O/T Electric is cheap


After using my diesel tractor to power the generator and running a small gas generator at my Moms house for the last four days, electric is cheap. Cost me alot to buy diesel and gas just for 4 days. I bet I spent more on diesel fuel than what last months electric bill was.
That was a eye opener for me.
I guess that is the price I pay for convenience.
Friend found it took 10 gallons to run a small generator for 24 hours.I pointed out that you dont have to run emergency generators full time.Run just long enough to keep freezers and refridgerators cold, pump water and heat the house enough to keep pipe from freezing.If gasoline was still 25 cents per gallon you could run full time.Some small diesel powered generators could produce 4000 watts with a pint of fuel per hour,These are low speed water cooled engines.
your right.. and i fugure paying more for a fuel efficient honda type generator will make up the extra cost pretty quick if you use the thing.. lucas
And folks gripe about the "big, rich electric companies". Wait till the cap and trade kicks in. Your electric bill will increase dramatically.
Electric is VERY CHEAP! I once kept a home running 24/7 for a year useing generators. Lots of gas, many oil changes, and 6 generators later, it cost me over $10,000.00 for electric that year(the noise was free). All due to a "right of way" dispute which lingered on. Once hooked up to the power company electric, it was like tossing them peanuts every time the electric bill came. After that experience, nobody wanted to complain about there electric bill to me.
Yeah, alot of people don"t even know what Cap+Trade is. They think cap+trade is some kind of wall street plan. By the time they figure out what it"s about, it"s going to be too late. All it really is, is a giagantic government money raker based on the scam know as "ManMadeGlobalWarming".
I'd plumb my heated floors into the generator heat exchanger if I had a water cooled one! May as well use every drop of fuel.
Cap and trade is liked by the electric companies.
It keeps them from having to clean up their emissions as much.
I'm surprised by the number of people who have no clue what Carbon Credits are. I had to point out the Green Credits on their Sun Chips and explain how bogus they are. I have also noted that there are more people/comapnies claiming to use wind generated power than I think there are megawatts of Wind power generated.
Technically, if their hooked up to a power grid that has 1 wind generator installed, their using wind generated power. Even if that same grid has 5 coal powered plants hooked up as well.

I live in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, and we have our own hydro powered generators, so the power I'm using is water generated. The utility company sells the extra power they make to the larger company that services the rest of the area, so the rest of the area can also say they use water generated power, even though that's a very small part of it.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Cap and trade isn't a Wall Street plan? What part of the word "trade" is so difficult to understand? Have you forgotten Ken Lay and Enron? "Cap and trade" is another artificial way to generate extra money for lots of people.
Well, You are obviously one of the people who does'nt know what Cap+Trade is. Cap+Trade is based on the buying and selling of "Carbon Credits". That, being based on smoke stack emmissions. Sure some companies are going to make out selling the so-called carbon credits, but it's going to be you and me getting the shaft paying more for electricity, gasoline and practically everything else that in some way puts stuff into the atmosphere. This is a economy killer that the idiots, not all but too many, in Wash. can't wait to jam us with. All they see is $$$$.
Figured that out first time I had to run a generator for a few hours while power was down! Have little choice. Animals expect to be watered, house has to be kept warm, refrigerated goods cold or frozen. Home generated electricity isn"t cheap, but better than the alternative.
One word of caution, the newer refrigerators and freezers have to run much longer than the old ones to stay cool. Older ones had big enough compressors to recover and cool down in a short time. Newer ones have much smaller compressors, but have to run 3 or 4 times as longas old units to cool down.

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