets upset by some rants, it starts all over again.

Sort of like the tempting of the apple by the serpent!
Hello JIFAN,

Welcome to the Tractor Talk forum.

From your posts on May 9th and May 10th, it appears you are a new guest on the Tractor Talk forum.

You might want to formally introduce yourself and let every one know what type of tractors, implements, or what your other interests may be.

This is a good place to learn what you need and share what you know.

What you will find on this forum is a wealth of experience and tractor knowledge.

Some of us are even outstanding in our field.

<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/Haymaking%202007/?action=view¤t=IMG_1219.jpg" target="_blank">
IMG_1219.jpg" width="520" height="420" border="0" alt="James Howell - Outstanding in His Field

The statement you made above under the alias [b:654c4848f0]Oddjob[/b:654c4848f0] is the type of post/reply many of the forum guests are trying to avoid.

I have no doubt that you are referring to Nancy and I as [b:654c4848f0]"a couple of dopes from Texas"[/b:654c4848f0].Since we are an inseperable couple and reside in Texas, that part wasn't hard for me to understand.

I did go out to the web an research the word [b:654c4848f0]dope[/b:654c4848f0] to get a clearer definition.

This was the result of my search and I personally want to thank you for the compliment.

<big>dope A word that describes something that is extremely cool, such as music, clothes, people, etc.
hey james, ya are quite handsome there outstanding in yer field!!!! not sure but i think ya got a tick crawlin up my yer left shoulder!!!
Cool clothes, cool music, and cool people.

Reminds me of a song - what was it, sounds like, oh yeah, now I remember.


Enjoyed the photo of you bottle feeding the calf.

Brings back a lot of good memories; thanks I'm smiling big right now.
Barbara Mandrell I Was Country When Country Wasn t Cool
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I wondered if it was because Oddjoe doesn't realize people tend to be more genteel in Texas.

We don't have near the problem with "bears" that other parts of the country seem to and aren't as used to dealing with them.

That's probably where he's from...

Thanks, she is doing great, young heifer had her and was not milking good, seems much better after a week, she always has a belly full and thinks she is queen of the pasture.
If memory serves me right, you live in or about the Panhandle area.

Lots of good history and geographical diversity here in Texas.

For all our forum buddies that may not know, we get our state name from the word <a href="http://www.tejasindians.info/Atimeline.html"> tejas</a> meaning eternal friend.
I just cant understand it.I think from my readings of and about them and their great pictures,they are about the nicest people on this forum.Of course Im talking of James and Nancy. Hoss

Hi James & Nancy -

Yep - your memory is right on...

If you are ever up here in the Panhandle north of Amarillo, send me an email and we'll go get a coke and talk over tractors out at the farm!

I also work at a school & dabble with old tractors in my spare time.


i argee with you we live in bear country and mutiple bears are a every nite occurance in the town 10 miles up the valley from me, tourists throw out food so they can get a picture of the "cute thing" eating then when they leave the 'cute thing' who has become acustom to having free lunch at the rental cabin cant figure out why his meal is no longer provided for him so as he's already here he just does what comes naturaly he gets it himself, just because what he wants in in your home that doesnt provide more than a few minutes of work to gain entrance usually in the most expensive manner possible, ive personally seen a house where the owner had installed a nice set of steel bars accross his doors to prevent 2 legged varmits from breaking in, the bear just removed the door bars and door jam too, then had himself a ball in the house, it looked like a garbage truck had backed up into the house and unloaded
Thank you for the compliment.

Nancy and I enjoy visiting several of the forums on YT.

We also like to share our stories, photos, and videos with the YT family.

The photos and videos posted on the Tractor Talk forum have allowed me to see other parts of the country that we may never get to visit.

Once again I sincerely thank you for the compliment.
What a lot of folks don't realize is that their IP address remains the same no matter what alias they may use.

The IP address is the web's equivalent of caller ID on a phone.

With a small amount of research out on the web, an IP address can provide a lot of information.

An alias or "handle" on any forum is a good feature and offers privacy/protection for the forum guest.

I'm not very original and decided to use my real name; so did Nancy.

I would never consider using another name or alias to make an impolite statement about a man or his wife on the YT site.

If I have something to say to a person, they need to know the source and exactly who it comes from.

Since no email was left by JIFAN on any of his previous posts, there was no way to contact him privately one-on-one and discuss whatever issues he may have with either me or Nancy.

Probably a good fellow to know outside of this forum, just needs to be reminded to be polite to folks he does not know.

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